Recommend Me A Game


Supreme [H]ardness
Jan 6, 2004
Hi All,

I miss gaming. I dont have much time to play but I really want to get a new game to play when i have time. So, go at it! Tell me what SINGLE pc game is the best out right now. I mainly used to play FPS but am open to anything. Please make sure it can run on the following:

a7n8x deluxe
2500+ mobile
1gig generic ram
9700 pro
xp pro

I will trust your judgement ;)
World of Warcraft

It's great for people with not much time to play...
Bane said:
World of Warcraft

It's great for people with not much time to play...

Not from what ive been reading here (7+ hours a day, addicting...ect) and the 15 bucks a month is not something i like either....
darktiger said:
Warcraft III, Pong

I could pull out my old atari system and play pong but that game is uber addicting!!!

I have VERY limited experience with warcraft but i do remember it being fun...

2 birds with 1 stone

action + role playing
Munhihausen said:

I hated that game. Craptastic graphics, lousy engine, and too hard to get into. Personally I'd say HL2, Farcry, Warhammer 40K Dawn of War for an RTS game. Knights of the Old Republic 2 for an RPG. I'll think of more.
Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude.

I snatched this from a friend, and although I feel like a pervert now, its pretty funny. Basically its a 3d walkaround game with tons of little should-be flash games to play in order to advance. Plus theres boobs in it.
ninethreeeleven said:
Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude.

I snatched this from a friend, and although I feel like a pervert now, its pretty funny. Basically its a 3d walkaround game with tons of little should-be flash games to play in order to advance. Plus theres boobs in it.

Thanks. But i played the original and i hated it. I have 80 gigs of pr0n at home. :)
Sir-Fragalot said:
I hated that game. Craptastic graphics, lousy engine, and too hard to get into. Personally I'd say HL2, Farcry, Warhammer 40K Dawn of War for an RTS game. Knights of the Old Republic 2 for an RPG. I'll think of more.

Lol To each his own...I enjoyed the game.

And why would I recommend HL2, KOTOR (which is a piece of shit in my opinion), or Far Cry when his system is not even midrange? I dont want this guy to have to upgrade.
Sir-Fragalot said:
I hated that game. Craptastic graphics, lousy engine, and too hard to get into. Personally I'd say HL2, Farcry, Warhammer 40K Dawn of War for an RTS game. Knights of the Old Republic 2 for an RPG. I'll think of more.

I would say my list includes:

Warcraft III
Knights of the Old Republic 2

Perhaps a poll is in order?
guito13 said:
WTF is this? Explain?

Check out the reviews here. This game was incredibly fun and engaging. It's a hybrid of action and role playing. If you want the games that guys on this site talk about all the time, you should be prepared to pay an extra $300 at least. There are fantastic games out there, that you havent played which are 5-6 years old.
R.O.S.E. Online
Free MMO beta, just opened for US users on the 1st
If you can get past the constant crashes, full servers and bad korean translations, it is a great little game. I've put so many hours into this game since new year's day, the server crashes force me to get real stuff done around the house.

i'm at work, so i don't have a link, but google it
Munhihausen said:
Lol To each his own...I enjoyed the game.

And why would I recommend HL2, KOTOR (which is a piece of shit in my opinion), or Far Cry when his system is not even midrange? I dont want this guy to have to upgrade.

I hate to burst your bubble, but this guy system is plenty powerful enough to play those games. People tend to forgot you do not have to run everything at 1600 x 1200.

Back on Topic:

FPS: HL2, FarCry, UT2K4 is still fun to play online
RPG: KOTOR the original, if you have an Xbox KOTOR 2 as well, NWN is a good pick me up game, Gothic Series
Strategy: Rome: Total War, Hidden and Dangerous Series

Sports: Madden 2005 :D
Munhihausen said:
Lol To each his own...I enjoyed the game.

And why would I recommend HL2, KOTOR (which is a piece of shit in my opinion), or Far Cry when his system is not even midrange? I dont want this guy to have to upgrade.

I had KOTOR on my old comp. And mine was worse than his. AMD 1.6ghz 256MB Ram Gefoce 3Ti200. The game ran fine. Fun game btw.

Anyways. Unreal Tournament is always a good pick :D
UltimaParadox said:
I hate to burst your bubble, but this guy system is plenty powerful enough to play those games. People tend to forgot you do not have to run everything at 1600 x 1200.

