What's your game handle?


The Great Procrastinator
Oct 4, 2001
Just curious what everyones game handle is and if its the same as your H name.

I go by:

SoulDomination for starcraft
[>LoneStar<] and
[<lone>] for everything else...
Avionixx for most FPS games.

I know it's the name of a particular brand of amplifier, but why not?
I've used AudioCow for over 7 years. Since I first got the internet. I've never ran into anyone using the same name.

I always try and get into open betas so I can snag it first. Even if I don't plan on continuing to play the game once it comes out.
FiZ. Might have a tag in front of it, depending on what I am playing.
Originally posted by AudioCow
I've used AudioCow for over 7 years. Since I first got the internet. I've never ran into anyone using the same name.
Same here, not the same name:p , but since I got the net ive used "ZiggyMan" and never really had problems with anyone using it. Ive been using Lt. Spiers alot now, but if I join a server and there happens to be another Easy Company fan whos using the name and he got there first ill switch it back to avoid confusion.

Used to go by Sokar but since then I only use Sobek. According to the March 24 updated stats on UT2K4 there were 3 Sobek's, 2 w/ same spelling. My stats were the highest ranked of the three.
I used to go by SouthPaw, then I tried to come up with something different and used Sinistro (which is Italian for left-handed). Now, in my BFV Napalm Dawn tournament, we have to put rank and company info in the name tag and BFV only allows 16 chars so I shortened it to Sin, which I think I'll start using elsewhere cause it suits me so well. :)
Usually TrueBuckeye. For a while it was [H]TrueBuckeye. For smaller lan games I just go by "K".
[H]Col. Kurtz - 9 times out of 10. Every once in a while it's just CIWS.
no.pants, and I used to be a leader of a clan in rainbow six and rouge spear called The Pant-Less Soilders.
Second Toughest in the Infants
Short-BUS - my old alias for TFC, BUS was a guild

yes, I'm an underworld fan....for those who know who they are.
Baker or
BloodHarvest < began using this name when I first started PC gaming online... I loved playing StarCraft, and got the game from Marine Blood Bath... :D
Originally posted by bobsaget
Fat Albert

Some great names in history right there...

One of the network administrators on campus is named Zoltan. His last name is something crazy.