Praying mantis pics


Nov 6, 2003
I found this praying mantis a few days ago, and have been waiting to get the good camera back so I could get some pictures. Below are a couple of them that came out decently. There are a few more here.



third one is sweet.....i used to have an orchid mantis which was beautiful...but a very boring pet lol
Camera equiment detailed here; basically a Fujifilm S2 Pro, Sigma 50mm macro lens, and a Metz 54MZ-3 flash. I had the flash set up on a tripod, bouncing off the ceiling, with the fill-in flash pointed down toward the subject. First time I've tried that setup, and it worked pretty well.

torment: Very cool! I'd never heard of an orchid mantis before. There are some nice pics from GIS.
I saw one of these as I was leaving for work today...figured I'd catch it and take pics tomorrow.

Never thought someone would post pics of one the same day.
In page you linked the second pic that is on the top row looks like it could be the super villian in some sort of insect movie kind of like Ants (with those grasshoppers) :eek:

With a bit of creative photo manipulation that could give people nightmares for weeks! Or at least make a really scarry movie poster :p
very impressive. About what size was that one? The few I have seen have rarely been more than an inch long.

"I for one welcome our new insect overlords. I'd like to remind them that as a trusted TV personality I could be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their underground sugar caves." – Kent Brockman
DesertFox: This one was about 12cm long. If you're in the US, you're probably used to seeing mantids in the Stagmomantis genus (probably californica if you're out west, carolina for the midwest and south). That's the usual domestic species. This was a Chinese mantis, though (genus Tenodera), which tend to be much larger.

SouthPaw72: One of my favorite Simpsons episodes ("Deep Space Homer") :D. Sadly the version I have won't play in mplayer, and I'm too lazy to install RealPlayer :(.