Thief 3 = fantastic


Supreme [H]ardness
Mar 22, 2002
Hear to believe after DX2 ion storm could deliver but boy did they ever. The limited size of levels IS a huge blowoff but man does the game work and feel just like the others. Highly reccomended to atleast check out the demo :)
Sounds like an overnight demo download for my 40kb/sec DSL connection.
I love the game don't get me wrong, but why the hell can't you pick up the guards swords? I know this game is stealthy but sometimes i don't like to stab a guy 6 times in the face just to kill him :rolleyes: .
the demo CHUGGED on my system. i got annoyed that you couldn't skip the training level.

i'll pick it up when i get a new videocard, becouse i'm nearing the end of my first run through of thief2 the metal age. fantastic game btw.
too bad they can'd the team.

Eidos is now going PS2 development only
stgdz said:
too bad they can'd the team.

Eidos is now going PS2 development only

Yeah, Specter left to didnt he? Anyway after a game like this i have NO worries the people will be picked up by someone.
Yea, the game is absolutely fantastic! Bums me out that the team dispersed :( Oh well, I'm sure they'll rise again as a new company somewhere else. Besides, I bet Warren couldnt wait to drop all the negative stigma's attached to the Ion Storm name.
Alex A. said:
I love the game don't get me wrong, but why the hell can't you pick up the guards swords? I know this game is stealthy but sometimes i don't like to stab a guy 6 times in the face just to kill him :rolleyes: .

I know exactly what you mean, swinging a dagger while loosing 4 blocks of health from damage by a sword is really getting old. I spend at least 5 minutes trying to pick up a sword on the first level.. guess it wasnt meant to be.

Still awesome game nonetheless, but I think the atmosphere and engine could also have been used to continue the "Vampire: The Masquerade" series.
Two words.

Flash Bomb.

You shouldn't be head-on fighting as it stands. If you get caught, run off or bomb em... while they're runnin around lookin for your ass, blackjack the dumb bitches. Thats what i do anyways. Its an ambush game for combat, not a run and gun... not even with the broadheads really heh.
BUT STILL, no one takes atleast 3 stabs from a 6' dagger in the face
I only run and "gun" when they spot me i just jump around and shoot arrows in there faces and stab them with the dagger :D
i played it and it was alright, but nothing that i would want to buy... just way too slow and i dont like the physics engine that dx2 and t3 run off of..

I played the demo. It chugged like hell. And my system is damn near top of the line. I will never buy a game from IS after DX:IW.
cool game! my only gripe is that you can't jump on people from a high place like in splinter cell and incapcitate them for a while. but its probably for the better i guess.
infin|ty said:
I played the demo. It chugged like hell. And my system is damn near top of the line. I will never buy a game from IS after DX:IW.

Wow, then my sub-par system must be godly because it ran beautifully on my 1.4/9500 Pro/512 ddr system. I ran it at 1280 x 1024 maxed. :eek: :rolleyes:
Harkamus said:
Wow, then my sub-par system must be godly because it ran beautifully on my 1.4/9500 Pro/512 ddr system. I ran it at 1280 x 1024 maxed. :eek: :rolleyes:

no, there are no miracles here, just your average case of subjectivity regarding performance. some people think 30fps is smooth, others think only 80fps is smooth. the game on my system doesn't perform as well as id like at 1024x768 highest detail. but its acceptable for a SP game.
Can someone explain to me why theif is so good? Sure i read about the game from IGN and stuff but that can only tell you so much. I wnat one of your guys's points of view. Details are welcome!
i personally like it because its not as restrictive gameplay as splinter cell. you have your own apartment, you can handle things with people how you wish. knock them out, kill them, redirect them with sounds and commotion, or just avoid them altogether, as long as you stay alive and get away with the loot, you're fine. even if you are enemies with several factions.

and if you feel like pickpocketing random people in the streets for money or fooling with guards you can do that too.

all that plus very good graphics and lighting, fun physics, and a cool plot with good acting and a real feeling of 'oh shit' when someone heard you make a sound and is looking for you in a dark room.
I played the demo, it seemed pretty cool but unpolished. The graphics are great in some places and look like utter garbage elsewhere (did you check out the 2d plants in the corner?). I have a pretty nice system and 35 fps at 1280x1024 is not acceptable to me. I also have a problem with the incredibly jerky movement when he's walking (it's ok when crouching). I enjoyed Thief2 very much but I don't think I'll be buying this one.

