Full Spectrum Warrior

Oh yay... more military sims.

Sorry but it's 4:30 AM and another military shooter just doesn't excite me.
ah, yeah...the dumbed down version of what the military is going to be using to train their soldiers.

I've heard good things about it ...
I've seen a couple of videos of the gameplay. Looks pretty sweet. Sucks they pushed the release date out til June, but it's supposed to come out the day before my birthday.

Happy Birthday to me. :)
Been reading up on this game on a few Mag. Sounds and looks very interesting. Too bad I do not have an XBOX. But yeah, it is like an RPG game based on military crap, great stuff tho.
Originally posted by SouthPaw72
I've seen a couple of videos of the gameplay. Looks pretty sweet. Sucks they pushed the release date out til June, but it's supposed to come out the day before my birthday.

Happy Birthday to me. :)

june? that blows.. :(
Ive been lookin forward to this game for a while, I read a spread on it in Computer Games. It sounds really amazing, now I just gotta decide wether to wait for the pc version, or get the xbox one when it comes out first.
It looks like a mix of RS, BF1942, CoD, I hope they can pull this off like that.

But one thing that bugs me, and if you go the player profiles, you see they have "Chago" are they trying to recreate Ding Chavez?
Originally posted by The Other
It looks like a mix of RS, BF1942, CoD, I hope they can pull this off like that.

But one thing that bugs me, and if you go the player profiles, you see they have "Chago" are they trying to recreate Ding Chavez?

Dont forget something like command and conquer, as its an RTS game. Seems awesome, a team-based, tactical RTS.
Same problem as with the similar-conceptualized 'Savage', though...

What do you do, as the team strategist, when nobody follows orders?

IE, could you imagine trying to play "Age of Empires" when every time one of your units spawned, it ignored whatever order you gave it and just rushed the enemy?

Would kinda suck, huh?
you control the entire team though, and nothing respawns. the players are AI controlled and do what orders you give em.
Originally posted by Chelica
Been reading up on this game on a few Mag. Sounds and looks very interesting. Too bad I do not have an XBOX. But yeah, it is like an RPG game based on military crap, great stuff tho.

Its coming to PC too..... :rolleyes:
I was very interested in this game


I found out that you never get directly control any of the characters

you issue the orders from a floating "god" perspective

I knew it was that type of game but I thought that you would at least be able to control one of them


fuck this game
Bothers me is that Xbox gets it first, and then what? Is it OCtober it's out for PC? That's just bullshit.
Originally posted by Movieesa
Bothers me is that Xbox gets it first, and then what? Is it OCtober it's out for PC? That's just bullshit.

yeah.. i really dont see any logical need to do that.

other than just using asshole tactics..
Originally posted by Jason711
yeah.. i really dont see any logical need to do that.

other than just using asshole tactics..

It really wasnt thier decision, seriously, the Army stated to them when starting the project that it MUST run on a console, the X-Box was the obvious pick, that and the Army has a deal with MS so certain outposts have X-Box gaming centers, so they already have the hardware. So blame the Army that consoles are getting it first.

EDIT: actually , it was the ICT "Insitute for Creative Technology" and the Armys decision, for they were the ones going to pitch it to the Army.
Pulled from Computer Games:
"They said it was exactly what they were looking for, but it had to be on a console. 'Are you crazy?' Coming out of the Battlezone games for PC's, that was a great challange for me".........
"The Army came in with complete naivete. They had no idea what to expect, what to ask for".."They're not a retail publisher. They didn't come in and say 'it has to be chicks with big tits', 'it has to have first-person shooter elements', 'we have to sell this many'. They just said 'look, it has to be realistic, it's got to carrying over real-world applications, and it has to be on a console. That's what we want"- Wil Stahl of Pandemic
It states the ICT's idea for this was that "soldiers spent time in break rooms playing console games, why not offer something that would double as a training tool?. The United States Army was intrested"
Originally posted by Bobsaysthis
It really wasnt thier decision, seriously, the Army stated to them when starting the project that it MUST run on a console, the X-Box was the obvious pick, that and the Army has a deal with MS so certain outposts have X-Box gaming centers, so they already have the hardware. So blame the Army that consoles are getting it first.

EDIT: actually , it was the ICT "Insitute for Creative Technology" and the Armys decision, for they were the ones going to pitch it to the Army.
Pulled from Computer Games:
"They said it was exactly what they were looking for, but it had to be on a console. 'Are you crazy?' Coming out of the Battlezone games for PC's, that was a great challange for me".........
"The Army came in with complete naivete. They had no idea what to expect, what to ask for".."They're not a retail publisher. They didn't come in and say 'it has to be chicks with big tits', 'it has to have first-person shooter elements', 'we have to sell this many'. They just said 'look, it has to be realistic, it's got to carrying over real-world applications, and it has to be on a console. That's what we want"- Wil Stahl of Pandemic
It states the ICT's idea for this was that "soldiers spent time in break rooms playing console games, why not offer something that would double as a training tool?. The United States Army was intrested"

ahh. cool. i figured it was more M$ stuff. :D