Post your BF2 Tactics - The cheap, the cool, and crazy!

ATW said:
Hide some C4 in the bushes around your flag and go hide somewhere. Let them get the flag about halfway down, when they've got their hopes up, and let 'er rip.

Damn, could our rigs be any closer?!

What settings do you run @ bro? I'm getting mad slowdowns/stuttering when I enable AA ( omega 5.1 ) and when I set lighting to "HIGH" you get the same thing?
I have another one, sneak in with a group of special ops, a support guy, and a medic and camp enemy artillery (if you're USA), plant C4 on the MEC runway, and when planes fly by, detonate.
dmonkey said:
I have another one, sneak in with a group of special ops, a support guy, and a medic and camp enemy artillery (if you're USA), plant C4 on the MEC runway, and when planes fly by, detonate.

Haha.... that's a great idea. I am gonna try that today. See if me and a few friends can wreak havoc. lmao... greatness
If you stand below the vertical take off pad (lower railing) when the plane spawns you will be teleported to beside the cockpit, great for stealing airplanes without having to wait out in the open.
interesting idea lord shadow i will check that out for sure!

Here is one that i bet no one try's, when your in a big fight over a base and you kill someone place a grenade (right click) on the guy you jsut fragged and run away. In a few moments you get at least 2 frags! 1 for the medic, and one for the guy you fragged that has just been revived!

Suicide buggy C4 bombs rock! I normally have one Spec Op do that before the squad goes in and it rocks!

This great now that supply drops dont fix Artty, UAV, Radar :) The commander is going to be Engy 24/7 hehe
Pharacon said:
interesting idea lord shadow i will check that out for sure!

Here is one that i bet no one try's, when your in a big fight over a base and you kill someone place a grenade (right click) on the guy you jsut fragged and run away. In a few moments you get at least 2 frags! 1 for the medic, and one for the guy you fragged that has just been revived!

Suicide buggy C4 bombs rock! I normally have one Spec Op do that before the squad goes in and it rocks!

This great now that supply drops dont fix Artty, UAV, Radar :) The commander is going to be Engy 24/7 hehe

I usually am anyway when I'm Commander. 10X easier to keep your stuff alive with MEC though.
my all time favorite thing in this game is to just flat out take a plane and drive it into the deck of the carrier hoping i kill as many as possible... been doing that stuff since 1942 and im gonna keep doing it in bf2 :) KAMIKAZE!!!

Or you could bomb it instead and save your team a plane... but it's your choice.
Pharacon said:
This great now that supply drops dont fix Artty, UAV, Radar :) The commander is going to be Engy 24/7 hehe

in retail version you mean?

you already have the full game?
in the demo, if we have around 8 peeps from the clan on the server we play on. when spawning as marines we normaly take 2 boats and storm the enter base, cap it get on the roof tops and hold it till other peeps start spawning there. if friendly fire is off on the server and we are being over run we normaly plant as many c4 charges as possible below the squad leaders feet and send the poor fellow sky wards, get our selves killed and re spawn and try and re-take the base when squad leader lands back on roof and knifes any snipers lying about. on FF on servers we spawn nearest freindly base and use the jeeps if possible or go by foot.
dmonkey said:
I have another one, sneak in with a group of special ops, a support guy, and a medic and camp enemy artillery (if you're USA), plant C4 on the MEC runway, and when planes fly by, detonate.

similar to this; i like sticking C4 charges on the enemy aircraft, especially the chopper, watching ppl hop in, and fly off into the distance, growing smaller and smaller until you can barely see them then all of a sudden they light up balck and orange and turn into lots of little pieces :D
Wally said:
similar to this; i like sticking C4 charges on the enemy aircraft, especially the chopper, watching ppl hop in, and fly off into the distance, growing smaller and smaller until you can barely see them then all of a sudden they light up balck and orange and turn into lots of little pieces :D

I have been doing this and some people are getting smart. They take off waaaayyyyy sooner than the atry spot. Or they run off the runway and take off from there. But it's still fun when some guy gets really excited about finally getting a jet... then you crush his spirit... hehe.

I have come to find that C4 is one of the most frustrating pieces of equipment... for others that is.
I was playing Commander yesterday and I was moving into cap a base. I pulled up the satellite overhead view and saw 2 guys running around in the base and kept watching as they ran over and shot me. I couldn't help but LOL. : )
Lol, i'm actually quite enjoying the challenge of using the sniper rifles; i went USMC on the roof of the hotel, overlooking the town, and took out 3 people who were camping on the roofs of buildings. Uber Fnu, and the silenced pistol's great at close range, i get headshots nearly every time
SouthPaw72 said:
I was playing Commander yesterday and I was moving into cap a base. I pulled up the satellite overhead view and saw 2 guys running around in the base and kept watching as they ran over and shot me. I couldn't help but LOL. : )

Its jsut too cool looking isnt it!
One of my favorite strategies is bailing out of my [plane/helo/tank/whatever] before it explodes and having it [hit me in mid-air/run me over] - WTF is up with that?

Also, it's totally awesome when I spawn on the carrier and get wasted by a teammate who's manning the R2D2 (that's the CIWS / Phalanx / big machine gun on the deck edge, and even though in the game the missiles are part of that in real life they aren't).

But my all time favorite would have to be when I hop in a helo [as a passenger] and the pilot [flips the bird backwards / upside down / into the conning tower / into the drink / into an enemy plane].

They really ought to use the whole point system thing to make it so only people who know what they're doing get to fly. They could use the single player game as a flight school or something.

/rant off :)
I like to take anti tank guy, jump in a tank, just wreck havoc, then jump out and kill some more with the anti tank weapon.

Or if a base is getting overrun, just spawn in as assult and start rackin' up the nade launcher kills. Nothing better than watching a body get launched skyward with a direct hit. Plus, that launcher takes practice to hit with too.
1. On MEC team, grab a boat and go to the USMC's aircraft carrier with a friend. Steal their BlackHawk and hover right next to the carrier's AA gun. Load up the chaingun and mow down the USMC when they spawn :D

2. On USMC, grab the BlackHawk and go to the MEC base. Land on top of the huge circular oil drum thingie. Lock and load the chaingun and mow down the MEC when they spawn :D
^^^^ lol nice

I planted c4 on the artillery and after blowing it, i planted c4 again on it. When an engineer came to fix it, i blew him up.

Pointless if the commander knows about the suppy drop fix thou.
no need to C4 the crate. plant your charges on the dead guns, refill your C4 when he drops supplies, blow them again (supply crate is in blast radius) rinse & repeat as needed :D
I like lacing rooftops that snipers on the opposing team like to frequent with C4. Then just run to another rooftop/area with a nice view and wait. Look in my gun scope to see them get on top and then blow the roof.

That's right "fatdaddy76", I'm talking to you. Eat plastique, bitch.
I had a funny moment last night, I had a buggy duel with an MEC guy, I ran into a tree on accident and jumped out. The MEC guy promptly rammed into my buggy and was blown up as both buggies were destroyed in the crash. Then I got killed by a sniper...
d34dly said:
I have come to find that C4 is one of the most frustrating pieces of equipment... for others that is.

QFT....I love c4!
Listen to your commander? Listen to your squad mate. Ask the commander for supplies and spot for arty.

On a side note, do you have to lay all your c4 before you can detonate it?
zoobaby said:
On a side note, do you have to lay all your c4 before you can detonate it?

Nope! You can lay one C4, right click the mouse to bring up the detonator and blow it up with a left click. Joy.