POLL: What videocard have you got (NVIDIA)


  • 6800 ULTRA

    Votes: 16 10.7%
  • 6800 GT

    Votes: 65 43.6%
  • 6800

    Votes: 19 12.8%
  • 6600 GT

    Votes: 10 6.7%
  • 5950/5900 ULTRA

    Votes: 3 2.0%
  • 5900 XT

    Votes: 6 4.0%
  • 5700 ULTRA

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • 5600 XT

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 5200

    Votes: 4 2.7%
  • OTHER...

    Votes: 25 16.8%

  • Total voters


Jul 25, 2004

I'm driesel from Belgium and because of a project in school I need to know what kind of videocard people nowadays have in their computer sytem. This is the NVIDIA version of my poll their is also an ATI version for the ATI-users. Have a nice time polling!

Please specify your model if you choose 'other...' since I can only can enlist the newest models (only 10 poll options).
I have 6800 ultra and a 5900 Ultra, I voted 6800U in the poll because it wont let me vote for 2 :p
I have polled for the 5200 dork card myself, because Iself have this crappy card (it's even 64 bit you know! :( )

edit: an all caps messages gets title case now? :confused:
I wanted an ultra...could only find a 6800gt (retail)

(you should ask that question too seeing if that's the only reason people have a certain card)

Actually though..see sig. Have both.
@Netrat33: That's a little bit too deep for my investigation. The main reason why I conduct this poll is to know what card people have and which card is the most popular among the visitors of HardOCp.
Ti4600. I want a newer one, but it's hard to justify putting anything better into a 1.33 GHz box...
Two points:

1 - you've missed off 6800GT / 6600GT SLI :p

2 - The data should be good, as long as you accept that there will be a heavy bias towards the high-end hardware if you're asking on a forum like Hardocp.

If you want a more representative sample (and a much larger one), then maybe you should try Valve's Steam hardware listings.
You should have let multiple selections/choices.

I have a 6800GT and a 6800nu (softmodded to GT)
see sig.

And just sold 2 computers:
1 with an FX5200
1 with a GF2GTS

plus I have a GF4 mx420 collecting dust in my closet
Arseface said:
Two points:

1 - you've missed off 6800GT / 6600GT SLI :p

2 - The data should be good, as long as you accept that there will be a heavy bias towards the high-end hardware if you're asking on a forum like Hardocp.

If you want a more representative sample (and a much larger one), then maybe you should try Valve's Steam hardware listings.

Also, read this... http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=20668

and so many PC's the past few years have shipped with GF4 mx4_0's its ridiculous.
You should have added a box for the GF4ti series. You'll find it's one of the more robust cards :)

EDIT: 5900xt here. Yeah, i'm just hanging on by the skin of my teeth =P
it's for math. I need some stuff to put in my 'statistieken' work as we call it in Flanders. I think you call it statistics too.
You can get a ton of video card data from the steam or valve site. They have data on everyone vid card that d/l'ed HL 2 IIRC. No linky but it's out there somewhere. Maybe even try a forum search here, I know the link was posted.
Geforce Ti 4200-8x here @ 301.5/518.4. :p

Btw: someone wanted to know
A Ti 4800 is exactly the same as a Ti 4600-8x
A Ti 4800SE is a Ti 4400 with AGP 8X
And a Ti 4200-8x has no other name.
5600 non-ultra 256mb gainward. Im not sure [h] is representative of most computer users....
PNY 6800gt here
Plus a BFG FX5200 in my "jukebox" computer...what a piece. :(