BF:V & ATI - Be Honest


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 22, 2000
I am getting horrible performance in BF:V with my system:
P4 3.0C @ 3.43GHz
ATI Radeon 9600 Pro
To get a good, stable framerate I have to run 640x480 with low quality settings. I can run 1024x768 and it's OK, but definately not that smooth. A few individuals (some even on here) claim they can run the game at 1600x1200 with a 9800. Let me be the first to say it - "I HIGHLY doubt it."

Are there any ATI owners out there who are actually getting acceptable performance? (Those who claim they're running it perfectly smoothly at 1600x1200 need not apply). Has anyone compared the game on similar systems where the only difference is an ATI vs. NVIDIA card?
I dont have it but:

9800pros are SO much more powerful than 9600's... i have both and i can tell you, its hard to compare.

Vsync is most definately off, and it's not like it makes a difference anyways as the frame rate is not coming close to the refresh rate (125 Hz). Yes, 9800's are a lot faster - however, I doubt they're THAT much faster that people can run the game perfectly smoothly in 1600x1200 with all the settings maxed compared to the 9600 which has a difficult time at the lower resolutions.
im running 1024x768 on my 9600pro
details maxed out, except for aa/af
runs fine, the occasional drop in fame rate, but that has been attributed to sound buffer. theres already a fix for it out, which i shall do later, caus im too lazy right now.
Like i posted before
I have the ATI Radeon 9800 and
my god

it runs like shiz
but mine is wierd

Like 10 minutes into the game
it freezes and locks up my PC

i was flying in a heli for like 10 seconds no problem
then i shot a missle

i mean

Only thing i can think of is RAM? Do you have atleast a gig...? I'm pretty sure if you have 512 theres gonna be lacking performance.
What do you consider to be fine? 30 FPS? 60 FPS? 1024x768 with the details maxed out I would consider acceptable on my system, but not much more and it's definately not silky smooth. I also fixed the sound buffer thing.

Yes, I reformatted yesterday and installed the latest drivers.
Originally posted by Bennyb
Only thing i can think of is RAM? Do you have atleast a gig...? I'm pretty sure if you have 512 theres gonna be lacking performance.
Yea, I have 1GB.
Runs like pure shit here. It stutters and hiccups like It was playing it on a 700mhz P3 Voodoo 3 system. Have terrible pixelzation all on characters arms, guns and walls. Sound seems like its muffled, as if I have ear plugs in.

Tried 4.2's and 4.3's, no difference.
Disabled AA and AF, No difference.
Reduced texture quality and shadows. No difference.
Turned off VSYNC. No Difference
Changed Audigy 2 settings. No difference
Changed Audigy 2 EAX settings. No difference.

Hey, you know what EA, screw you and your problematic shitty games. Im taking this back and getting UT2k4, Im sick of paying for this crap that isn't tested worth a damn before its sold.
Yep EA sucks but you know what. They arent ever going to change. I am NOT buying this game cause of their incompetence. But they are rollin so they dont need my $30 anyways.
Go to and check out the unofficial sound fix. Its apparently fix's a bunch of peoples issues with FPS lag and stutters in the game.

Just for the record though. 2500+ 512 Kingston Hyper-X, and a 9800 Non Pro here w/ 4.3's and everything runs just fine.
A lot of it is not fps either. I run the game fine on single player perfectly 1024x768 (my video options are lowered of course but my sound is on high). Multiplayer seems jumpy and is sometimes seems like the fps might drop somewhat. I am confident that patches will fix these issues. For now, i'm mostly playing singleplayer with bots. One good thing between this and bf1942 is that they seemed to finally fix issues between the realtek sound chips and this game. Mine runs perfectly now where in original bf i had to have hardware acceleration on or it would run like crap.
Originally posted by BoWser
A lot of it is not fps either. I run the game fine on single player perfectly 1024x768 (my video options are lowered of course but my sound is on high). Multiplayer seems jumpy and is sometimes seems like the fps might drop somewhat. I am confident that patches will fix these issues. For now, i'm mostly playing singleplayer with bots. One good thing between this and bf1942 is that they seemed to finally fix issues between the realtek sound chips and this game. Mine runs perfectly now where in original bf i had to have hardware acceleration on or it would run like crap.

