is 1.8V too much for Socket 754?


Jul 11, 2002
I have an A643200+ Newcastle chip, with a DFI UT Lanparty nf3-250gb, and Geil PC4000 memory. I really wanted to run this setup at 2500mhz, but was stuck at 2400mhz (240X10) for the longest time. It ran 2400mhz pretty easily, by giving it only 1.55-1.6 Vcore, and had really good temps (37-38 idle, 54 full load).

I was reading up on a few things, and had seen a few people use 1.8-2.0 volts on their Socket 754 chips to achieve amazing overclocks, so I thought I'd give it a try. I gradually rose the Vcore, until it was rock solid stable running 2500mhz. It would boot to Windows at 1.6V, but was totally unstable (crash/hang up/prime95 fail), and at 1.7V-1.78V, became a little more stable, but would only Prime95 for about 20-30minutes after getting errors. I am now at 1.8V, and the temps don't seem too bad. 39-40 degree idle, and 62-63 degree on full load (Prime95 for 10+ hours, at priority 10!). It seems VERY stable now, as I will keep running prime95 for about 20 more hours.

...the question this safe? Am I risking anything by running it with such high Vcore, even if the temperatures seem to be OK? I am using a Thermalright SP-90 with a good 92mm fan, and I have a backup chip that has not been overclocked, so this one is pretty much an "experimental" one...but if I can get the 250X10 that I'm running now, then I would be VERY happy.
62-63 is, IMO, waaay too fucking hot. Your not going to be safely running 1.8v without water, just not happening.

I say 2400 @ 1.6 is a LOT better than 2500 @ 1.8, by far.
uuuh... i'm scared to approach 1.7 on watercooling... what you're doing is just crazy.
Jesus Christ, you could heat up the neighborhood and contribute to global warming with those temps :D
govtcheez, i have the same board as you, and a 3000+, my memory is 2x 512 sticks of 3200LLXL (TCCD chips) if you cpu is giving you 2400Mhz at only 1.6vcore =, and it takes 1.8 volt to stabliza 2500Mhz, that i would say you found your CPUs limit...alot of A64s top out at 2400Mhz, dont feel bad it still very fast...and its only a mesly 100Mhz, not worth running 60c for...

if it makes anyone feel any better... i run air cooling with a Alpha PPAL8150 (ithink) and a 55Cmf fan, and run up to 1.9v on my 3000+ 64. giving me a top of 2.7Ghz...Best parts is that with 1:1 memory... :) :) ;) as soon as i get my water cooling up ill be giving her 2.0v+ like the good old days....and dont you worry, shell take it like the whor she is....
62/63C under full load dangerous? Considering the processor max temp is what...95C?
Is it warm? Hell yes. Is it dangerous? Not according to AMD. Id slap H20 on it as soon as you can, but I doubt the thing's gonna explode or anything.
The temps well high are well within A64 Specs (been doing alot of research as im buying one shortly)

however the problem with higher voltages is not limited to temp, Running a CPU with higher voltage will reduce the life span of the chip. For the most part the chip will still outlast its usefullness by the time this is an issue. However that being said chips can react quite negatily to excess voltage (northwood sudden death syndrome anyone?).

Theres no clear answer just be prepared to change the chip and possibly motherboard if something does happen. If thats a risk your willing to take, then enjoy
I too have this exact question... same board, same chip. I have an XP-120.

I dont mind seeing this thing die in two years. And if it died tomrrow I could afford to replace it. BUT, obviously, Id rather not have to do that...

So.. is 1.8v going to kill it in a week/month? or Am I ok for a year or so?