I played it WAY to slow for my liking. That whole sneak around figure stuff out is not what I like. The game play resembled that of Pandora Tomorrow. To much sneaking. I want to shoot 'em up! :) Def not a game I would buy.
I downloaded the demo and it also didn't run too well. Pretty choppy the whole way through. Hopefully the final game, which I'm going to get, is more optimized.
Can someone tell me what a "fence" is? I never played Thief I or II. Is the fence the merchant?
Wow, sounds pretty cool I'm going to dl the demo now and check it out
I downloaded the game, was a little apprehensive, but I played throught both levels. Great game, graphics and sound. If you are using Cat 4.5, it will chug. I had to reverse to Cat 4.4 and it played much better.
The game ran fine for me but it took too long to load levels with a 1.6A and 1GB of memory.
MAN! Cant wait to buy this! I loved Theif 1(gold), and Thief2 TMA (along with 2 gigs of fan missions!!!!), That Im building a comp JUST to play the first Thief on!(it wont run in xp....gonna use 98se) :D
heres a tip when playing:

From experience, you CANNOT swim.

There, you've been warned.
Just FYI my load times were around 10 seconds. With AV, AIM, and a few other background processes running.
Harkamus said:
Can someone tell me what a "fence" is? I never played Thief I or II. Is the fence the merchant?

Doesn't matter; it's called the English language.

1. One who receives and sells stolen goods.
2. A place where stolen goods are received and sold.
I'm loving this game too. I was a big fan of the first 2 so I wasn't sure how a new developer was going to handle it. I like how they made it kind of open ended. I did a little exploring on my way to the fence and found an open window with a barrel under it and found it very inviting. I snuck in and it was definately worth my while.
The demo did not impress me. The two first games were cool at the time, but now Splinter Cell just does it better -- way better! I'll skip this one until it hits the bargain bins.
NowhereMan said:
The demo did not impress me. The two first games were cool at the time, but now Splinter Cell just does it better -- way better! I'll skip this one until it hits the bargain bins.

That's what people said about the Farcry demo.
NOTD665 said:
Doesn't matter; it's called the English language.

1. One who receives and sells stolen goods.
2. A place where stolen goods are received and sold.

I wasn't born in the States, and I've never heard that term used before. It must be slang. But, thanks for clearing that up.
The later missions are much better then the demo. A worthy succesor to Thief 1 and 2, but the gameplay has definitely been "dumbed down". I wish the levels were as large as the first 2. It doesn't seem as hard as the first two were either. But if you liked the first 2 games, Deadly Shadows is worth playing.
This thing better rock. I just laid down my hard earned cash for it.
Harkamus said:
I wasn't born in the States, and I've never heard that term used before. It must be slang. But, thanks for clearing that up.

My apologies.

Yes, Thief 3 is rocking...if you're a fan of the sort of game. If you're use to shooting anything you see on sight, then no.
:D Nice! I just played the demo. Looks like I'll need this game too. Unfortunately, it runs just like Dues Ex2 - a bit slow on my rig.
I loved the demo but it ran like absolute shit on my top of the line system. Wonder why...
Backstabs in this game are strangely satisfying.

Thief 3's AI is hilarious though (in a fun way - it's fun to just load up a game and screw around with the AI). While the AI isn't perfect it is *very* flexible compared to the drones in Pandora Tomorrow and Splinter Cell - they just seem to do more and have a much wider range of reactions. There are even factions in game that help you if you befriend them as well.

I won't spoil anything here, but you can get very creative on how you want to approach things. And another thing is the game is much more forgiving than Splinter Cell when it comes to being discovered (the game doesn't automatically end after you get caught a certain amount of times and such).