DOOM 3 @ WalMart for $49.82

OT but hey wth....^^^^^ i agree we just got a supercenter down teh road....jesus h christ its like a trash magnet....and its busy 20 hours out of the day.... :rolleyes:
Walmart will take all the blood and violence out of the game and replace it with happy elves and dancing fairies.
$5? -_- holy cow. steal of the century.

which overall would be a good deal, except the nearest walmart in my area, would cost $5 to drive to :eek:
ThisMonsterLives said:
Walmart will take all the blood and violence out of the game and replace it with happy elves and dancing fairies.

If I could pump happy elves and dancing fairies full of lead it would only add to the positive elements of this game.
The people in walmart are too ugly to justify me walking in there.
The people are are as stupid as they are ugly. Glad i don't have to work there anymore.

$5? -_- holy cow. steal of the century.
Eh, something is better than nothing.

If I could pump happy elves and dancing fairies full of lead it would only add to the positive elements of this game.
Wow. Get help.
ScretHate said:
The people in walmart are too ugly to justify me walking in there.

There's a lot of wall mirror at Wal-Mart, I'm pretty sure it's just your reflection when you walk in there...
I've called two locations and they both don't have it, has anyone had any luck so far in getting the game this early from a Walmart location?
I got it yesterday.

I played it a little while. It runs decent enough at 1024 x 768 on my 9600. My advice is to get a soothing wallpaper because it crashes to desktop a lot. I just reinstalled the graphics card to see if that might have fixed it.
Wondernerd said:
I got it yesterday.

I played it a little while. It runs decent enough at 1024 x 768 on my 9600. My advice is to get a soothing wallpaper because it crashes to desktop a lot. I just reinstalled the graphics card to see if that might have fixed it.
dont lie please, post some screenshots as proof
You seem very excited that you got it yesterday... a screenshot would really help.
yeah the crashing to desktop really can get to be a pain. kinda brings back memories of Morrowind on PC. had anyone heard of any way to get around this?
[H]ellbringer said:
There's a lot of wall mirror at Wal-Mart, I'm pretty sure it's just your reflection when you walk in there...
Oh my, it appears I've offended someone.
Wondernerd said:
I got it yesterday.

I played it a little while. It runs decent enough at 1024 x 768 on my 9600. My advice is to get a soothing wallpaper because it crashes to desktop a lot. I just reinstalled the graphics card to see if that might have fixed it.

While I'm not quite ready to call this BS, some solid proof would be very cool.
Kevin Lowe said:
While I'm not quite ready to call this BS, some solid proof would be very cool.

MarbMild said:
He's telling the truth. I'm his boyfriend and I bought it for him.


I really wish Kyle blocked all AOL IP's
Can I go ahead and claim the awesomeness of the game ate my computer and I don't have photoshop and my F12 key is broken and I would love to post pictures but I can't find a good free webhost and I hate my mom because she got me an emachine in 1995 and won't pay for an upgrade?

Or Should I Just Shut Up and make with the linking already? It is actually pretty cool.

Want more? I'll post any you want, but I will be out of the loop for a few hours. Apparently, my boss thinks I should be at work and not playing games.

Reinstalling my graphics card seemed to fix the crashing problem. I also uninstalled SP2 for XP. So those two may be related.I had the latest driver, but reinstalling it seemed to fix the problem. Ati drivers can be so goofy at times.

The super scary nature involves mostly things jumping out at you. Occasionally I've heard things in the walls or something like that. The Imps make an Aliens like clicking sound sometimes, so you have that, but it really isn't all that scary. There are other cool things like lights reflecting in eye bulletwounds and so on. and everything else is oh so very, very pretty. New graphics card for this nerd.
Wondernerd said:
Can I go ahead and claim the awesomeness of the game ate my computer and I don't have photoshop and my F12 key is broken and I would love to post pictures but I can't find a good free webhost and I hate my mom because she got me an emachine in 1995 and won't pay for an upgrade?

Or Should I Just Shut Up and make with the linking already? It is actually pretty cool.

Want more? I'll post any you want, but I will be out of the loop for a few hours. Apparently, my boss thinks I should be at work and not playing games.