I realize YMMV
I would not worry about it, as said above the max is 95c.. I would go water, though...but only to increase your oc ;)
Deftones290 said:
1.8V is nuts man.. turn that shit down ASAP

hahahah.....un-[H]ard....... turn it can you beinto overlcokcing and be affraid of voltage...
lol cuz that's too much voltage man. he's gonna go nuts and try like 3 volts and his shit will explode
I think 52C is too hot half the time, so 63 is just fucking nuts. But take note that DFI UT's are supposed to read around 10C higher than they really are. So maybe you're at 53C. :confused:
I made it a rule to keep my CPU under 59C on the stock cooler (which was a piece of crap) 63C is obviously too high in my book...and I believe the max temp for the CPU is 70 or 75C actually, not 95C. Ideal, I would say 55C and below is good. But of course, lower is always better..

and 1.8v is nuts man, just nuts. 1.7v is pushing the envelope as it is. Good lord, son.
Ok. I've "settled" on a much better voltage, and temps, and getting a similar overclock, but without the 1:1 memory. The memory runs pretty stable up to 260mhz, which is one of the reasons I wanted to run on the 10X multiplier, but I've discovered the 9:10 memory divider. I can run 2475mhz 275X9 with only 1.65V, with my memory running 248. I'm guessing that the higher FSB would probably yield better results.

....I'm going to try to bump it up to 278FSB, so I can hit my goal of 2500mhz.
k1114 said:
62-63 is, IMO, waaay too fucking hot. Your not going to be safely running 1.8v without water, just not happening.

I say 2400 @ 1.6 is a LOT better than 2500 @ 1.8, by far.
Nah. These chips can operate normally in 70's, and don't die untill high 80's - low 90's. I use 1.83 all the time, and sometimes 1.95 for benching. I need WC so I can get away with using 2.11vcore :D
iddqd said:
Nah. These chips can operate normally in 70's, and don't die untill high 80's - low 90's. I use 1.83 all the time, and sometimes 1.95 for benching. I need WC so I can get away with using 2.11vcore :D

1.95 christ man, i have the same heatsink as you and i dont wanna pass 1.7,.. i have a vantec tornado 92mm 119CFM on mine with a 74CFM smartfan on the side panel blowing pretty much at the part of the board where the northbridge heatsink is.... what kind of fan do you have?
Deftones290 said:
lol cuz that's too much voltage man. he's gonna go nuts and try like 3 volts and his shit will explode

I ran 2.2v to my 2600+m for 2.83Ghz for quite a wile...nothign exploded....

you are all weak! 1.95 is nothin
karnick said:
1.95 christ man, i have the same heatsink as you and i dont wanna pass 1.7,.. i have a vantec tornado 92mm 119CFM on mine with a 74CFM smartfan on the side panel blowing pretty much at the part of the board where the northbridge heatsink is.... what kind of fan do you have?
High-speed 92mm Panaflo. It's a bit over 60cfm, IIRC.
iddqd said:
High-speed 92mm Panaflo. It's a bit over 60cfm, IIRC.

and it seems a small battle between the "stop being a pussy and up that voltage" and "man get off of 1.7V thats too high" has erupted.. i think we all need to keep in mind the different power consumption between the desktops and the mobiles
IIRC = If I Recall Correctly.

92mm High Speed fan. Model FBA09A12H.
2850 RPM fan speed
56.8 CFM air flow
35.0 dBA noise level
Power Consumption: 2.70W

Edit: I'm running a desktop chip atm. DTRs are exactly identical to their desktop counterparts, minus the IHS.
I(illa Bee said:
I ran 2.2v to my 2600+m for 2.83Ghz for quite a wile...nothign exploded....

you are all weak! 1.95 is nothin

you just don't do that much on air. maybe WC if you have a good setup, but you're really just begging to fry your chip
Where are you guys reading your Vcore from, BIOS or a Windows utility?

The reason I ask is that there is about a 0.5v difference between my bios (neo plat v1.4) an the win util (cpuz).
Deftones290 said:
you just don't do that much on air. maybe WC if you have a good setup, but you're really just begging to fry your chip

well iv been doing it for about ...alot of years now, air and water....havent fried any yet...knock wood....

at this very momeny my a64 is under 1.85v, under 50c load..... it will be fine, i promise you that...