Search results

  1. S

    Hungry Jack Pancake Mold

    Just got mine yesterday. Can't wait to try it out :)
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    getting free stuff?

    I've signed up for quite a few things over the past few months and have started recieving stuff recently. I got a pair of work gloves, a coffee mug, a set of Maker's Mark tumblers and stir sticks (just came in yesterday), and and started getting my FHM mags (which started pretty quick after I...
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    [DEAD] free salad bowl

    I don't know but it looks more like they'll send you a notice when the bowl is available in Spring 2006 rather than send you a free bowl, but I'll give it a shot. :)
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    5 Free Screws

    Are those anything like the Arthur's Head screws? :)
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    Free T-Shirt AND either license plate covers OR cd case

    It's about time I got something free from NewEgg after the thousands of dollars spent there and all my friends I've referred to them.
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    CompUSA DVD-Rs

    100 pack of CompUSA 4x DVD-Rs are on sale for $24.99 (reg. $69.99). If you are in the vicinity of Charlotte, NC. Hit the South Blvd store. They're ringing up for $4.99 each if they haven't caught onto the mistake yet. I snagged a few while I was in there on Sunday. :)
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    How can I achieve this?

    You'd need a long shutter speed, like 2 or 3 secs or longer ever to get that effect but you'd need to compensate for the amount of light coming in by adjusting the aperture the opposite direction.
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    BF2 "Commander"

    I couldn't stop laughing when in a game I was in recently, I saw that the guy who I kept dogfighting with the whole game turned out to be the Commander. How the hell does he command from the cockpit of a jet? :)
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    BF2 Weapon of choice?

    I thought I saw where the Medic's zapper paddles could kill someone, is that true?
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    BF2 Weapon of choice?

    I'm digging the M16 on Single shot for long distance or 3 round burst for close up. I used to love playing engineers but I hate the shotgun :(.
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    Post your BF2 Tactics - The cheap, the cool, and crazy!

    I was playing Commander yesterday and I was moving into cap a base. I pulled up the satellite overhead view and saw 2 guys running around in the base and kept watching as they ran over and shot me. I couldn't help but LOL. : )
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    Peices of Charlotte

    I think you meant to say west, like the Freedom/Tuckaseegee and along Wilkinson(SP?) Blvd. There are some other seedy areas, most of them along I85 south of Harris Blvd. If you're moving here, definately check out the area for yourself. Some of the areas may seem ok but then you go a couple...
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    great day... look what i found!!!!

    :) Too funny, that's exactly what I thought of when he stated it like that. Maybe it belonged to a group of time travellers.
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    Launch Special - Saitek Eclipse Backlit Key/Board - $34.99 ea. + $5 s&h @ woot

    I've actually got that toaster. It goes well with the stainless steel appliances in my kitchen. Wish I'd gotten it for $35 though :( Also found this keyboard on NewEgg. Not exactly the same but it's still backlit.
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    Just got my Digital Rebel!!!

    Yeah, I saw that Best Buy deal after I had already ordered from PriceRitePhoto. It would definately have been worth around $100 not to have to deal with mail order.
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    Just got my Digital Rebel!!!

    I got one last week but had issues with the power switch or something. Got an RMA and have to ship it back. Guess that's the chance you take when you try to get a good deal on the web. Got it for $750 shipped with the 18-55 mm lens from Hopefully they'll turn it...
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    Organizing your Photos

    Try using this from Adobe. You can add "tags" to your pics for easy sorting. And you can do some editing of the pictures and it will keep a copy of the original. It's free and easy.
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    Canon A75

    I have a Canon A80, very similar to the A75 in most respects, except it's 4.0 mp instead of 3.2. I'm pretty sure it doesn't have an uncompressed mode (RAW). It save's automatically to JPG. The A80 also has a swivel LCD, which the A75 does not have. Check out more A75 details here The A80 is...
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    Help, Which Dig Camera for about $300?

    I have a Canon A80 which I think is great. It's small enough to fit comfortably in my front pocket but it's a bit bulkier and heavier than most digicams in it's class because it uses 4 AA bats. But the extra 2 give it much longer life, about 800 shots using NiMH. It has a smallish LCD (1.5...
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    Lens Pen for cleaning?

