Search results

  1. F

    What should I name my pet?

    Dog (just to mess with people) Furball Gimpy
  2. F

    Gaming Gear/Clothes

    LOL, this is a super funny thread. I think I could sport some of the gaming shirts...but those other obscure computer shirts are out of my league. On a side note: My Dad loves to sport his Linux user group's shirt and he gave a few to some of my friends, who wear them just to dumb-asses.
  3. F

    and I want a grpahics card.

    You cant go wrong with the 6600GT or the 6800. Both should be available any decent computer store. I wouldnt really recommend a 6200 if you plan on gaming.
  4. F

    Constant freezes in WoW

    So your OC wasn't stable? Or is it just that WoW has problems with OC'ed machines for some odd reason?
  5. F

    Constant freezes in WoW

    Is it just happening in WoW or other games also? Video lock ups and distortion on screen are signs of a dying video happened to my 4200ti a year ago I had to RMA it.
  6. F

    what games

    Chronicles of Riddick has gotten some really good reviews. I can personally vouch for FarCry as some good wholesome fraggin fun. I also recommend Neverwinter Nights Platinum Edition, it's a few years old but It's a great RPG that you can play through multiple times.
  7. F

    3400 or 3700

    A quick OC tip: Bump your Vdimm up to 2.8 volts, this should allow your ram to run at a higher FSB w/o problems. Check stabilitly with Prime95. Also Monitor you CPU temps, especially if you're on stock cooling. GL I hit 2.4 with a little extra Vcore (1.6), relaxed mem timmings (CAS...
  8. F

    3400 or 3700

    GJ on the OC! If you can get to 2.4 then you should have 3400+ newcastle performance. Some 2800+'s get along just fine :D Any new s754 cores are a welcome addition in my eyes.
  9. F

    good vid card for a lame computer?

    It's kinda hard to recommend a 6800gt for the reasons stated above. There is a chance you're going to run into power issues putting that card in your current system. If you can swing it, you could get a rockin' new system for around $600 (A64,s939, 6600gt, other goodies). You will notice...
  10. F

    Clawhammer core 1meg cache, faster in games than newcastle 512 cache??

    The 3700+ OC pretty well, from what I've read. But I say go 2800+ and be cool like me :cool: .
  11. F

    64 3200 bottleneck SLi?

    This article might give you an idea on how much of a bottleneck CPU's are on an SLI setup. They compare 3500+ and 4000+ in a bunch of games at a few different settings. It's safe to say the increase in FPS of a 4000+ over a 3200+ would be even greater...
  12. F

    Best budget Gaming Machine

    He suggested a 6800 vanilla not a 6600 vanilla. Price diff between 6800 and 6600gt is probably gonna be more than $20 though, unless there are some super specials somewhere.
  13. F

    No new architecture until late 2005!

    That may be a good thing. More cash for other stuff. :)
  14. F

    POLL: What videocard have you got (NVIDIA)

    You can get a ton of video card data from the steam or valve site. They have data on everyone vid card that d/l'ed HL 2 IIRC. No linky but it's out there somewhere. Maybe even try a forum search here, I know the link was posted.
  15. F

    Getting an A64 3000+, which core?

    My Recommendation: Chaintech NF3 Mobo $76 A64 3200+ $190 Under $300 with shipping and maybe a little savings toward your 6800GT. Maybe search around on a few other sites to save a few more bucks!
  16. F

    POLL: What videocard have you got (NVIDIA)

    Sig + Ti4200 collecting dust What type of project is this for?
  17. F

    S/PDIF Output?

    How come the FAQ isn't stickied? It helps for when some peeps cant find the search button. :)
  18. F

    Best portable mp3 for working out?

    iPod shuffle looks pretty tight and the price is not bad! That thing could definately work at the gym. I hope you saw the notes at the bottom of the page: 1. Music capacity is based on 4 minutes per song and 128Kbps AAC encoding. 2. Do not eat iPod shuffle. 3. Rechargeable...
  19. F

    Best portable mp3 for working out?

    I have the older version of that Rio player, it's been working well for me. The Rio Cali looks to have a better design. I would end up bumping my player on machines and skipping songs or stopping them. The Cali looks to have a recessed control pad which should help. One problem is the band...
  20. F

    looking for a sound card for a gameing rig?

