Will 2005 Set PC Gaming History?


[H]F Junkie
Sep 9, 2003
To me it looks like 2005 is going to be one of the biggest years for new releases in PC gaming history. If only HL2 and DOOM3 had been released this year then it would be no question. I sorta wish that they had both been put off till around January 2005.

Some titles that i'm looking forward to:

Action -

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Quake IV
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl
Battlefield 2
Rainbow Six 4
Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory

Adventure -

Dreamfall: The Longest Jounrey

RPG's -

The Bard's Tale
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Gothic III

Strategy -

Empire Earth 2
Civilization IV
Stronghold 2

If Elder Scrolls IV is better then Elder Scrolls III, and i am sure it will be, then i'll have to drop out of college, quit my job and break up with my girlfriend lol.
after the fiasco that was doom3, i no longer care about game hype. ill let other people get em 1st and see how they like it.
The Bard's Tale.....that game has been out for like 18 years and I used to play that on my commodore 64. ;)
dang i didn't know bards tale was coming out on pc, i just picked it up on xbox last week.

i'm looking forward to fear and stalker, bf2 if they change it around, i don't like the gameplay (the way recoil works and how the guns feel) in vietname or 1942, and elder scrolls 4 looks amazing.
I think it will be hard to top this last one. I'm most interested perhaps being overwhelmed by a new franchise. What's this year's FarCry for example. FEAR and STALKER should be cool even if not totally out of nowhere. Not to be ungrateful for last year, but a game without a 2 or a 3, or a World of etc. games would be sweet. Just the icing needed to beat 04.
Its going to be a big year for strategy games. We have been in sort of a drought for quality strategy games over the last couple of years and this year we get sequels to four of the hottest strategy games of all time :).
i have a huge feeling that quake 4 will fall flat on it's ass.. why? because of the doom3 engine it's using.. and look what d3 multiplayer turned into.. yea sure they can TRY to tweak the code so that it performs better in multiplayer but I just don't see them doing it just because of the way that engine handles lighting, shadows, ragdoll, etc, etc. So sad it is.. :( Just hope I'm wrong on this one..
Techx said:
i have a huge feeling that quake 4 will fall flat on it's ass.. why? because of the doom3 engine it's using.. and look what d3 multiplayer turned into.. yea sure they can TRY to tweak the code so that it performs better in multiplayer but I just don't see them doing it just because of the way that engine handles lighting, shadows, ragdoll, etc, etc. So sad it is.. :( Just hope I'm wong on this one..

I hope your wrong too, Q4 is the only game on that list that really sparked my interest. I think I'll just keep my fingers crossed and hope it all works out for the best.

Civ4 should be fun too.
Still no good racing games coming to PC except GTR. :rolleyes:

Dont get me wrong, GTR will own all, but i'm sick of the sim stuff PC gets, and its always F1, Nascar, or some arcade garbage. I want something like GT4+Project Gotham Racing 2 on PC.....
Gothic 3!!! :eek: :eek: WHOOOT!

You sir just made my day. :D

And I agree with Techx about Quake 4. From what they showed us it looks like crap. So far it's just Doom 3 rehashed together. Hell, all the skins are the same. I doubt it will live up to Q3's mulitplayer fun, or Q2's single-player fun. :(
in the FPS part I am looking forward to F.E.A.R and Stalker, oh and Quake 4 , and the Strat is definately AOE3
Techx said:
i have a huge feeling that quake 4 will fall flat on it's ass.. why? because of the doom3 engine it's using.. and look what d3 multiplayer turned into.. yea sure they can TRY to tweak the code so that it performs better in multiplayer but I just don't see them doing it just because of the way that engine handles lighting, shadows, ragdoll, etc, etc. So sad it is.. :( Just hope I'm wong on this one..

Dude what are you talking about? lol

The DOOM 3 engine is way beyond any of the other game engines in use today. The way the engine handles lighting and shadows is actually realistic because they are done on the fly in real time instead of being all pre-programed like they are in other games like HL2. This is why the D3 hardware requirements are higher then most other games out there.

DOOM 3 was only meant to be a single player game. Multiplayer functionality was never supposed to be a big thing with D3.

