400$ 28K phone modem?


Limp Gawd
Jun 10, 2004
I figured since there are a lot of Hardware Modders here, I'd ask here.

Here's the story.

A friend at work has a brother that sold an old 28K modem on E-Bay for 150$. The friend and his brother were contacted the next day via E-Mail, by the purchaser, asking if they had any more of these babies available for "only" 150$. Guys were confused, but called the number given. Purchaser says he can make 400$ apiece from these cards, but refused to elaborate, only something involving a dipswitch on the board. Friend has over a hundred of these boards in his garage, and wants to find out what this high dollar usage could be for cards worth less than 5 bucks. He has already scanned many questionable sites that he frequents, and the hackers haven't got a clue, or ain't talking. I realize this usage is probably illegal, but maybe just used for some high end rig mod. (Please tell me you can unlock Intel C's multiplier....lol)

Seriously, any input would be appreciated.
I'd say take the $150 a pop and run like a bandit ;). Better yet, give me the guys phone number, and I'll buy them from you for $50 a pop :)
My buddy is very interested in this potential usage because he smells a huge profit potential. He has all these old cards because he buys bulk lots of older computers. Then builds low end rigs dedicated to satallite video "enhancement".
The guy may just work in a business that resells parts to the military or company that need to exactly match what hardware they have in their system. And since the cards are no longer made that would account for the money. Take the 150 dollars and just let that guy deal with the other end.
If I send you some 28K modems can I get a little kickback?
What model? We have a ton of old stuff around here in the Datacenter.
Christ, if you're getting $150 for a 28K, I've got some 56Ks laying around... think I could get $250 for those??
I'm thinking shefron is on target. Probably sells them to some government entity that has old equipment they have to keep running. I'd take the $150 and be happy. If it is to a gov't entity, getting approval to sell directly is such a hassle that it is likely not worth it. Tell him to take what he can get and don't let greed keep him from making a sale. After all, selling 100 at $150 each is better than never finding out how to sell at $400 and therefore selling 0.

Very sound advice. I will convey the possible government idea. Since the purchaser was in Alaska, silliest idea we could come up with was some sort of hardmod for satellite transceivers to be used in remote areas. You're guesses sound more reasonable.
Older credit card machines have slower onboard modems and need to have a modem that can train down on the other end - perhaps it has something to do with the headend for similar equipment. A lot of curent modems only account for 56K and cant do the train down. Still seems like a lot of money so take the sale and run!
EvilTwig said:
Still seems like a lot of money so take the sale and run!
Our guesses to this guys purpose for them is just as good as yours, so listen to this advise and make some money on these obsolete (maybe not ;)) cards!