Sign HERE is you still don't have the game :-(

Cannibal Corpse

Sep 22, 2002
It is Monday, 11:31 P.M. (Pacific Time) and no sign of DOOM3 in North California (Bay Area, San Francisco). No Best Buy, GameStop, EBGames, CompUSA, Fry's Electronics, Circuit City has the game. :rolleyes:
Go to sleep and when you wake up, Doom3 will be available at a game store near you. :D
I don't know if I should be here. I'm voluntarily waiting till Friday to get Doom 3 because of the free KOTOR deal here. :D
They think they know who I am
All they know is I love to kill
Face down, dead on the ground
Find me before another is found
I have set the alarm for 8:00am what i m going to do?

1 of all i m sold my ASUS GEFORCE FX 5900 for 215$ on ebay
2 going to my BISHIP colelge to register for my FALL CLASSES
3 Ill go to BEST BUY and BUY myself NEW GEFORCE 6800 or GEFORCE 5950 as i hate ATI they all suck at OC
4 Ill go to EBGAMES to pick up my PRE ORDERED DOOM 3
5 i m going to kick my job and play DOOM 3 for 3 full days.
I dont have it and Nor CAL is sucking for D3 or its just the customer service. I called a gamestop and they said d3 would only be for people who preordered it tomorrow. Best buy says wed, and same with fry's. I might as well wait till friday and get it at Circuit City for 44.99.
megawzrd said:
I dont have it and Nor CAL is sucking for D3 or its just the customer service. I called a gamestop and they said d3 would only be for people who preordered it tomorrow.

Ya, I called my local GS from work and they said the same thing. I was able to talk the wife into going down to the store and pre-ordering for me. :)
megawzrd said:
Best buy says wed, and same with fry's. I might as well wait till friday and get it at Circuit City for 44.99.
Yeah I'm thinking of waiting until friday and getting it at Circuit City since it seems to be the cheapest so far. Fry's is usually the best but they aren't advertising a price so I'm thinking they are eitehr waiting until the last minute or they aren't going to do a price break since it is such a big game. I haven't gotten it yet but my anticipation has died down a little, probably going to pick it up this week anyway, might not really play it until I get a new system though which could be months, but hey I still want it, even if it is burning a hole in my pocket!
I am suppose to get mine on the 4th from EB Games downtown. I already paid for it. However, me thinks I am going there the 3rd and see if it is in. I think it should be so I am going to check anyways. I only live 6 blocks away from the store, heh.
Got mine preordered at EB. They're going to have it available for preorder folk Wed. in the afternoon - about 6 hrs from now. It amazes me how they're sticking to the street date, even though it seems that everyone in the universe already has the game.

Oh well, I'll forget how jealous I am once I'm fragging away this evening. Though staring at the box at work is going to drive me mad!

Greeley Colorado won't get it (Gamestop) until 8-4-04, thats what the dude on the phone told me, and Walmart another week.
Pick mine up today at 10am at EB in Canton, MA. Called yesterday to make sure everything was still on time.
Milenko said:
Pick mine up today at 10am at EB in Canton, MA. Called yesterday to make sure everything was still on time.

What's up MA buddy.
Gamestop in Brockton is claiming tomorrow. (bastards)
EvilTwig said:
What's up MA buddy.
Gamestop in Brockton is claiming tomorrow. (bastards)

Hello. Where about's are you from? I was in Brockton for an hour or two yesterday (DMV)
Tuesday Morning 08:30am EST.
Looked on my EB order page, and it's still OPEN.
Daymn, for UT2K4, they shipped it 1 day early and made everyone happy.

If HL2 doesn't have anything good for the Pre-order, then I'll wait and pick it up locally.
This pre-order sucks.
Milenko said:
Hello. Where about's are you from? I was in Brockton for an hour or two yesterday (DMV)

I work in Brockton, and just moved to Easton. I guess I will just wait for Gamespot to get my copy in, I have a few things that need to be taken care of tonight anyway. Enjoy the game!
Waiting for Xbox version - 60" widescreen and digital surround is going to blow away a 19" monitor and puny little PC speakers .... still has my preorder as processing........ :( :( Please SHIP IT!!!!!!!!
2 going to my BISHIP colelge to register for my FALL CLASSES
And how's that working out for you? Engrish major, maybe. :)


I'm at work now, but I think I'll go during my lunch break and pick one up @ CC.

Token User said:
Waiting for Xbox version - 60" widescreen and digital surround is going to blow away a 19" monitor and puny little PC speakers ....
Having played my XBox on a 15" monitor with X2VGA adapter and on my brother's large screen TV via regular video out, I'll take the XBox. Don't know about your TV, but unless you can get the higher resolutions out of the XBox, I'd not give up the clarity of any monitor.

I told my mom to get it for me for my birthday.
She'll probably hit up Circuit City friday, or the local gamestop. She likes Gamestop because they have always been ncie to her when she buys me games there, or something for my nephews.
RagManX said:
Having played my XBox on a 15" monitor with X2VGA adapter and on my brother's large screen TV via regular video out, I'll take the XBox. Don't know about your TV, but unless you can get the higher resolutions out of the XBox, I'd not give up the clarity of any monitor.
Component video out to HDTV. Doesn't get much clearer than that :) ... however, you are right about playing video games (or regular DVDs for that matter) out to a video monitor is great. They have much better resolution than a TV does. However, a 60" widescreen HDTV give you a level of immersion into a game that you just don't get with a monitor - especially if you dim the lights and have the surround sound cranked up.
I was thinking of buying the HD adapter for my ATI card and running it to 42" widescreen for some late night D3 action. Man, I want to play already.
College Park, Md- Been calling all morning, gamestop, EB, bestbuy, circuit city, walmart, target.... NOTHING (that i know of) until tomorrow Aug4th :(
I'll hopefully pick up my pre-order from EB today after work. I've heard some rumors that EB in Canada won't have it until the 5th, but I hope they are wrong.
Darakian said:
Am I the only one that is not gonna buy this game?

Nope.This isn't my type of game and even if it was thanks to the motion sickness I get from games like this and Half Life I couldn't play even if I wanted to.
NoGodForMe said:
Tuesday Morning 08:30am EST.
Looked on my EB order page, and it's still OPEN.
Daymn, for UT2K4, they shipped it 1 day early and made everyone happy.

If HL2 doesn't have anything good for the Pre-order, then I'll wait and pick it up locally.
This pre-order sucks.

Same here! :mad: They charged my CC 2 days ago. They said it would ship the 2nd so I would have it on the 3rd if I shipped next day. In 2 hours I'm going to call them to cancel. I'm never doing business with them again.