For those who think 754 is dead...

Rounding error? I think it's a bug... mine always gets that; stock or overclocked.
iddqd said:
Rounding error? I think it's a bug... mine always gets that; stock or overclocked.
Mine's fine stock, 2100 P95 gets the rounding error, and 220+ fsb (no matter the multiplier) I can't get into windows. I have no idea why, but thats what it is.
obyj34 said:
Mine's fine stock, 2100 P95 gets the rounding error, and 220+ fsb (no matter the multiplier) I can't get into windows. I have no idea why, but thats what it is.

Try monitoring your rails and watch if the 5v or 12v are dipping low. You could also try looser timings with your ram. And whats the volts you're using for you overclock? Maybe you need more for both the cpu and ram so they will be stable....
As of this weekend folks, I am going to be in a pretty good position to give you some feedback on how a 754 board compares.

I already own an Abit AV8 running two x 512 sticks of Adata RAM in dual channel mode and it HUMS along really well. No Probs :)

This weekend I will build a new system with a DFI LANPARTY socket 754 board running the same brand and type of RAM.

I am looking forward to the exercice. The Abit board is fantastic, but the DFI board has created a lot of hoopla aswell. My feeling is that the difference is not going to be noticeable. Socket 754 boards and CPU's represent pretty good value for overclockers presently.

Is anyone interested in my feedback?
For those who are looking into getting a cheap reliable board for AMD64, you should look at the Asrock K8 Combo-Z.

I know there are some of you already chuckling under your breath out there, but it really is a decent board. Good performer. Can be had for less than $80 most places. Manufactured by ASUS subsidiary.

The highlights are that ALi chipset every hardware reviewer is raving about, plus the fact it has both Socket 754, and 939.
It's probably much hotter, too at 1.83vcore :D.. Just teasing. Newer, week32 (or over) 3700+ can reach 2.8GHz on stock cooling.
pandora's box said:
amd 64 3000+ 754: 149 at newegg

amd 64 3000+ 939: 155 at newegg

msi k8n neo platinum 754: 101 at newegg

msi k8n neo 2 platinum 939: 139.50 at newegg

so the price difference is no longer there. 754 is not worth it when for like 40 bucks more you can go 939. if your going to complain over 40 bucks, you obviously dont have the cash to upgrade at all.

Yeah, but you're going by PR, which is b-u-n-k. If you don't believe me, go check benches/reviews. Now, if you're running water or phase-change, that multiplier could work to your benefit, but I'm stricly talking air, here.

Going by MHz, Newegg prices (incl. shipping) put a retail 2GHz 754 at $146 with its 939 counterpart at $219. The hot ticket 754 board is the DFI 250gb, currently at $109. The nf3 939 board with all the buzz is (correct me if I'm wrong) the MSI Neo 2 Platinum, currently at $154.

A hundred and eighteen bucks is nothing to sneeze at. That'll get you from an X800 Pro to an XT or a 6800nu to a GT. Or better RAM, or whatever.
LordBritish said:
3400+ Clawhammer @ 246x10

Faster than a cheetah on crack !!

2800+ Newcastle @ 267x9
Faster than a fat house cat on crack!! (and love it just as much)
If you want to piss yourself off buy an Abit AV8. The reason you will be pissed off is that these boards can't seem to get the damn temp readings straight. I even have the 3rd-eye version that has a usb clock that tells you all of your temps and voltages and the fricking temps are ALWAYS messed up even with the newest bios. It's a really stable fast board but come on, I get pissed off everytime I look at the fricking clock.

Check out the top thread!

Still waiting...
Now that the DFI s939 boards are out, I don't see any reason for an enthusiast to buy those silly other boards.
iddqd said:
Now that the DFI s939 boards are out, I don't see any reason for an enthusiast to buy those silly other boards.

Except that PCI-E isn't a horrible concept right now to someone who just spent $300 on an AGP 6800. It would be so nice if more companies did what gigabyte did and at least tried to emulate AGP with pci-e lanes with something like the G.E.A.R. slot.

Also, where are you seeing these DFI boards? I know that DFI is going to make an AGP 939 board, but I'm sure it will come out after their nf4 boards.
robberbaron said:
Except that PCI-E isn't a horrible concept right now to someone who just spent $300 on an AGP 6800. It would be so nice if more companies did what gigabyte did and at least tried to emulate AGP with pci-e lanes with something like the G.E.A.R. slot.