Have you played DOOM 1 and 2? They have exactly the same gameplay style as DOOM 3 except DOOM 3 is on a new out of this world engine. Why would that affect Quake 4? DOOM 1 and 2 didn't affect Quake 1,2,3.

We havn't even seen what the D3 engine is truly capable of yet.
If all of those games were released this year, it would be a bit of history.

Unfortunately, some were released on platforms last year (Stealing their thunder on the PC) and I'm willing to bet that a few of those will be delayed until 2006 (I'm looking at you, Morrowind).
burningrave101 said:
Dude what are you talking about? lol

The DOOM 3 engine is way beyond any of the other game engines in use today. The way the engine handles lighting and shadows is actually realistic because they are done on the fly in real time instead of being all pre-programed like they are in other games like HL2. This is why the D3 hardware requirements are higher then most other games out there.

DOOM 3 was only meant to be a single player game. Multiplayer functionality was never supposed to be a big thing with D3.

Have you played DOOM 1 and 2? They have exactly the same gameplay style as DOOM 3 except DOOM 3 is on a new out of this world engine. Why would that affect Quake 4? DOOM 1 and 2 didn't affect Quake 1,2,3.

We havn't even seen what the D3 engine is truly capable of yet.

The thing about Doom3's lighting and shadows is, there really wasn't a whole lot of lighting and shadows to look at. Everything was either dark or darker, and the unrealistic way the flashlight looked (one dot of light, no ambient light) didn't help. I was too busy squinting trying to decipher whether I was shooting a pinky or computer console.
/slight exaggeration ;)

With the pictures they've released of Q4, all the textures are just directly taken out of Doom 3, hell even the marines were so far just the Doom Guy. It's looking more like Doom 3.1 than Quake 4 IMO. I'm sure there's much more to be done on the game, and I'm hoping they used those textures because they didn't have time to create their own, because I never want to play Doom or anything like it again.

Here's to hoping Q4 will be nothing like D3.
Quake 4 will be good. I have faith. Raven is making it.
For all the Doom haters, the d3engine can do anything any other system can do and better.
Think of Quake 3 to COD. Quake 4 will probably just begin to show what this engine can do.
Well the major ones of these are sequels to already successful games. Also as we have seen with HL 2 and Doom 3 despite their names they are not the best fps games of 2004. There is frequently coming new ones with few heard of like Far Cry that steal the show so it´s impossible to tell.

Though games like F.E.A.R and ev Bioshock do have tons of potential. Oblivion I think will be earliest 2006.
burningrave101 said:
Action -

Quake IV
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl
Battlefield 2
Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory

RPG's -


Strategy -

Civilization IV

Those are the games I'm lookin forward to.

Didn't even know they were doin Civ IV this year, sweeet, can't wait, I love that series.
Oblivion is definently not coming out until 2006, but I if that time makes it better, all the better. I think F.E.A.R., S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and BF2 will be really well done.
Requiem said:
Oblivion is definently not coming out until 2006, but I if that time makes it better, all the better. I think F.E.A.R., S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and BF2 will be really well done.

How do you know its not coming out till 2006? I havn't been following the official elder scrolls forums for a few months but the release date has been posted as 2005 in every gaming publication out there so i'm betting that Bethesda will push to get it out some time around the end of 2005.
Circuitbreaker8 said:
Still no good racing games coming to PC except GTR. :rolleyes:

Dont get me wrong, GTR will own all, but i'm sick of the sim stuff PC gets, and its always F1, Nascar, or some arcade garbage. I want something like GT4+Project Gotham Racing 2 on PC.....

Live for Speed S2, rFactor, there's more than just GTR if you look around a bit.
burningrave101 said:
If Elder Scrolls IV is better then Elder Scrolls III, and i am sure it will be, then i'll have to drop out of college, quit my job and break up with my girlfriend lol.

Christ and I just finally made up for the horrible bombing of my GPA that Morrowind caused freshman year... When it comes out I'll either be failing out of college or getting fired from my first job. DAMN YOU BETHESDA.

Brent_Justice said:
Didn't even know they were doin Civ IV this year, sweeet, can't wait, I love that series.

Same here. It took so long between Civ II and III that I just assumed I would wait 5 more years for a fourth installment. Definitely on my buy list.
drewb99 said:
Live for Speed S2, rFactor, there's more than just GTR if you look around a bit.

