Non mobile 3400+ with 1mb cache?

good luck finding one though.. amd stopped production on the 3400+ clawhammer a while ago. the spot has been delegated to the 2.4ghz newcastle.
the 3700+ is still clawhammer though, but at $450, it's kinda pricey. think of it as the lost chip though... most people who want to pay that much for a chip will go for a 939, and thus the 3500+. if i saw result's like centvalny's more often, i'd say that it's an amazing oc'ing chip (which is probably is actually...)
id buy a 3700 if it came down in price a little
i like the 754 1mb chips personally
If the 3700+ Clawhammer came down I'd get one just to have the 3700+ name ;) As long as it was CG stepping. Plus the 1 meg cache couldn't hurt...amazing how fast my 3400+ is with only 512k cache. But yeah, I'd get a new board and 3500+ before a 3700+.
Yeah, I'm kinda bummed that he 754's are not getting any faster than 3700+. I have a 2800+ and was hoping to upgrade to something faster eventually. Chances are that the 3700+'s will stay relatively pricey for quite a while.
Steel Chicken said:
i like the 754 1mb chips personally
agreed.. hence why i have one :D
i'm tempted to get a 3700 dtr though. that way i won't void the warrantee by removing the ihs, and it's also slightly cheaper
A few weeks ago on newegg they had the 3400 + with 1 MB for like 235 dollars.
then i have not seen them on newegg, i thought they ran out,
this sucks they dont make them any more.
what a dumb ass iam lol. i did not buy one,
but i will get the reg 3400 chip i might replace my 3200+
why are you replacing a 3200 with a 3400? you'll never notice the difference in 200mhz for most things. actually it's400mhz with 512kb less cache.. hmm, nm, it'll be faster in a few things, but still, not crazy noticable
or check this guys fs list out..
3200+ CH with 1mb cache for 155
either i didint put the link in or it was edited out by mods within 10 minutes and i wasnt informed......either way ill leave it out just to be safe
iam not going to get the 3400+
i have my 3200 + o/c to the 34 specs lol,
that would have been dumb of me
I love my 3400 CH...OC's nicely to 2.4-2.5ghz. I leave it @ 2.4ghz ( 240x10 ), that seems to be its sweet spot. So I guess I have an A64 3750...ish.