Windows XP SP2...yes or no?


Limp Gawd
Jun 20, 2002
I just reformated my comp last night and want ot know if I should go with SP2 or not? I know it talkes about 'extra security' but is it really worth it?
I'm in the same boat, I've be putting of installing SP2 because I dont want it to mess up my rig. Any good/bad experiences out there?

nevermind *searching in progress*
Wow... SP2 has been out for several months now...

This is like asking whether or not it's a good idea to wear seatbelts while driving. Well, okay, not exactly, but YES! Installing security updates is a Good Thing. ;)
Definitely go with sp2. If you are doing a fresh install it certainly can't hurt to make yourself a new xp disc with sp2 slipstreamed in so it is automatically installed with the initial setup.

That's the cleanest way to get started.
Man we need a STICKY that says .. PLEASE no more should I do it posts...

just do it
yes, install it...dont listen to those hippies who say how shitty sp2 is and how theyll never install it.
I have been wanting to install it, but since I once had Screen Booty (please don't laugh at me) installed, and when I uninstalled it (yes, I did indeed see the errors of my ways), it left the custom boot-up screen on there and now XP will not allow me to install SP2. Unless I figure out a way to clear the mbr (haven't found a good walk-through on how) then I will have to format and clean install. But HEY! that will give me a chance to try out the new IWINT CD that I made with SP2 on it!

BTW: IWINT= Install While I'm Not There
Tiny said:
...Unless I figure out a way to clear the mbr (haven't found a good walk-through on how) then I will have to format and clean install.

Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, and confirm if I'm right, but can't you boot from the XP disc into rescue mode and run fixmbr to safely rewrite the MBR?


I'm not sure if that would resolve your problem or not.
flobadon said:
Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, and confirm if I'm right, but can't you boot from the XP disc into rescue mode and run fixmbr to safely rewrite the MBR?


I'm not sure if that would resolve your problem or not.

Yes, I think it will.

I am such a dork for not thinking of looking at MS first. Please excuse the brain laps. :(
Erase the Master Boot Record:

- Create a win98 startup diskette.If you don't know how to do that, get it here .It is in the end of the page.
I suggest you to unplug other drives to prevent accidental data loss, and plug this drive that you want to erase the MBR on the primary master connection.Remember to check if the drive is jumpered as master.
Boot the system using this diskette.As soon as you get the A:> prompt, type exactly in this way: (Ignore the xxxx:xxxx segmentoffset display when entering assembler statements, and ignore the register display when running the program.All of the number below are zeros.On the statement "mov" "o" is the letter "o".

-Debug (enter)
- f 200 L200 0 (Press enter)
- a 100 (Press enter)
xxxx:xxxx mov ax,301 (Press enter)
xxxx:xxxx mov bx,200 (Press enter)
xxxx:xxxx mov cx,1 (Press enter)
xxxx:xxxx mov dx,0080 (Press enter)
xxxx:xxxx int 13 (Press enter)
xxxx:xxxx int 3 ( Press enter)
xxxx:xxxx Press ENTER an extra time here
- g=100
- q

You now have a clean disk.

or fdisk /mbr

or the solution flobadon posted
Gonna try the XP CD version tonight. But thanks a ton for the disk download link! I have a few friends that will really get some great use out of that site, and me too! :)
i stayed away from SP2 until last week, and it's too bad, should have gotten it earlier. fixed all my problems. great great stuff
Go ahead and install it. It won't kill you. I put WinXP on my new HDD and SP2 was the second thing I put on it. I think of it as one big security update, which saves time. I have yet to have any trouble with it on my A64 rig.
Just when I thought we were done with these threads, someone has to ask the goddamn SP2 question again.