Best place to buy GBA games?


Nov 9, 2000
I assume this is the right forum, if not I apologize.

Where do you guys get your GBA games? Gamestop is kind of expensive, but I just got a GBA so I really don't know how much the games are generally. Suggestions?
I try to get mine from my local mom & pop shop as much as possible.

$24.99 for a new & popular game (Super Mario 3, SMW, etc)

and $19.99 for a new "unknown" can't be beat.

plus they sell used games, really cheap and they usually have a manual.
Well a mom and pop shop would be great. But we don't have any around here that deal with games and stuff. Only big places like, best buy, gamestop, EB, walmart, target, circuit city... etc. They all charge around $35 for new games or so, and gamestop only charges about $5 less for all used games. None of them come with manuals. Those facist bastards lol.
Originally posted by Hiyruu
What is this 'buy' you speak of?

it's what we do with all those green papers our jobs give us :)

careful where you step, you're about to enter Juarez, Mexico without the proper papers :p
Originally posted by KaosDG
it's what we do with all those green papers our jobs give us :)

Jobs? I just knock up liquer stores. I guess you could call that a job. :D

Yeah I only have 2 games. Prince of Persia: Sands of Time and Eye of the Beholder. I need some better games. Any suggestions on any really good ones and where to get them of course?
The Mario games, if you're into them.

Personally, I felt like i was a teenager again when I got Super Mario World for GBA.

Also the Metroid games. Metroid: Zero Mission is just a remake of the original Metroid.

I'd say get them wherever's cheapest.
I get mine whenever they go on sale somewhere. Usually, Best Buy has the best 1st week pricing, and with the gamer gift cards, I can get another $5 off. Barring that, I'll hit ebay or just wait a few months for the price to come down to my purchase price point somewhere (often Target or WalMart at this point).

Check out Target. They put GBA games (among others) in the clearance bin all the time.