x800 XL available

Moloch said:
6800GT is only faster in the tech demo known as doom 3 :)

you may not think it's important...but everyone else does...id's engines are the most licensed engines on the face of the planet...and the 6800s eat it for breakfast...

on a lighter note...if you're not looking to do SLI...this card at $300 just can't be beat...sure the GT is a smidge faster and rocks in D3...but for $300...what an awesome deal...I love pricing wars...competition is awesome...
^eMpTy^ said:
you may not think it's important...but everyone else does...id's engines are the most licensed engines on the face of the planet...and the 6800s eat it for breakfast...

on a lighter note...if you're not looking to do SLI...this card at $300 just can't be beat...sure the GT is a smidge faster and rocks in D3...but for $300...what an awesome deal...I love pricing wars...competition is awesome...
So you think Q4 is going to kick ass?
What other games will be using it?
What type of games will likely be using it? Mindless fps games?
2nd of all, the doom 3 engine is pretty old- why would a dev want to use it?
The new crytek engine looks much better, is there examples of the doom 3 engine's superiority?
Good to see the x800xl online! Cant wait to see how they OC, somone buy one quick.
wut happened to the 250$? lol... the GT looks very sweet compared to this.. but someone get one and see if it can mod to x850xtpe!! hurry!!!! u rich people!!!!
^eMpTy^ said:
you may not think it's important...but everyone else does...id's engines are the most licensed engines on the face of the planet...and the 6800s eat it for breakfast...

Actually I don't think D3 performance is all that important. There will be a few games using that engine, but for every game using the D3 engine there will be 10 or more that don't. Hrmm... Kick ass in 1/11th of all games for $100 more, or hold your own in 10/11th's of all games for $100 less?

Especially since the difference in D3 is probably that you get the same FPS but have to one resolution setting lower, or one or two AA settings lower.... Not exactly that big a deal.

Also in my experience the x800 series is better looking and more reliable than the 6800 series (this is based on my personal real life game testing with an x800XT-PE and a 6800Ultra, both in the same system).
sorry but the review i read said the GT outpreformed the XL in everything thats why i choose it over the XL
Ballz2TheWallz said:
sorry but the review i read said the GT outpreformed the XL in everything thats why i choose it over the XL

besides HL2... sadly.. hehe
lol you win moloch, SEE ATLEAST I GIVE IN UNLIKE "!!!!!!S" if this is priced at $300 and comes in AGP it might go in my new system
Ballz2TheWallz said:
yeah tht was one i JUST saw on google, i read one posted somewhere on these forums but a driver can make up the differnce between the two cards
Is there a newer driver that is newer whql driver that greatly improved performance?
Ballz2TheWallz said:
lol you win moloch, SEE ATLEAST I GIVE IN UNLIKE "!!!!!!S" if this is priced at $300 and comes in AGP it might go in my new system
I shouldn't have to show a review for you to give up your !!!!!! antics.
Ballz2TheWallz said:
no beta but from wht i understand it improves frames 5-10fps
Reviews generally try to use whql drivers- a beta may improve the fps in one game, but may break another.
Moloch said:
I shouldn't have to show a review for you to give up your !!!!!! antics.
sorry but i swear i saw a preview that showed the 6800gt owning the XL

you know if this was in AGP i might of bought it, but oh well 6800GT preforms awful close with the beta drivers and it has SM3.0
Saw on another forum links to newegg and gameve having the x800 standard with 256mb gddr3 instead of 128mb gddr. Costs too much though, I assume as more come out they'll lower prices.