Also, where are you seeing these DFI boards? I know that DFI is going to make an AGP 939 board, but I'm sure it will come out after their nf4 boards.
DFI offers an AGP s939 solution.
iddqd said:
DFI offers an AGP s939 solution.

I havent seen this at any online store or retail store. Have any links handy, and is it "as good" as the 754 lanparty, or is it even an enthusiast motherboard?
For the time being, it's vaporware. It does, however, serve as a nice siren song for those that can't make up their frakking minds and just buy something. :D
From what I have been reading, Socket-754 motherboards are just full of features that 939 and 940 need to catch up on. I myself am running an ASUS SK8N with a 'slow' Opteron 240 with 1GB but it has been the most stable computer I have ever used, but having to use registered ECC ram was the downside. I hope they come out with a 940 PCI-E board (yes it sounds silly since it costs more $$$ but some people need the extra stability, ie. big-ass drafting models and what-not). Then again if the dual-core CPUs require a different socket well then I'll just have to upgrade then, eh?

Next major upgrade is around late summer for myself (every two years, better than getting screwed in the long run) alongside with my two good running cars getting some TLC. My parents don't want me to bother with their pile of junk car, although I would like to try and get it fixed for highway use...

My opinion, performance is to be had with Socket-939's HOWEVER if you want bells & whistles, socket 754 definately has it minus Dual-channel RAM for a very good value. Socket 940, do not touch it unless you want to be stuck with expensive server versions of Athlon64 (aka Opteron) and need the extra reliability, socket 939's perform better since they can used unbuffered non-ECC(saves $100/512MB).
purchased a 2800aep4ax newcastle and a soltek 8KAN2E-GR...hopefully i'm not limited in oc'ing by using sata like anandtech's review of it shows. and can anyone confirm (probably not, i haven't seen a lot of people around here with this board) if there is a bios for it that goes up to 300mhz instead of 250 like the anandtech review showed...waiting for ram to put together my system.
robberbaron said:
I havent seen this at any online store or retail store. Have any links handy, and is it "as good" as the 754 lanparty, or is it even an enthusiast motherboard?
As a matter of fact, it is. With up to 2.1vcore and up to 4.0vdimm from BIOS it could hardly be anything other than an ehtusiast board. Hell, all their boards are aimed at enthusiasts :)

It was launched just recently, so there aren't any available for sale quite yet. Xtremesystems spotted a few, so I guess they're quite corporeal :). They should start arriving on shelves as early as next week. I would expect to see them in any quantity by the end of the month.
iddqd said:
As a matter of fact, it is. With up to 2.1vcore and up to 4.0vdimm from BIOS it could hardly be anything other than an ehtusiast board. Hell, all their boards are aimed at enthusiasts :)

It was launched just recently, so there aren't any available for sale quite yet. Xtremesystems spotted a few, so I guess they're quite corporeal :). They should start arriving on shelves as early as next week. I would expect to see them in any quantity by the end of the month.

This is exactly a month later and there is still no showing of this vaporware.
What are you talking about? People already have them. The SLI-DR and Ultra-D... the AGP board was scrapped I guess.
iddqd said:
What are you talking about? People already have them. The SLI-DR and Ultra-D... the AGP board was scrapped I guess.

I was referring to the AGP version, which you said would be out around early february and that websites have seen them. I know the nForce4 boards are out, but PCI-E is stupid for someone that just paid $250 on this generation of graphics cards.
having just fried my dfi board with a mobile in it. I will do you all one better my mobile is now sitting in a chaintech vnfs3-250 at 2.63 stable! higher overclock than my dfi for less money :D
The only reason to buy into 754 is if you're on a strict budget.

Not only does 939 provide an upgrade path, but it supports Winchesters which are well-known for their headroom, PCIe and SLI, NCQ, and Dual Channel. All of those things add up. people.

I have an Epox 8kda3j (same as the 8kda3+) and a Newcastle 3000+ and it will only hit 2300Mhz with HEAVY aircooling (i.e. LOUD). Most Winchesters will hit 2400-2500Mhz on stock cooling, and be faster in the process because they have an improved memory controller. .
I just got a new 754 3000+ only because I couldn't afford to completely upgrade to 939. If you're going to build a new system from scratch and have the funds, definately go 939.