Back on Topic:

FPS: HL2, FarCry, UT2K4 is still fun to play online
RPG: KOTOR the original, if you have an Xbox KOTOR 2 as well, NWN is a good pick me up game, Gothic Series
Strategy: Rome: Total War, Hidden and Dangerous Series

Sports: Madden 2005 :D

I didnt want to say anything to him but my system has played everything i have thrown at it so far at 1024x768 on my samsung 17 inch lcd :). I do have UT2K4 (on max settings btw) but it dosent do much for me.

I am a star wars fan (just got the 4,5,6 dvds) so the star wars game sounds neat. I used to love playing counter strike (Until Steam came along) so i am a bit hesitant to get HL2.

I really appreciate the suggestions guys. I will make up my mind by the end of this week!
guito13 said:
Thanks. But i played the original and i hated it. I have 80 gigs of pr0n at home. :)

goddamn random formats.....

if only i had remember what was on that drive
abudhu said:
I had KOTOR on my old comp. And mine was worse than his. AMD 1.6ghz 256MB Ram Gefoce 3Ti200. The game ran fine. Fun game btw.

Anyways. Unreal Tournament is always a good pick :D

The game was less than mediocre to me, and I still cant get decent framerates from it on my 3.2 (o'c to 3.6) pentium 4 + 9800 Pro. It was playable, but needed too many resources.

Plus, the game seemed "flat" and "dull" after playing NWN and it's expansions.

UT is a great pick, though.
^^ Well I have to agree. It was rather "flat" I am not into RPG's but this one seemed fun. Anyways I am not a picky gamer, and It doesnt take much for me to have a fun good time. So the game did what it was supposed to do for me, which Was entertain me. And I was. :rolleyes:
so say i wanted to try out WOW. Where would i download or purchase this game?
Munhihausen said:
Lol To each his own...I enjoyed the game.

And why would I recommend HL2, KOTOR (which is a piece of shit in my opinion), or Far Cry when his system is not even midrange? I dont want this guy to have to upgrade.

I didn't look at his system specs. I should have. But it's not that bad. He can play anything he wants on that. Just not at 1600x1200 with 4xAA and 16xAF.
I must agree KOTOR is for someone who likes the Star Wars Universe and enjoys a good story. The combat system may not be the most action packed, but the story will keep you playing till its through. If only other games had half the story the KOTOR series has.

Most of the games outcome is decided through key battles and conversations which you chose a response from a list, and the way you treat other people begins to affect your affliation to light or dark
Munhihausen said:
The game was less than mediocre to me, and I still cant get decent framerates from it on my 3.2 (o'c to 3.6) pentium 4 + 9800 Pro. It was playable, but needed too many resources.

Plus, the game seemed "flat" and "dull" after playing NWN and it's expansions.

UT is a great pick, though.

It was known that the 98xx series of cards had some issues with KOTOR, which was addresed in a later patch. That might have been your performance problem. I do not remember having framerate problems, but rather loading.
These days, I mostly play UT2004, Rome: Total War, Painkiller, Postal 2, and BF1942 (yes, I still play it). I guess my recommendation would be any of those.

Also, I find that sometimes heading out to WalMart and looking through their cheap $10 games. On occasion you can find some really awesome older games for dirt cheap.
Call of Duty is a really fun game too. It is also one of the most popular online games in addition to its amazing single player campaign.
If i had all the time in the world & a lot of cash i would be set however i have neither. Im very tempted to stop at BB on the way home and pick something out....
Call of Duty

Both are great games and can be had for cheap now...look on the for sale forums. I just saw COD and the expansion for 30 bucks...nice. Painkiller is built on the Havok engine and the physics are so much fun. It's great to pin a meanie to the wall with a stake.
Late suggestion here, Check out Neverwinter Nights Platinum Ed. Super fun RPG based in the D&D world, comes with the original game along with the two expansions.
Well, I just ordered FarCry on the FS/FT forum for 20 bucks. Ive heard good things about it and 20 bucks isnt bad. I really may still get WOW but i need to reevaluate my life to see if i want to live in a darkened room for 10 hours a day ;)
America's Army

its free, you dont need to put a lot of time into it, awesome first person shooter, very realistic, addicting

training can suck
might get pwned at first
a lot of the maps suck (i reccomend pipeline, its awesome)
If you want a MMORPG, wait for Guild Wars, it's targeted for people who don't have alot of time to game. Plus no monthly fee...