

Limp Gawd
Nov 12, 2003
What is everyone's favorite webhost? Hopefully catering towards commercial customers. Server needs to support php, MySQL, and have shell access. Competitive prices also please.

Thanks, Adam
I have tera-byte.com and they're pretty good. They support mySQL (but only one database on their 9.99 plan) and PHP. And shell for any user.

They have soft limits on bandwidth and disk space, but if you need more for a LEGITIMATE purpose they will gladly give it to you. Great service too. MySQL databases, PHP, Apache on Linux. Very reliable service, and only $10/month.

I finally just canceled my account. I hadnt used it in months but only cuz I started to host my own.
I like phpwebhosting as well for standard domain hosting, but for real hosting we have leased a box at ev1servers (rackshack). Your entire box, do whatever you feel like with it.
regardless of who you pick. Check webhostingtalk.com to make sure they're not deadbeats.