My ram is holding me back, not the memory controller.
Stellar said:
The only reason to buy into 754 is if you're on a strict budget.

Not only does 939 provide an upgrade path, but it supports Winchesters which are well-known for their headroom, PCIe and SLI, NCQ, and Dual Channel. All of those things add up. people.

I have an Epox 8kda3j (same as the 8kda3+) and a Newcastle 3000+ and it will only hit 2300Mhz with HEAVY aircooling (i.e. LOUD). Most Winchesters will hit 2400-2500Mhz on stock cooling, and be faster in the process because they have an improved memory controller. .

I have two Epox 8kda3j boards and the 2800+ will do 2.35 (RAM limited @ 261 mhz) and the 3000+ will do 2.5 ghz (@ 250 mhz). Maybe you have a bad chip?
Doing well here: 2800+ on a Chaintech VNF3-250, board does 300HTT+ just fine, although i'm currently running at 250x9 = 2250mhz with stock voltage on both the processor and chipset.
I just orderd a combo from monarch (free half Life 2, farcry, and 4 months of napster). Got myself a sempron 3100+ and the MSI nf3 250gb mobo (not paltinum). I saw the [H] hit an fsb of 300 w/ it, so I also got myself some pc4000. Going for 2.3GHz:p, and not looking back until k9 hits. That's future proff enough, and my 6800 will last till then.
robberbaron said:
I was referring to the AGP version, which you said would be out around early february and that websites have seen them. I know the nForce4 boards are out, but PCI-E is stupid for someone that just paid $250 on this generation of graphics cards.

The DFI AGP 939 boards have not yet been announced. Either you misread or someone posted incorrect information. :)

Paying more for the same performance is a bit of a waste and the whole reason there is such a following of AMD.

Now, I don't know how many of you have seen but socket M2 will be the next generation for AMD. How far off you ask? 1 year or less for the desktop market according to roadmaps. M2 will be DDR-2 and dual core capable.
I'm glad that I didn't buy into the "754 is dead, 939 is the future and provides a long upgrade path." Next year if you want DDR-2 and you'll be building a new rig. No current AMD processors support DDR-2 (on die memory controller...remember?)
I'll be putting that money I saved buying my 754 towards a new DDR-2 based system while I try to console myself over the 3-7fps I'm missing not having 939. :rolleyes:
LOL. No kidding wickedld9. Anyone who uses the phrase "future proof" in a computing forum is delusional. Socket 754 is still a great option.
i recently wanted to upgrade from my still okay axp platform, my bday gave me a good excuse so i did it. It was easy making my choice really, because well, prescotts suck and i don't want to be stuck with a sempron only upgrade path. So i purchased a 939 3000+ (90nm baby 150$) a epox ep-9nda3j motherboard (99$) and a thermalright xp-90. all together it cost me just shy of 300$, not exactly cheap. I try to look at what i got for my money though, i got a cool running 2.6ghz (89F under load cool) and easy upgrade to dual core when the money/time is right. Noting my temps, i'm sure i could have been okay getting a retail box cpu/cooler and been fine for temps at the same overclock. i think buying socket 754 platform now is foolish, since it has no future and the savings aren't worth the dead end upgrade path. If a guy wanted it to be "cheap" why not stay socket A? Thats alot cheaper, not just a little cheaper like 939vs754.

I know the dual channel memory doesn't make that much of a difference (depending on application) but to me its worth it for the upgrade path. when its time to upgrade my wifes machine i'll buy me a dual core, pcix sli motherboard and she gets my 3000+a64/epox agp board. I don't think ddr2 is gonna be significant for a64's anytime soon.

I think even Spock would agree my choice was logical.
7718 said:
I know the dual channel memory doesn't make that much of a difference (depending on application) but to me its worth it for the upgrade path. when its time to upgrade my wifes machine i'll buy me a dual core, pcix sli motherboard and she gets my 3000+a64/epox agp board. I don't think ddr2 is gonna be significant for a64's anytime soon.

