Sign HERE is you still don't have the game :-(

Token User said:
Waiting for Xbox version - 60" widescreen and digital surround is going to blow away a 19" monitor and puny little PC speakers ....

Guess what? I can drive that with my pc, and do it at a higher resolution, and a higher framerate than an x-box ever will.

People seem to forget that any real gear you can hook an x-box up to, you can hook a pc up to, if you have a clue.

...or did you find a mysterious 'xbox only' 60" widescreen? lol.
Just called EB...they said it would be in at 10, and when I called at 10:48 they said they were expecting it within the hour. Assholes.
Played it lastnight and wasn't that impressed.
Game was waaaaay to dark.
Farcry has better graphics by far and its funner.
Farcry=teh wenner!
I cant get it till next week. Damn car insurance rate doubled after my last ticket, and I cant afford anything now :(
saturnine2 said:
I cant get it till next week. Damn car insurance rate doubled after my last ticket, and I cant afford anything now :(
One word CHARGE!
Update: Gamestop, Westgate Mall Brockton MA has D3 in - and has a couple of copies over the amount of preorders. Get there now if you havent preordered, are local and want it today. Just picked mine up, so cut me out of this thread.
i have a pre order from fry's and i called them yesterday, they said it will ship today and i have overnight shipping. so that should be here on wednesday. but it still says backorder on their site, he said that they are not on backorder and it's just an error with their computer system. if i don't have my game by wednesday or it's not even shipped yet...i'm gonna be pissed.
EBGAMES sucks they said i can pickup my order this morning but they still havent recieved the Shippment , EBGAMES in alabama sucks :mad:
Arkanian said:
One word CHARGE!
I gotta use the card for food/gas. I just got off the phone with a friend, he said he'd let me borrow some cash :) I might be getting it tonite! :D Hope Best Buy in Fayetteville NC isnt sold out yet, I preordered a while back and get a $10 discount.
Live in NYC and we still don't have it, now thats crazy, the shipment should be in the afternoon, now thats B.S. i hate EB, they should have had it yesterday with my damn promo offer.
EB never called me, so I drove down there, and sure enough they had my preorder.

Sucks that I'm sitting at work for the next 5 hours, I'd play it here but the video card would kill me :(
Preordered with Gamestop and got the FREE overnight shipping...still not here :( :mad:
Just called Best Buy, the eagle has landed! Will be playing when work is done. 4.5 Hours :(
eastvillager said:
Guess what? I can drive that with my pc, and do it at a higher resolution, and a higher framerate than an x-box ever will.

People seem to forget that any real gear you can hook an x-box up to, you can hook a pc up to, if you have a clue.

...or did you find a mysterious 'xbox only' 60" widescreen? lol.

dont forget, 60" of blurred, pixelated, 30FPS TERROR!
Bla, EB still says open on the status, and I pre-ordered a month ago.
They're supposed to reward fans who pre-order with 1 day shipping.
That's the last time I pre-order, unless they include something really good.
i preordered from says processing (bastards). i may just cancel and see if best buy has it in yet; im in madison,wi...the best buy on the east side had 95 copies in stock last saturday but the wouldn't budge and let me buy one....i even tried to grease the guy $20 - nothing!!!! the west side best buy had 0 in last saturday...hopefully they got some in today; i also noticed on the best buy website that it says the sale date is 8/4/04. any truth in that???
The best buy in kennesaw georgia has a boat load of them. Id pick one up if i had not preordered from eb. this is the last time i preorder anything.
I don't have it and won't buy it for myself. I like a little realism in my games.

I may buy it for my son as he is into Halo and liked Half-Life. I played through Half-Life; however, it was only so, so.
LOL...I hate BB !

I preordered Monday at Babbages in Toledo Ohio picked up noon today. :D
The clerk actually told me they came in next day air and they went to the
airport to pick them up at 9:00 AM.

BB says preorders here not until Thursday and CC on Friday... :( .
I quit a long time ago beliveing BB on ANY pre-orders..DAH

As soon as I get home from work today I'm sealing off the computer room...
women just serve me my meals in here, see ya in a few days !! ;)
women just serve me my meals in here, see ya in a few days !!

Yes ive made the same request of my wife. So she then said that i can leave the computer room :eek: :eek: :eek: No bathroom, im in deep dodo
I also received my pre-order from today, overnight FedEx. Yay for pewter figurines!
Yes ive made the same request of my wife. So she then said that i can leave the computer room No bathroom, im in deep dodo

Just take a porta potty in there and empty it outside the door when it's full :D :D

Ya my little women will NOT be tolerant of my screams if I get scared either !!
I'm just going to wait until Friday and get it for $45 from the Kennesaw, GA Circuit City. No sense in paying $10 more today to a store I despise (Best Buy). Besides, I'm still waiting on the 6800 GT to become readily available. I may go ahead and start playing the game on Friday with my 9800 Pro since there's no telling how long it'll be before I can replace it.
Well I called around and nobody had it, I had just about given up hope and was gonna wait till friday at circuit city. EBgames said they hadent even recieved their preorders yet. To my surprise I called a different gamestop than I had before and the guy said he had a couple, even though I didn't preorder. He said he had one of his guys pick up their shipment from the airport, and he knew a guy at id who threw in a few more copies. Needless to say I drove right over and picked up a copy. Oh well, I gues I will be paying an extra $3 a day (tues, wed, thurs) until friday since I couldn't wait for $45 at CC. But at least I got my copy today instead of wed like at frys, BB, or compusa. :)
Didn't even know it was out yet...

I'll pick it up in a coupla weeks I guess.
i called said that 'processing' means it is shipping today (it fucking better be).....i was trying to cancel the order b/c i called the nearest best buy and they have a lot of them in stock....i will never preorder online again
I preordered from amazon. Has not even shipped yet.. :mad: I guess I'll just have to wait.. Oh well..

just got mine, no fricking figure though, bastards. anyone know what it looks like though?
Qwertyman said:
just got mine, no fricking figure though, bastards. anyone know what it looks like though?
It came in the preorder box. I got it from Best Buy so I got Mancubus. He's about 2 inches tall. Ugly Mofo, but he's in my office on my desk regardless. :D
S1nF1xx said:
It came in the preorder box. I got it from Best Buy so I got Mancubus. He's about 2 inches tall. Ugly Mofo, but he's in my office on my desk regardless. :D
nope didn't get anything, i was supposed to get pinky, its no big deal, i just thought it was cool.
yes!!!! gamestop finally shipped my copy of doom3...will be here thursday; thats fine considering my new hdd will arrive from newegg tomorrow.....