Real Life Doom3 simulator

I call shens due to the feedback of ZERO. ;)
And that isn't even the right flashlight.
kuyaglen said:
I call shens due to the feedback of ZERO. ;)
And that isn't even the right flashlight.
by you calling uh... shens... does that mean for a second there you believed it?
Now if that came with a med kit and a midget that followed me around yelled "BOO!" every 15 seconds, I'd bid.
gumplunger said:
If you had the blindfold on, what good would a flashlight be?

The guy who posted that clearly just wanted to sell a bandana and a flashlight, so he though of this really dumb idea of calling a doom 3 real-life emulator, but who knows, Maby someone will pay him more for his flashlite then he could of got otherwise!!!
that was funny. by funny i mean slightly amusing. worthy of a chuckle.
sadly, people have bid on it. i'm sure of it. the people that make most of the bids are just monkeys wearing funny hats who just press random buttons on a keyboard. pure chaos. pure chance.
Ya I can see how that can be a d3 flashlight its made of metal and could hurt if you knocked someone over the head with it.