It seems to be shuttles...have reliability problems...?


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 15, 2005
I seem to see all kinds of problems with shuttles. I see a post almost everyother day pretaining to sn25p problems, and it's making me kind of iffy about getting one. Is the reason we see all kinds of problems with them, like the Ipod thing, people see more defective ipods/sn25p's because there is more of them out there than everything else. Is a shuttle a safe investment?
I think #1 there are a lot more novices who buy the SN25P, because it is nearly self contained and they don't know what they are doing. They have a whole row of Shuttles @ Fry's... #2 there is the look-how-much-money-I-paid brag factor. People ask stupid questions they would normally figure out themselves, just to get noticed. Hey, I'm guilty of it too sometimes. ;)
TheBlueChanell said:
I seem to see all kinds of problems with shuttles. I see a post almost everyother day pretaining to sn25p problems, and it's making me kind of iffy about getting one. Is the reason we see all kinds of problems with them, like the Ipod thing, people see more defective ipods/sn25p's because there is more of them out there than everything else. Is a shuttle a safe investment?

Thanks for the heads up. its making me look at this BioStar System on newegg.
I dunno... I am looking at 3 on my desk, one on the wife's desk... all trouble free except when I inserted a ram module incorrectly and clipped a CPU fan wire in the SN25P (Shuttle AND OCZ replaced the Mobo and Ram for No Charge!)...

Just sold an SN45G to my InLaws...

My count is:
(2) SN95G5s - one Rev 1.2, the other a Rev 2.0 mobos (both OCed- 3200Winnie is at 2.49 Ghz, the 3500 winnie is at 2.53 Ghz)
SN25P (25% OC on the 3800+ X2 - it runs all day at 2.5Ghz)
SB75G (been running a 2.6C processor at 3.2Ghz for 18mos now)

They run, they game, they sometimes lock... but they haven't seen stock performance in years or months.

I am very pleased with my Shuttle Fleet...

MediaRocker said:
Thanks for the heads up. its making me look at this BioStar System on newegg.

...I wouldn't do that, they run louder, hotter, and are less effecient than the shuttles. I'd just go with the sn25p.
Don't get it twisted, the SN25P is a very nice box. It has its subtle quirks, like the fact that the only current sound card replacement is an external solution, but other than that it is very good.

Once x1 PCI-e sound solutions are released (or should I say if), this box will be definately a value. Currently that is its major drawback IMO. Having 2 rather nice rigs, it is easy to "hear" the difference. However if you arm the SN25P with the right equipment it is a very good, quiet, cool machine.
I have a revision 1 SN95G5 and have had zero issues since day one with a 3500+ AMD and a slew of high end video cards (current 6600GT due to space problems). Still runin the original BIOS to.
I've build many XPC's in last few years.

They all still work fine.

From all I have seen there was few dirty fans, one broken PSU (affter long user abuse) and some USB power isues (like many XPC's will not be able to power some extrenal hard disk from front USB ports so You will need to use two USB ports to power or PS2 power)

I've build 3 SN25P XPC's fro 3 friends few months ago and non of them have had any problems, One of then has Anti Virus version that is not working good with a dual core CPU's but that is a problem of a Windows XP and AMD and not Shuttle problem.

Some people say Sound card ain't that good but actualy it's more then good enough. There are no PCI-e x1 sound cards avaible jet (maybe never?) so that's what it is take it or leave it.

Cooling is great , PCU is greeat and it will run X2 and powerfull FX CPU's all night long on fll power.

IMHO SN25P is best SFF for AMD CPU's. SN26P?

I own SN95G5 with 4200+ X2, 1 GB Twinx Corsair, 250 GB HDD, 6800GT and few other things. PSU is 240 watt SilentX and it powers all that. Even just for a grafic card it's recomended 350+ watt even just with a single core CPU. Still it works great. It's also very quiet to.

If You ask me XPC is good as it getts.

I just put together a SN85G4v2 (s754) HTPC for my in-laws. It runs cool, quiet, and stable, though it only has a Sempron 64 2800 and a low end Radeon 9550 video card in it, so I can't attest to it's stability with high power parts.

I also put together a Biostar iDEQ nforce2 system for my personal HTPC a while back. The Biostar mobo is a bit quirky, but once you get it running it's great.

I can say though, the Shuttle heatpipe system paired with the 90mm exhaust fan keeps the Shuttle much quieter than the 2x60mm fans that cool my Biostar's CPU.

It seems to me that the only instability problems one might encounter would be from overloading the <300w PSU's in these little units. Other than that, I've had the best of luck with them.
TheBlueChanell said:
I seem to see all kinds of problems with shuttles. I see a post almost everyother day pretaining to sn25p problems, and it's making me kind of iffy about getting one. Is the reason we see all kinds of problems with them, like the Ipod thing, people see more defective ipods/sn25p's because there is more of them out there than everything else. Is a shuttle a safe investment?

I've debunked this fallacy before....

If you look at the industry standards for defects Shuttles are no different then any other system out there. What you are seeing is a lot of posts from a small percentage of overall users. The majority like myself never need to post because we have no issues at all.

So to say there are a lot of people posting problems does not speak to there percentage as a whole...but the industry stanadard is about 3 to 5 percent which I would bet is Shuttles percentage also....
The bios for the sn25p was a little messed up when dual core hit, causing a USB issue, shuttle fixed it pretty fast. Past that I have had very little issue in building, maintaining and using my shuttle.

Solid rig, doesnt have issues with any sort of stability, I dont OC however.

Watch out for iDEQs, one I had the IDE controller failed on it, so I went shuttle ;p.
For what its worth, I've rolled out 60 or so of various shuttles as desktop replacements here at work, and have converted to shuttles exclusively at home. I have seen 1 unit with a faulty NIC and thats it.

On the other hand, a relative didn't want to take my advice and bought a prebuilt shuttle from BestBuy and has had nothing but trouble.
TheBlueChanell said:
I seem to see all kinds of problems with shuttles. I see a post almost everyother day pretaining to sn25p problems, and it's making me kind of iffy about getting one. Is the reason we see all kinds of problems with them, like the Ipod thing, people see more defective ipods/sn25p's because there is more of them out there than everything else. Is a shuttle a safe investment?

I've had *0* problems with the 5 shuttles I've owned / operated.
Devii said:
Watch out for iDEQs, one I had the IDE controller failed on it, so I went shuttle ;p.
FWIW, I wouldn't base my entire opinion of a product line on one faulty IDE controller.....but I digress.
I have had 3 shuttles and i love them to death.
MY SN85 has had to be RMA'ed twice once b/c it was DOA and once because of bad bios update on my part (shouldn't unplug power cord while pdating)

but I am still a big fan of them. I don't think they have any more problems then any other system I have.

I've been very happy with my Shuttle SB75S. No problems, very stable and OCs nicely for me. I am a little irked by the lack of manual control over voltages, for the clocks I'm running now I probably wouldn't be able to over volt enough but I find just leaving it on auto seems to work fine and I'm running 230mhz 1:1 right now.