Clawhammer core 1meg cache, faster in games than newcastle 512 cache??


Aug 8, 2003
And how much so?

I need to set up a second machine, so I am thinking of putitng my newcastle 3400+ in teh new box, and buying a clawhammer core'd 3700+ Both are same clock speeds, but the hammer has twice the cache. I figure since i need to buy a new proccy anyway, may as well upgrade the main rig :)

Will this be worth the $200 more than what I would spend on a regular proccy for the other rig?

In other words, will this net me some FPS and make it worthwhile, vs saving $200 and putting like a A64 2800+ in the second rig and keeping the newcastle 3400+ in this one.

Money issues aside, how much performance increase is there between a hammer 3400+ and a newcastle 3400+? both are clocked at 2.4ghz, but the hammer has twice the cache.

Also, how do hammers do OC wise?
the 1mb, 2.4ghz clawhammer is a 3700+, not 3400+ as you say in the end of your post.

with that in mind, the difference will probably be between 5-10% in most games. maybe more, much less often less

that's a test with HL2, shows a maximum improvement of 8% at the same clock speed. sadly i don't know what that clock speed is, and if it's on 754 comparting clawhamemrs and newcastles or on 939 comparing newcastles and sledgehammers. if it's the latter, expect an even bigger performance increase on the more bandwidth limited 754 platform.
As a previous owner of both style of chips, I can definitely vouch for an increase in performance with a clawhammer. The 3700+ is basically a FX-53 without the dual channel memory controller. In any case, I experienced better performance in games and higher benchmark scores with the 3700+ at 2.6Ghz, as opposed to a newcastle at 2.6Ghz.

Odie :)
ive been thinkin about going from a 3200CH --> 3700 myself...but $400 is alot of cash
The 3700+ OC pretty well, from what I've read. But I say go 2800+ and be cool like me :cool: .