Those arnt really that great. I've tried LfS, and its decent. rFactor looks ok...Both of those games have made up cars also. Blah. I want a mix between GT4 and PGR2...but on PC. Im so sick of FPS and RTS :rolleyes:
Requiem said:
Oblivion is definently not coming out until 2006, but I if that time makes it better, all the better. I think F.E.A.R., S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and BF2 will be really well done.
hm i thought it was going to be a xeon launch title(xeon as in xbox2)
The only true racing sims is for PC though. GT 4 don´t hold a candle against GTR for realism.
I would love to see Elder Scrolls IV released in 2005, but postponements are more the norm than the exception. Numerous games that were slated for Christmas releases in the past were unable to met their deadlines despite their best efforts, and pushed into the next quarter, that is, if it wasn't pushed back even further. Sometimes they don't make such announcements until just before the projected release. From what I've seen and am aware of it, I just get the feeling that they won't be able to make 2005 with this particular game. There looks to be some other good ones though!
oqvist said:
The only true racing sims is for PC though. GT 4 don´t hold a candle against GTR for realism.

I dunno, GT4 is shaping up to be one of the greatest ever driving games. Have you seen the level of detail that is going into it? Not just the graphics of the cars (still making me drool now), but the authenticity of the tracks. The tracks are accurately modelled on the originals, and the car models and physics engine are near perfect - in testing the game, the developers have managed to make lap times in the game within a second of what they are in real life. If you want realism, GT4 has it in spades.

Don't get me wrong, im not dissing GTR. I just reckon that GT4 is better :)
you forgot a title

Brothers In Arms: Road to Hill 30

comming Feb 05'
Forgot another one, GTA San Andreas, for those of us who don't have a PS2....

I can't wait, I got out my copy of vice city and started playing it again...hopefully they make the graphics better for the pc, but they probably wont...

Quake IV
Battlefield 2
Rainbow Six 4

I'll take those for the ones I'm looking forward too.
4keatimj said:
I dunno, GT4 is shaping up to be one of the greatest ever driving games. Have you seen the level of detail that is going into it? Not just the graphics of the cars (still making me drool now), but the authenticity of the tracks. The tracks are accurately modelled on the originals, and the car models and physics engine are near perfect - in testing the game, the developers have managed to make lap times in the game within a second of what they are in real life. If you want realism, GT4 has it in spades.

Don't get me wrong, im not dissing GTR. I just reckon that GT4 is better :)

Well I guess console gamers aren´t used to realism because GT4 may be the only one that really comes near it and later Richard Burns Rally of course.

Lap times within a second well just about any of the EA and Geof crammonds f1 games from last 4 years achieve that but they have very different handling. They have had professionals that was pretty much extremely competitive from the first lap though. But then racing drivers do use PC games to learn the tracks.

It will be interesting though I think they will go more for quantity of cars than quality. Also the console itself is limitting because of their limited processing power and force feedback means they can´t afford the same fidelity as PC drivers get treated with.

But will see but previous GT games though great haven´t hold a candle really.
burningrave101 said:
How do you know its not coming out till 2006? I havn't been following the official elder scrolls forums for a few months but the release date has been posted as 2005 in every gaming publication out there so i'm betting that Bethesda will push to get it out some time around the end of 2005.
Yeah, press release dates are almost accurate. Remember HL2? The developers swore to the high heavens that it WILL be released on September 30th 2003. And we finally got it two months ago.
Release dates don't mean sh*t until the game goes gold. I agree that we won't see Oblivion in '05. And I really don't care, because I'm sure it will be worth the wait.
Circuitbreaker8 said:
Still no good racing games coming to PC except GTR. :rolleyes:

Dont get me wrong, GTR will own all, but i'm sick of the sim stuff PC gets, and its always F1, Nascar, or some arcade garbage. I want something like GT4+Project Gotham Racing 2 on PC.....
rFactor, Live for Speed S2 are all coming and those look fantastic. I would like a GT4 type game on PC aswell...
AOE3 and Oblivion are the only games on that list i really care about.

Doom 3, Stalker, FEAR, and Quake 4 yeah ill get them if there good, but im not holding out hope here (especially for Doom 3 and Quake 4. The latest screenies of Quake 4 are simply awful)