Gigabyte's dual core solution gets PWNed

LOL A single 6800GT is very close or better (sometimes much better) in each benchmark.

The NV43 never looked that great for SLI. The NV41 and better will be nicer.

$550 for the Gigabyte combo is better spent on a 6800 Ultra. Nevermind that, it's better spent on a 6800GT and keep the difference.
It seems to have performed reasonably well. Better than a single 6600gt, not quite as good as the 6800gt, or ultra. What's the big deal? Has Gigabyte been touting it as competition for the 6800's?
BLenderhedd said:
What's the big deal? Has Gigabyte been touting it as competition for the 6800's?
Look at what $550 buys you:

you want to upgrade your system to a PCI-E. $550 will almost buy you a cheap Chaintech VNF4 board and 6800GT PCI-E. Result: faster than the Gigabyte combo


you just want a new video card. $550 will buy you an AGP BFG 6800 Ultra OC, plus leave you with money in your pocket. Result: much faster than the Gigabyte combo
But will you be able to run 2 dual core cards in SLI?

THAT would be sweet.

Imagine 2 dual 6800GT ultra cards. QUAD 6800GTultras :eek:

Think we can pop 1000FPS in Q3 with that? :p
i remember when they did a SLI with 6600GTs and the non SLI 6800 beat it most of the time....

what you thihnk the low budget cards are going to beat nvidias flagship beast?! not if nvidia can help it
Warrior said:
i remember when they did a SLI with 6600GTs and the non SLI 6800 beat it most of the time....

what you thihnk the low budget cards are going to beat nvidias flagship beast?! not if nvidia can help it

lol yea.. looks like their "innovation" didn't go so well
Davenow said:
But will you be able to run 2 dual core cards in SLI?

THAT would be sweet.

Imagine 2 dual 6800GT ultra cards. QUAD 6800GTultras :eek:

Think we can pop 1000FPS in Q3 with that? :p

No. It IS SLI. Notice also that there are no SLI bridge connectors on the card. Nice idea, and for those who want a high quality mobo and pretty decent graphics, it's not such a bad idea. But I prefer XT PE/UE speeds myself.
28FPS in Doom3 at 16x12 4xAA? Ha! Pathetic. For $550 I want more than that.
It would be cool to run 2 dual core 6800 ultras SLI, that is 4 gpu's.....Oh what graphic power, :drool:
We already knew this would happen because using the SLI interface, two 6600GT's have the exact same results...
darktiger said:
It would be cool to run 2 dual core 6800 ultras SLI, that is 4 gpu's.....Oh what graphic power, :drool:

Hell... I'd settle for 2 6800 ultras period. But I agree; It would be nice if nvidia gave us a dual gpu card that can be SLi'ed with another down the road.
Davenow said:
But will you be able to run 2 dual core cards in SLI?

THAT would be sweet.

Imagine 2 dual 6800GT ultra cards. QUAD 6800GTultras :eek:

Think we can pop 1000FPS in Q3 with that? :p
No there probably isnt a profile for Quake 3...
Obviously it's not the "single card sli answer" that [H] members want, but I do give gigabyte props on venture out of the norm and offering an innovative product. It basically offers the performace of SLI 6600GT (slightly overclocked) with some driver issues, in a single card format. I dont think that Gigabyte will sell very many of these combos when there are better single and dual card options.