Cable Broadband in a Business.

Oct 14, 2001
i kinda cant wait for the cable company to get back to me on this. so iam asking here...

iam opening a business in about 2 monthes and i will need broadbands. Dsl is a possiblity but its too damn expensive for business. i figured cable is the solution since its cheaper and much faster. problem is. the building is not wired for cable and i was wondering how does this usually work? will the cable company wire the building? btw there are houses right by the building.

and does anybody know how much cable internet can run for a business?

any ideas?

We use the low end 99$ month package for a seperate net connection for vendors who visit our offices. ( keeps the sales schmucks' virus laden notebooks off our production network) . This includes slow up/down rates and analog cable TV.

From personal experience, the installer will do the very minimum amount of work they can get away with. If you want the package in a certain location, be very specific. You can run your own ethernet from the modem to whatever network device you choose.

Static IPs are extra, so make sure you pick a package that includes all the features you need.
how close are these houses? think you can make up a deal with any of the residents if they have cable internet? like you pay half and share teh connection or something? or is your business going to consume alot of bandwidth?
I just set up a network to share a cable line for a business here in Michigan. They had cable on their powerline next to the building. It was $150 for them to run a line into the building and install the cable. A guy came out and did it in about and hour and a half. It's comcast in case it matters.
comcast out here in CA offers it if the cable drop is close enough. It was $99/m for 4Mbits/384 last time i checked.
i just talked to the head guy abotu commercial Hi speed..

and he told me..

up to 4megs Down and 512kb Up

and the price?

79.95/month if i provide modem
5.00 more if they provide

and thats for a dynamic ip

and get this.. for a static ip address its 39.95 more!!!!!

talk about overkill and killing small businesses

he told me he searched the database and the actual building address doesnt come up but something like 20 feet down does. so he put in the service call to check it out on what the situation will be if i decide to sign...

just overhead wiring. or underground or just not economically feasable. Free to me for the survey.

i checked on dsl and its the same 79.95 but only 1.5mbps..

talk about decisions decisions...
My favorite thing about small businesses that need to save money and be on the internet is that these packages have no garunteed up-time. So if you are down they will fix you as fast as they can but they won't rush.

Working on a helpdesk for an ISP, my fav comment is "I run a business and I'm loosing thousands of dollars per day while this internet is down"...this is on a $30/month connection.

The Static IPs are getting's odd, IPv4 running out of IPs maybe? Cause same for my package. dynamic IPs for same speed is $50/month and static is $'s odd, oh well, I need statics.

For your wiring question, just have them put the modem where ever and run ethernet from there to your rack or if it is by your rack good stuff.
granted that i go with a broadband setup and experience some downtime it might cost me money. but not alot...

i will be losing money for several services.. such as not being able to use credit card terminals.. not atm machine service....and many other things that rely on the actual internet to use that specific service. i cant speak for others. but i can vouch for possible atleast 200-300.00 loss... the thing is i rather pay a little bit less and have a good connection than get some shitty company iam paying outrageous amounts and getting serious downtime.

the main reason i want broadband is for A utility bill payment processor and security camera system so i can watch from my house. but iam not sure if its gonna be worth it..

Karandras69 said:
My favorite thing about small businesses that need to save money and be on the internet is that these packages have no garunteed up-time. So if you are down they will fix you as fast as they can but they won't rush.

Working on a helpdesk for an ISP, my fav comment is "I run a business and I'm loosing thousands of dollars per day while this internet is down"...this is on a $30/month connection.

The Static IPs are getting's odd, IPv4 running out of IPs maybe? Cause same for my package. dynamic IPs for same speed is $50/month and static is $'s odd, oh well, I need statics.

For your wiring question, just have them put the modem where ever and run ethernet from there to your rack or if it is by your rack good stuff.
Most ISPs out there will offer managed services as well. The price will be a lot different though, here is an example

Regular consumer package - $35/month, 1.5/640 ADSL connection no uptime guarantee
Basic managed package - $250-300/month, 1.5/640 ADSL, 99% uptime guarantee.

Now you say that you might loose $250-$300 if your connection goes down for 1-2 days, managed isn't a bad thing, just a little more expensive.

In your case, small business, I would see if your provider will keep good uptimes on the cheap package then if not, switch packages to keep your buesiness up and running.
][V][ ZeRo ][V][ said:
granted that i go with a broadband setup and experience some downtime it might cost me money. but not alot...

i will be losing money for several services.. such as not being able to use credit card terminals.. not atm machine service..

Your cc machine will run over the phone line, unless you are buying a much more expensive ip model. Certain IP models also have a phone terminal, so its an either or proposition. ATMs usually run phone line as well. If you need CC terminal model reccomendations let me know.