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  1. E

    It seems to be shuttles...have reliability problems...?

    For what its worth, I've rolled out 60 or so of various shuttles as desktop replacements here at work, and have converted to shuttles exclusively at home. I have seen 1 unit with a faulty NIC and thats it. On the other hand, a relative didn't want to take my advice and bought a prebuilt...
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    RCT3 or NFS UG2

    RCT3was a letdown for me. I skipped RCT2, and have had RCT1 for years. The inability to make simple tunnels without massive workarounds, the guest problems and the lack of real new attractions are my biggest beefs. Pehaps these issues will be fixed in a patch, time will tell.
  3. E

    Where do you get your wire?

    Local electrical supply or Graybar
  4. E

    Cable Broadband in a Business.

    Your cc machine will run over the phone line, unless you are buying a much more expensive ip model. Certain IP models also have a phone terminal, so its an either or proposition. ATMs usually run phone line as well. If you need CC terminal model reccomendations let me know.
  5. E

    Cable Broadband in a Business.

    We use the low end 99$ month package for a seperate net connection for vendors who visit our offices. ( keeps the sales schmucks' virus laden notebooks off our production network) . This includes slow up/down rates and analog cable TV. From personal experience, the installer will do the very...
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    Please advise me on cat5 installation tools

    Ideal Telemaster is not ratcheting style. Having said that, I have worn the print off the handles of mine, had it for 4+ years and use it at least twice a week. I like it a lot more then my AMP ratcheting one, although the ratchet adds torque.
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    My first mod! and... should I invest in a Dremel?

    I use my dremel for a lot of projects around the house - and speaking from personal experience, Dremel stands behind its products 100%. Mine died after a few years, so I sent it in for warranty repair. I got back a newer model, and a few extra bonuses. :D
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    Attention! You do not need antivirus!

    Ignorance is bliss :)
  9. E

    Checking hundreds of email addresses to see if they come back undeliverable?

    Prospect Verifier can do it, we use it here. This IS a spammer tool, but can also be used for good instead of evil- sort of like a handgun. Myself, I feel dirty just reccomending it. One thing to look out for- if this company goes under, then any reinstalls...
  10. E

    What CRM software does your company use?

    We have outgrown Goldmine, and we are looking for a new product. Canidates so far include ACCPAC and NetSuite (although a hosted solution is not a requirement.) Any feedback on either of those two or the pros and cons of what your company is using for CRM would be great. Also the number of...
  11. E

    Veritas Backup Exec 9.1 review

    Thanks for clarifying!
  12. E

    Real Life Doom3 simulator

    I bet the performance is awful - terrible frame rates :rolleyes:
  13. E

    Symantec Corporate 9.0 Issue

    I was getting the same thing, if the machine is not on when the virus defs are scheduled to push out or the time of day update was after the PC had booted- even though it had already dl'ed the update from the master server or was about to do it during boot. My solution: turn off notifications...
  14. E

    Veritas Backup Exec 9.1 review

    Hey, thanks for posting this. I am looking at upgrading some of my earlier versions of Backup Exec and was wondering if you could look and see how good the support is in 9.1 for backing up to mapped drives/remote locations - I know that later versions support this, how good is the support and...
  15. E

    Doom3 sucks! Want a refund! :(

    Quoted, admission of "trolling the forums". Ban this moron until he learns how to spell.
  16. E

    This has to be one of the best support faqs ever

    an email address cut out.... link contains log in cookie? Edit: cut out the email addy so whoever owns it doesnt get bot crawled and spammed to hell and back.
  17. E

    Sign HERE is you still don't have the game :-(

    Update: Gamestop, Westgate Mall Brockton MA has D3 in - and has a couple of copies over the amount of preorders. Get there now if you havent preordered, are local and want it today. Just picked mine up, so cut me out of this thread.
  18. E

    Sign HERE is you still don't have the game :-(

    I work in Brockton, and just moved to Easton. I guess I will just wait for Gamespot to get my copy in, I have a few things that need to be taken care of tonight anyway. Enjoy the game!
  19. E

    Network Cable Woes

    Anytime I learn to crimp a different kind of cable I sit down at the kitchen table with some connectors and some scrap cable to perfect the process.
  20. E

    Sign HERE is you still don't have the game :-(

    What's up MA buddy. Gamestop in Brockton is claiming tomorrow. (bastards)
  21. E

    DOOM 3 @ WalMart for $49.82

    If I could pump happy elves and dancing fairies full of lead it would only add to the positive elements of this game.
  22. E

    DNS question still no go
  23. E

    new wrt54g firmware!!!