Reinstalling my graphics card seemed to fix the crashing problem. I also uninstalled SP2 for XP. So those two may be related.I had the latest driver, but reinstalling it seemed to fix the problem. Ati drivers can be so goofy at times.

The super scary nature involves mostly things jumping out at you. Occasionally I've heard things in the walls or something like that. The Imps make an Aliens like clicking sound sometimes, so you have that, but it really isn't all that scary. There are other cool things like lights reflecting in eye bulletwounds and so on. and everything else is oh so very, very pretty. New graphics card for this nerd.

Damn you.. now i gotta go run to wal-mart and see if they have it on the shelf.. I thought you were full of BS. Sorry I doubted ya man. Enjoy.
Well I just got back from Wal-Mart.. the guy behind the counter said "Yeah we're not allowed to put games on the shelves before the release date, regardless if they come in or not. We can get fined for that." When I asked him if he had it, he wouldn't say. So either they have some or he was bullshitting me... :(
mastercheeze said:
wondernerd = retail employee

You sir, have insulting my honor. I am an electronics tech for an oilfield service company. and I don't know anybody that works for Wal-mart neither.

They had the aisle of games and on the edge of the aisle towards the back they have the more popular games and the new releases. There with a blinking security tag, was a whole row of Doom 3. On the very bottom kinda out of sight. I thought it might be an empty box as a place holder. So I picked it up to read it and noticed it wasn't empty. So I figured what the hell and brought it to the counter.

The dingbat behind the counter couldn't get the security tag off and she kept calling more and more people in. The whole time I was waiting for somebody to run in and say "Doom Police! You are not allowed to own this game sir! Put the game down and walk backwards towards me or I will pop a cap". But that didn't happen. They finally got the tag off(six employees came to help. This crisis was solved when one of them got the bright idea to read the instructions printed on the removal tool. That kid will go far. I bet he makes shift manager) and sold it to me. It was hard not to skip out the store as I was able to get the game early just by walking into Wallyworld.

I was going to scan the receipt, but it just says "PC Software".
I think you are full of shit Wondernerd. You are just linking to the pics from the guy at IGN.
LOL sorry man you know thats just the jealousy talkin...I went to wally's and came back with only farcry....*shrug*

mah GT isnt comin till monday so I think i'll be fine
The demon community is going to be in an uproar over this game being sold at WalMart. Remember what happened with Vice City? Well, this is going to be worse. Demons with picket signs, threatening not to shop at WalMart unless the game is pulled from the shelves. Malicious acts against demons they'll cry, until finally their voice is heard. :D :D :D
That can be photoshopped but then again I can be full of shit. Good going if you do have it. Although the only way you can truly prove it is if you send it to me. :)
What are your computer specs by the way as everyone seems to be wanting to know?
Does this help my credibility?. I also uploaded some more pictures. A few of them are going to become wallpaper. If anybody else wants to host these pictures, please go for it, My bandwidth jumped 1 gig since the first post. I think I have enough for the rest of the month. Not sure.

My computer specs are:
Athlon XP 2600
Windows XP SP1(I uninstalled SP2. I may reinstall it. I think the problem was my graphics driver)
1 gig of RAM
Asus A7N8X-E Deluxe
Onboard sound
Saphire Radeon 9600 Pro

It is in a Lian Li case with a VFD in front. So that adds like 20fps.

The game takes up about 1.54 gig.
Wondernerd said:
Does this help my credibility?. I also uploaded some more pictures. A few of them are going to become wallpaper. If anybody else wants to host these pictures, please go for it, My bandwidth jumped 1 gig since the first post. I think I have enough for the rest of the month. Not sure.

My computer specs are:
Athlon XP 2600
Windows XP SP1(I uninstalled SP2. I may reinstall it. I think the problem was my graphics driver)
1 gig of RAM
Asus A7N8X-E Deluxe
Onboard sound
Saphire Radeon 9600 Pro

It is in a Lian Li case with a VFD in front. So that adds like 20fps.

The game takes up about 1.54 gig.

Is that a Viewsonic A90? :)
Alright I am a dick. So when are you sending it my way. Pretty please.