I know the feeling. The FPS isn't all that low on my system, only dips to around 40 @ 1024x768 2X AA/8X quality AF. But it "chugs"...this is probably on my RAM. Still a bit disappointed in the performance though. And..the netcode. It's AWFUL.
I'm not saying the preformance is "Good", i'm just saying that people are making too big of a deal of how bad it is. Its not halo for crying out loud. As i have said before, i am confident that drivers and/or patches will fix these issues soon enough. I hope so because i am about to get a new graphics card and i was considering a 9800 pro for a while.
Before we all march on EA headquarters with pitchforks and torches, can we wait for a few patches please?

This the caveat with PC gaming...don't like it? Buy a GameCube..

That said, try here: for some tweaks that will definitely help gameplay...Turn off shadows, fast write, and set Smartgart to 4x AGP..

Works for me- no artifacts, no crashing, and halfway decent framerate to boot! Running at 1152 with most everything maxed out...
9800XT 256MB, I have everthing maxed out, 1024x786 . Runs Perfect. Good Framerates with no drops what so ever. Check all the drivers, even the AGP.
I was getting pretty slow FPS with my system at 1024x768x32 with full audio effects and full visuals. The water looked nice at least. I only played it a few minutes actually because it was so lousy. I will play it some more later and see if I can get the FPS up.
If any of you have played Desert Combat mod for BF:1942... you would KNOW how BF:V plays.


If you have only 512mb of ram. You are going to lag. Deal with it.

I have 9800pro, xp2500@2633mhz, 1024mb ram... and I can run at 1600x1200 with everything on high, and stay above 60fps.
But I can't. I've tried it on 2 machines:

P4 @ 3.0
9800 Pro
1GB PC2700
SB Live! 5.1

Of course, no 9800 AA/AF turned on. At 1600x1200 it was marginally choppy. I wasn't looking at framerates, felt like it would drop into the low 20s. So I run at 11xx or whatever and it's creamy smooth.

Dual Athlon @ 1800
1GB PC2100
Mad Dog 5.1 sound

Playing at 1024x768, I turned the sound quality to "low" as has been suggested many places (didn't apply the .con file patch) and it plays just fine, as well.

I haven't had to make any crazy system adjustments or anysuch. But for everyone that play it well.... that's just more slots on servers for me! I played for a LONG time (6+ hours) yesterday and no serious gameplay-hampering bugs.
Hey I just got the game yesterday. I applied that Game.soundbuffersize 400 line to the default.con file before I even played anything or even started BF:V. I haven't had any problems what so ever with lag or crashing, the game runs well. I wish I could enable AA and AF but ooh well. Running the game at 1280 x 1024<----- I believe that is correct with all settings at max and sound at max. It plays very well and I am running a XP2500 @ stock, a 9800pro @ stock and 1 gig of Mushkin pc3500 at 2-2-2 timings.

Now I never tried to play before modyfying that default.con file so I couldn't tell you if that was the fix or not but it does run well.
I have found the game laggy on some servers, even with a low ping. but then it's smooth as glass on others.

I started playing at 1280x960 and maxed all other details and it was somewhat acceptable.

To be able to play competively, I dropped to 1024x768 and haven't had any problems.

Definitely don't use any aa or af. With all the edges visible on all the foliage, it would drive your graphics chip crazy. I started getting some weird kaliedoscope effects when I turned it on.

I haven't tried the sound fix yet. I'll get that in tonight.

My Specs.
P4 2.8C @ 3.5 FSB CPU250/Mem200
1Gb Geil PC3200 DDR
ABit IS7
ATI 9600 Pro @ 450/325
Turtle Beach Santa Cruz 5.1
I can't believe they released this game like this. Thank goodness for UT2004 or this would be horrible. I am glad I didn't buy it, I am going to use my voucher for far cry instead.