    As soon as I move I am jumping on this full force. I have heard nothing but good things about sveasoft, and the added features are nothing short of badass.
  24. E

    telephone cat5 wiring

    Be more specific- how many lines are you trying to utilize? trying to reutilize standard phone jacks or replacing with (for instance) a Levition wall plate? Got a 66 block? A phone will work with just one pair, start with Blue/Blue white as a pair, then Orange/Orange white, Green/Green...
  25. E

    400$ 28K phone modem?

    Older credit card machines have slower onboard modems and need to have a modem that can train down on the other end - perhaps it has something to do with the headend for similar equipment. A lot of curent modems only account for 56K and cant do the train down. Still seems like a lot of money so...
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    Racks for under $100?

    look around middle atlantic's site, but finding a vendor may be a challenge or, build your own: I am fortunate to have a vendor in Massachusetts, You Do It Electronics who offers...
  27. E

    Really whats the deal?

    Neither Doom3 or HL2 could ever possibly live up to the hype surrounding them, no matter how good (or bad) they are. I'll pick up both when they come out. Until then , I am not going to sweat it.
  28. E

    Mount Doom Case - side panel done!

    Looking good! Is there a replacemnt for the front plexiglas on the way? Also: Are those side panels that are on sale for the left or right side of the case (looking at it from the front)? The site ( ) does not mention... I'd like to get a left side without the precut...
  29. E

    best router/firewall $1k.

    I was looking at these primarily because Rackshack/EV1 servers is using them for their 'private rack' offering. Anyone had experience with this product? The feature set looks about right and cost is about 995.00 MSRP
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    I like phpwebhosting as well for standard domain hosting, but for real hosting we have leased a box at ev1servers (rackshack). Your entire box, do whatever you feel like with it.
  31. E

    Connecting cisco switches 3750 to 2948G

    Using Copper gigabit? Crossover cable pinout gigabit TX 1) orange-white green-white 2)orange green 3)green-white orange-white 4)blue brown-white 5) blue white brown 6)green orange 7)brown-white blue 8)brown blue-white Threw me the first time I saw it. HTH!
  32. E

    DVD RW Recomendations

    Sorry, let me qualify my remark: "It was a good price for that particular drive in a retail box at that particular moment in time" :D
  33. E

    DVD RW Recomendations

    Another vote for the Plextor 708A, but be warned that it comes with the ass-tacular roxio suite instead of Nero. Currently the one day sale at newegg retail box $165.00 is a great price.
  34. E

    Replaced CD burner with DVD burner, now windowws and Nero say no burner installed???

    Chances are your current version of Nero does not recognize your new drive. If it was a drive-specific branded version of Nero, you may be out of luck. If it was Nero 5, a lot of newer drives are not recognized in this older version. Upgrade to Nero 5.5 or Nero 6.
  35. E

    Need a good (FREE) program to monitor servers.

    Anyone else having issues with 3COM Network Supervisor? I am trying to install it on a Dell server running W2K advanced server. I can install it, but starting the program shows me the splash screen with an hourglass, and then it bombs out, no error message. Nothing in the event logs either...
  36. E

    Patch Panel installation..w/ pics

    You may have been able to get a custom 'short shelf' fabricated at a place like , but it would probably be cost prohibitive. What you put together doesn't look bad at all!
  37. E

    Pink cold cathode :(

    You could go to just about any craft store and get some red cello gift basket wrap (about 2.49 for a huge roll of the stuff). Wrap your tubes a couple of times and you will see a noticeable difference. It still won't be 100% deep dark red but it won't be pink either. If you really want a deep...
  38. E

    Bah, I ran out of cage nuts These guys are VERY cool. Ive bought a lot of rack parts and custom shelving from them in the past. If anyone has a site with better pricing, please post!
  39. E

    Extension for Cat 5?

    or buy two of those, and make your own coupler.