How can I achieve this?


Jun 28, 2004
I'm quite a noob to more artsy shooting than point-and-shoot candids. So please forgive me for posing questions that may seem stupid.

New D70s here, and I wanna play around a bit. I want an effect kinda like this:

perhaps on a city scape, where I would set the camera on a tripod and get some nice taillight trails. I've tried a few tinkers with ISO, Aperture, and shutter speed, but never quite achieved the same type. Backgrounds always look waay too over-exposed.

I know it's all dependent on the lighting, but what are the main setting combos to achieve something like this? small aperture + long shutter speed? ISO?

Thanks for any input.
You'd need a long shutter speed, like 2 or 3 secs or longer ever to get that effect but you'd need to compensate for the amount of light coming in by adjusting the aperture the opposite direction.
For long exposures, you'll want a slower ISO, like 100 or 200. You'll want a small aperture so you can use longer shutter speeds.


This is one of my favorite shots that I did over a month ago.

I think I did it at F/22, 30 second exposure, ISO200.

Oh, and tripod. :D
That is awesome!

The lowest ISO setting on my D70 is 200 i believe... you think it's still attainable?
Hehe, look at my sig - that's the camera I used to shoot the picture with. *cough* D70 *cough*
here's one of my fireworks pictures. This is with a D70S, and the 18-70 lens, ISO 200, F/11, in bulb exposure mode. I used a remote, so as long as I held the shutter down, it kept taking the pic.


this is actaully in the landscape mode, but because it was so dark, the shutter was open for like 5 seconds and there was nothing i could do to stop it