Doom3 sucks! Want a refund! :(

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I would post my opinion of Doom, but since its not "I love everything about this game" it'll probably just get this thread locked as well.
JR_Rider said:
ok ok ok time to end this sharade......this is all fake im not returing this game it was good i liked it i was just board and yall amused me, as planned, yall shouldnt let ppl annoy you or get to yall so much jeez ...............the game is good im keepin it...........THE

Quoted, admission of "trolling the forums". Ban this moron until he learns how to spell.
kuyaglen said:
What store accepts open box software returns?

Microcenter does, if you have them in your area. That's why their prices are higher than everyone else. They could have changed, but that's their little feature. You can return anything anytime.
no the electronics boutique i was at said they were worried about ppl buying the game and not having good enough computers to play it so they allow you to take it back in 14 days
spectrumbx said:
Well this game plain sucks.

Going to get my money back.

I have seen games run better and look better than doom3.

Just because it requires high end hardware does not mean it is any good.
I cannot believe some people spent a lot of money in upgrade just to play this game.

Anybody can make a game a resource hog.
As a programmer myself, I know that bad code will use a lot of resources while well tuned code will use less resources.

Using the system in my sig (with 9700pro being OCed at 380:340) @ 800x600-medium quality-no AA is not only choppy, but also looks like crap.

Bah... last time I will listen to the hype from fanatics! :(

Have u gone mad
I run mine with a stock 9500pro and it works fine at 1024x768 at ultra high resolution. Sure it occastionally drops to about 15-16 fps in high combat areas but it isnt ever unplayable. Of course thats only my opinion because I find IQ is much more important then fps.
Do I add some wood to the fire? Bah, maybe not...

Oh, what the heck! :p

First I concure, my dual screen setup was the problem from what I read further on the web.

Nevertheless, the game sucks. The game play is simply midiocre.

I wouldn't even spend another minute on it even if I was paid to.
spectrumbx said:
Do I add some wood to the fire? Bah, maybe not...

Oh, what the heck! :p

First I concure, my dual screen setup was the problem from what I read further on the web.

Nevertheless, the game sucks. The game play is simply midiocre.

I wouldn't even spend another minute on it even if I was paid to.

Congrats! You win two awards for this thread.

1) Most changes of story in one thread
2) Most trollolicious thread ever

spectrumbx said:
Do I add some wood to the fire? Bah, maybe not...

He only came back once we stopped trashing him and were concentrating on that other asshat :p
spectrumbx said:

hehehe! :)

After reading through the thread you were out of line.

My friend, your problem was self-inflicted, you returned a game and called it mediocre simply because you had hardware issues. You then blamed it on coding that I'm quite confident you couldn't effectively critique.

The gameplay was above mediocre at best; it was the visual capabilities that made this game what it is. Playing it on medium quality, with the visual enhancements disabled would depreciate your experience. I can understand your disappointment in the gameplay, but if your computer was the reason for the game's malfunction, then you have only yourself to blame. You may have missed out on one of the greatest visual experiences to date.

Unfortunately, you were the one at fault.

I wish I could have returned it as well. But no, you can only get the same thing. :rolleyes:

Maybe some mods for the game, or a total conversion will save the money spent on it.
I think this thread has run its course. Bumping it after two months is rather pointless. :rolleyes:
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