AMD 64 Idle Temps.


Oct 28, 2004
What does everyone elses Idle at? Stock or OC. All my stuff is stock and it seems the temps on mine have since gone up. Idles at 40C now. Just want to see what everyone elses is so I can judge if mine is doing ok. The only reason I ask, is because my board has some Smart Fan technology and 40 is the first one it has on there. Makes me feel that my CPU is running hot on idle or something.

Please alleviate my fears.
get speedfan or use something else to moniter temps..temps from bios arent always the most accurate
idle for about an hour or so, i hit 27c and just listening to music running basic programs about 31c gaming i hit 38c.
i'll idle anywhere between 27c to 40c depending on whether or not cool & quiet is enabled or if i'm overclocking..
@ 70ºF room temp
32ºC idle
38ºC max

A64 Newcastle (2.310mHz) 1.5v IHS removed MCX6400V
Not to be a melon thrower but isn't it pointless to post unless you are specific about yoru cooling equipment?

Thermaltake Venus 12 - 3500-3800 RPMs
Stock settings

At 5800 RPMs the temps drop about 2c (wow).

Its loud as hell and I am dumping it as soon as I am not feeling lazy with a Zalman 7000CU I have in another PC.
So...what are your takes on my Idle then? 40 now seems a bit too high. Any thoughts on how to cool that baby down a little. Everything is Stock and no OC.
Well, i have no idea what kinda cooling systems you're running, but with a Koolance Exos, I get around 27c idle and 30 load. This comes from the cpu block's thermal probe.
abudhu said:
So...what are your takes on my Idle then? 40 now seems a bit too high. Any thoughts on how to cool that baby down a little. Everything is Stock and no OC.

Depends. What BIOS are you running. Prior to 1.4 something my idle would read as 49-50c which I knew was wrong. Also what is the room temperature? In SF the room temperatures are generally around the 60s so that might account for the difference (it is a little cooler today so I am running at 32-33c idle right now). Are you using a the stock heat sink or after market?

If you are running your home heating in the 70s range like a lot of folks do and have a stock heat sink, then sounds right to me. Hell my old P4 2.53 idled at 45C.

P.S. In retrospect I should have not installed the fan speed adjustment knob on the front bezel. My cat keeps turning it down. I was running at 2900 RPMs :mad:
MSI K8n Neo 2 Bios: 1.4
Room Temp: Usually around 70's
Stock Heat Sink.

Alright, well thanks for the info Luthorcrow, thats really sorta what I wanted to hear. So I guess its fine then. :D Goodie.

Does the new Bios read the temps right? I'm just always scared to flash my BIOS...but since I am getting 2 new HD's I guess I could since that fear of losing mass information would be gone :)
just to let you know, I have run all, including 1.36b and above bios ( all report the same temps)

i have a pc3 koolance (not as good as the exos)

270x10 1/1 (2.5,3,3,10,1t)

my (probe) is running at 31c idle and 40 load ( am I o.k..?)
A64 2800 @ 2.2 1.55v
Stock Cooling 42 idle 51c load (according to NV sys utility)
Room Temp is always around 70F
Running the lastest bios on a MSI Platinum
well my 3000+ (Newcastle) idles at 60c and tops out at 66c according to my mobo. I don't believe the mobo as my Koolance probe only shows 36c full load :D stupid chaintech POS
The temps vary from motherboard to motherboard. It's impossible to get a totally accurate reading no matter what program you use, because the readings are all pulled from the motherboard sensors. In my particular case, the Asus probe reads 42deg idle, while my Nexus reads 35.5deg. I would venture to guess that the correct temp would be somewhere in between.
Mine is running about the same as well...

a64 3400 NC core @ 2.4 (stock) DFI Lanparty nf3 ut-250

Idle 42c Load ~ 55c (reported by Smartguardian)
Idle 60c Load (not recorded) reported by Nvidia System Util
Case temperature sensor reports 32c Idle on HS base 40c Load

Cooling is Stock Retail AMD HS/fan combo using AS-5

I think I want to change my HS/fan combo due to the noise. I havent decided on the model, but I do want same/better cooling with lower noise.
zalman Copper, 2 x 80mm fans at max (5000 something) and two on my mainboard at max i idle something around 45 - 50 degrees too.. dunno why but i do.. running a a64 3400+ not oc'd

under wokr it will go up to 60... mostly 59
28°C stock, 36°C @ 2.4GHz/1.75vcore, 40°C @ 2.5GHz/1.83vcore, 44°C @ 2.6GHz/1.93 vcore. SLK948U heatsink with a (noisy and a half) 92mm high-speed Panaflo. Good thing soon I'll have WC to solve my noise issues... I can't even think with these fans anymore.