Night of the Skink


Limp Gawd
Aug 1, 2002
Ok, so I was sitting in my apartment watching TV one night, when out of the corner of my eye, I see this thing on the floor. It was pretty good sized for a lizard, maybe 6" long nose to tail. I think to myself "How the hell did you get in here". I usually am quick to close my door when I come in because there are a lot of spiders (ick...) that hang around there.

Well, as soon as I moved a little, the thing turned to run. It was in front of my tv and took off to the wall behind it. I scouted around for the tools I'd need to handle it. I found a large plastic container, a broken golf club, and my 18" Mag lite. I took the lite and looked behind my tv and could barely see the thing as it was blending in with all the cables back there. I poked near it with the club and it took off in the opposite direction. It got behind my subwoofer in the corner and I thought I had it trapped.

I made some noise near it but it wouldn't come out. I poked the speaker and still nothing. I pulled the speaker out and it wasn't there. All I could see was a gap between the carpet and the base board (crummy apartment, I'll be glad whem my house is built). I figured it slipped in there and could probably move around pretty good.

So I sat back down and waited for it to resurface. It finally did about a half hour later. and I chased it around again and it disappeared again. I went back to waiting. I left the living room for a bit and when I came back, the thing was sitting out in the middle of the floor. I thought "Now's my chance". It had froze in place so I grabbed the container to throw over it. I didn't want to get too close because it would just take off again. So I slipped behind my couch where it wouldn't see me and climbed up to get as close as I could. I tossed the container and missed. It took off and went under my couch.

I keep some stuff under there so I knew it would probably stay under there hiding. So I took all the cushions off and flipped it over, ready if it took off running again. I didn't see it so thought it must be under something. I picked my way through the stuff and came to a large piece of cardboard ( no clue where that came from). I flipped it up and there it was, but it didn't move. I grabbed the container and slammed it down over it. Finally, I had it. Then I had to figure out a way to get it out of my apartment. I tried slipping the cardboard under the container, but it raised it up too much and the thing would likely run out. So I slid it over toward my door and got to the edge of the carpet. I put the cardboard down on the flooring in front of my door and slid the container over it now that it was level with the carpet. It worked. I had it trapped and could pick it up and move it. I took it out and let it go because it was too beautiful to kill. Which is why I'm posting this here, because I got some pretty good pics of it.

I thought it was a salamander at first and looked it up on the web, but it looked nothing like the pics of those. I found that it was a five lined skink.

These are full resolution, but cropped down and cleaned up a bit in Photoshop.




The thing got its tail stuck between the container and cardboard and let a piece go. Took a pretty good macro shot of it.

Nice shots! What kind of Camera is that?