    LOL, that's exactly how I feel. Just trying to ask the right questions and not be too annoying to the Mods and Gawds.
  21. F

    For those who think 754 is dead...

    2800+ Newcastle @ 267x9 Faster than a fat house cat on crack!! (and love it just as much)
  22. F

    New Kickass Battlefield 2 movie!

    Due out in March. It's on presale at EBgames with a free mic right now.
  23. F

    What would you do?

    Getting a 6800nu or gt would definately help out your current situation, however: This sounds like the right option to me. Your gonna have to upgrade your whole rig sooner or later, now is not a bad time. The 939 platform and sli will give you tons of options and should keep you gamming...
  24. F

    Gigabyte's dual core solution gets PWNed

    Obviously it's not the "single card sli answer" that [H] members want, but I do give gigabyte props on venture out of the norm and offering an innovative product. It basically offers the performace of SLI 6600GT (slightly overclocked) with some driver issues, in a single card format. I dont...
  25. F

    x800 XL available

    Good to see the x800xl online! Cant wait to see how they OC, somone buy one quick.
  26. F

    Corsair, OCZ, Kingston, or Mushkin

    OCZ or GSkill OCZ has great product support, I'm not sure about GSkill.
  27. F

    A64 mobo & memory opinion plz

    Go with the DFI mobo! Here are some ram options in your price range 512 mb ($113 - Good OC Potential) Crucial Ballistix or OCZ Platinum EL 1 Gb ($137 - Gonna need to run a divider if you OC) Mushkin Value Ram
  28. F

    Recommend Me A Game

    Good choice! Now you can come play on the TAW servers and get owned!
  29. F

    Recommend Me A Game

    Late suggestion here, Check out Neverwinter Nights Platinum Ed. Super fun RPG based in the D&D world, comes with the original game along with the two expansions.
  30. F

    Will 2005 Set PC Gaming History?

    I hope your wrong too, Q4 is the only game on that list that really sparked my interest. I think I'll just keep my fingers crossed and hope it all works out for the best. Civ4 should be fun too.
  31. F

    is 1.8V too much for Socket 754?

    Where are you guys reading your Vcore from, BIOS or a Windows utility? The reason I ask is that there is about a 0.5v difference between my bios (neo plat v1.4) an the win util (cpuz).
  32. F


    Im a Noob here so someone correct me if I'm wrong...I think that there was some issue with using half multipliers. The K8N Mobo's would "fudge" the half multi by raising the FSB. I forgot where I read that. That would explain the prime failure.
  33. F

    Non mobile 3400+ with 1mb cache?

    Yeah, I'm kinda bummed that he 754's are not getting any faster than 3700+. I have a 2800+ and was hoping to upgrade to something faster eventually. Chances are that the 3700+'s will stay relatively pricey for quite a while.
  34. F

    Non mobile 3400+ with 1mb cache?

    Yep, the 3400+ Clawhammers have 1mb L2 cache @ 2.2
  35. F

    AMD 64 Idle Temps.

    A64 2800 @ 2.2 1.55v Stock Cooling 42 idle 51c load (according to NV sys utility) Room Temp is always around 70F Running the lastest bios on a MSI Platinum
  36. F

    eVGA 6800GT Bios revisions

    Ha! I did find some usefull info hna from eVGA forums: the Rev 02 bios is PAL where rev 01 is NTSC = NTSC = PAL So looks like no real improvements, just the...
  37. F

    eVGA 6800GT Bios revisions

    No release notes on the rev 2 BIOS...eVGA forums had no concrete info either. Anybody else know anything about it?
  38. F

    Windows XP SP2...yes or no?

    So seatbelts when driving and SP2 while computing, got it!
  39. F

    Windows XP SP2...yes or no?

    I'm in the same boat, I've be putting of installing SP2 because I dont want it to mess up my rig. Any good/bad experiences out there? nevermind *searching in progress*
  40. F

    Max Voltage for an A64 3000+ newcastle 754

    Hi Karnick, Recommended is 1.5v and I think with proper cooling 1.65-1.70 is possible. I run my A64 2800+ Newcaslte at 1.55v on stock cooling at 2.2 and temps maxout at 51C under load. I've gone up to 1.6v but temps were getting a little high for everyday use.