    I picked up a Lens Pen as Wolf camera after reading about it here. I got the last one that they had. It seems to work ok, but I thought it was supposed to use some kind of dry cleaning agent. It leaves some residue on the lens that I have to wipe off with a cloth. Is that right?
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    just bought an xbox, reccomend some good games

    Burnout 3 is definately one of the best racing games I've ever played. I usually play Driv3r for about an hour a night too. I played through the singleplayer and it was ok, but the free driving mode is the best. I just drive around until a cop starts chasing me and then go until they kill me...
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    Night of the Skink

    Canon A80
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    Night of the Skink

    Ok, so I was sitting in my apartment watching TV one night, when out of the corner of my eye, I see this thing on the floor. It was pretty good sized for a lizard, maybe 6" long nose to tail. I think to myself "How the hell did you get in here". I usually am quick to close my door when I...
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    just some random parade phtos...

    "Hippies on Parade"
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    Canon SD110 or A80?

    I have an A80 and I love it. It's a bit bigger that the SD but is still small enough to fit comfortably in a front pocket. The fold out LCD is a big plus, makes shooting pictures over the heads of a crowd come out much better. It takes 4 AA batteries, but that helps with long battery life.The...
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    Praying mantis pics

    "I for one welcome our new insect overlords. I'd like to remind them that as a trusted TV personality I could be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their underground sugar caves." – Kent Brockman
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    Photography - How would you get started

    Check this site out. Steve does pretty in-depth reviews of almost any digital camera available. He goes into detail about all the functions the camera is capable of too. Almost as good as RTFM.
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    Thief 3 = fantastic

    I'm loving this game too. I was a big fan of the first 2 so I wasn't sure how a new developer was going to handle it. I like how they made it kind of open ended. I did a little exploring on my way to the fence and found an open window with a barrel under it and found it very inviting. I...
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    Full Spectrum Warrior

    Anyone else interested in this game? I've reserved a copy at EBGames, picking it up tomorrow. I think this game looks pretty sweet. I'm getting tired of the same old FPS type games.
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    What's your game handle?

    I used to go by SouthPaw, then I tried to come up with something different and used Sinistro (which is Italian for left-handed). Now, in my BFV Napalm Dawn tournament, we have to put rank and company info in the name tag and BFV only allows 16 chars so I shortened it to Sin, which I think I'll...
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    post a pic of where you work warning 4MB link inside

    Is that a flight simulator behind the thing that has AC51 written on it? Also, did you take the pics left to right or right to left. If you look at the clock at both ends, it looks like the right end (10:25)is before the left (10:27), although it the right end is a little shaky and hard to read.
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    Show off your best pics!

    We finally got stickied!!! :) Sweet Only took 67 pages to get noticed.
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    Best place to buy GBA games?

    Best purchase I ever made. Got mine from
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    BF:V Patch friday...

    Does anyone else have issues using EAX in game. I haven't really heard anyone else say anything about it. I believe I've heard people with the same symptoms as me though. Not hearing anything but your own firing and maybe 1 bird off in the distance. Can't hear anyone else firing, even if...
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    BF:V & ATI - Be Honest

    I have found the game laggy on some servers, even with a low ping. but then it's smooth as glass on others. I started playing at 1280x960 and maxed all other details and it was somewhat acceptable. To be able to play competively, I dropped to 1024x768 and haven't had any problems...
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    Olympus C-5000 Zoom, FujiFilm FinePix 3800, Canon A70, Nikon 3100

    I'd take a Canon over the others. I have an A80 and couldn't be happier with it. Plus the battery life in Canons are excellent.
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    Printing your awsome pics.

    You could also put it on a memory card and take it to your local Wal-Mart or Walgreens (I'm sure there are other places that do this). They've got a machine there that will read from any memory card and allow you to print out an 8x10 on actual photo paper. It costs anywhere from 3 to 6 bucks...
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    Buddy Christ II: Christ Goes to Work (pics!)

    Christ, he gets around.
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    Adventures of BUDDY CHRIST!

    How detailed.. he's got holes in his wrists. Kevin Smith rules Snootches
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    Full Spectrum Warrior

    I've seen a couple of videos of the gameplay. Looks pretty sweet. Sucks they pushed the release date out til June, but it's supposed to come out the day before my birthday. Happy Birthday to me. :)