I'm sorry, but that paragraph completely contradicts itself. The rest of your post is not much better.
where is the contradiction? I'm going to be able to cross polinate the motherboards. It will be just like socket a was for me, my wifes board will have my older cpu when i upgrade. if i would have bought 754 now, and 939 then i would have been hopeless in upgrading her sys in the future. eventually (in the future) i'll use my flying car to fly to taiwan and get a newer version of dual core or whatever then i'll put my cpu from my rig into her motherboard. then we will use rub our nintendo21 controllers while we play mariokart256 on my bigass hdtv.

I think what it really boils down too is people want to be right for getting what they got. I am happy with my 939 purchase, i know its forward compatible with dual core. I know i will probably want to upgrade at least the cpu within 6-9months and don't want to have only semprons to choose from. You are happy with your sempron platform, and you know by the time you'll really need to upgrade you'll be getting m2 or pentium 5 or whatever. maybe you'll get a cell based system from sony? maybe your sempron rig will last you till we can buy cpus that use badass 10ghz transistors with mice nueron cells for interconnects, and the socket will be a petrie dish.

*this was all serious except for the flying car thing, and i'll order the cpu from newegg.
7718 said:
where is the contradiction? I'm going to be able to cross polinate the motherboards. It will be just like socket a was for me, my wifes board will have my older cpu when i upgrade. if i would have bought 754 now, and 939 then i would have been hopeless in upgrading her sys in the future. eventually (in the future) i'll use my flying car to fly to taiwan and get a newer version of dual core or whatever then i'll put my cpu from my rig into her motherboard. then we will use rub our nintendo21 controllers while we play mariokart256 on my bigass hdtv.

I think what it really boils down too is people want to be right for getting what they got. I am happy with my 939 purchase, i know its forward compatible with dual core. I know i will probably want to upgrade at least the cpu within 6-9months and don't want to have only semprons to choose from. You are happy with your sempron platform, and you know by the time you'll really need to upgrade you'll be getting m2 or pentium 5 or whatever. maybe you'll get a cell based system from sony? maybe your sempron rig will last you till we can buy cpus that use badass 10ghz transistors with mice nueron cells for interconnects, and the socket will be a petrie dish.

*this was all serious except for the flying car thing, and i'll order the cpu from newegg.

I'm not sure why but you keep referring to the S754 as the Sempron platform. :) The Sempron 3100+ is hardly comparable to a 754 3400+ or 3700+ A64 (600Mhz & 256k L2 difference).
It's still not written in stone fact that a BIOS flash will magically make your 939 mobo Dual Core compatible, so I see no reason spending more money for no noticeable performance based on rumors and speculation. I'm not even getting into the number of problems people have with the NF3 939 boards, or the fact that most anyone with an AGP card now will almost be forced to upgrade to PCI-E when they want to upgrade in a year....or settle for an overpriced, generation old card.
Saying that the 754 is dead has been taken out of context. It's dead on the desktop but in fact it is the Mobile platform for quite some time to come. That means that those Lancaster CPU's (All A64 type CPU's have dual channel, for 754 one is disabled) headed to the mobile will work on my DFI. For those keeping score at home, that's 1MB L2 and single channel memory on 90nm with low volts. Did someone say overclockers or HTPCers dream? I'm sure we all remember the AXP Mobile. No upgrade path indeed. :D
I just hope the Newark will breath new life into my S754 when I upgrade next year
This argument is just as silly as when it started, only now it's OLD and silly. Seems like the 939 crowd is trying to justify spending more money for roughly the same performance while the 754 crowd is busy defending their choice of a less "future-proof" platform.

News flash, Mouseketeers: Both of these platforms are going to get ash-canned at about the same time. When I'm forced to upgrade again, BOTH 754 and 939 are going to be old, Old, OLD.

Heck, when it's all said and done, I'd be willing to bet that the 754 had the longer life-cycle.
Hal|9k said:
This argument is just as silly as when it started, only now it's OLD and silly. Seems like the 939 crowd is trying to justify spending more money for roughly the same performance while the 754 crowd is busy defending their choice of a less "future-proof" platform.

News flash, Mouseketeers: Both of these platforms are going to get ash-canned at about the same time. When I'm forced to upgrade again, BOTH 754 and 939 are going to be old, Old, OLD.

Heck, when it's all said and done, I'd be willing to bet that the 754 had the longer life-cycle.

I agree, since later semprons will start overtaking even the 939 athlons. I only defend my choice as being cheaper and way better than what I had before.