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  1. W


    I just use my zippo. any other lighter would work, but it doesnt look as impressive :p
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    new build.. mobo LED on, nothing else...

    update! Looks like the PSU was dead on arrival. Tried another one i had kicking around and everything functioned, so i went out today and exchanged the dead OCZ for an enermax liberty :D
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    new build.. mobo LED on, nothing else...

    You are lucky you even got it started in the first place!! checked mobo.... backplate is clear, none of the capacitors are gettin their freak on. I think I might have spare a 24 pin PSU somewhere around here...... can i test the PSU by shorting out the two pins on the mobo...
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    new build.. mobo LED on, nothing else...

    I just finished building my new rig, its a mix of some decent and crappy hardware due to my budget, all brand new. No matter what I do, the thing will not turn on! the only thing that happens is the LED on the motherboard switching on, and also the LAN LED when I flip the switch on the PSU. I...
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    Dustproof case

    /refers to fabric softener sheets
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    Dustproof case

    dont those sheets get rid of static as well?
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    Acer travelmate - good buy?

    wow, that would be awesome if the shared memory is possible. i dont even know what i would do with 2 gigs of ram :rolleyes: but, i have $600 left until i can buy that doozie.
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    Acer travelmate - good buy?

    so, i need a notebook. i have been searching quite a bit, and i am not afraid to spend a little money, as this will also be my desktop replacement. Keep in mind, the prices are in canadian funds. Notebook $2500 CAD - Intel® Centrino® Duo Mobile Technology - Intel® Core™ Duo...
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    How are these temps

    everest is way off for temps, at least in my system.. usually 5-7 degrees C over displayed temp
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    Microsoft: ‘We’ve been killing PC gaming’

    That is the most intruiging post i have ever read for some reason...
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    WoW orange items

    can anyone explain? i have seen only 2 items in-game with the orange quality, does anyone have more details on them?
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    Is this LCD good for TV???

    i have a benq FP757-12 at 16ms and i have NEVER had a problem with anything. I do not know what everyone is complaining about... :eek:
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    just got my 2nd 7800gtx

    congrats! now update your sig :cool:
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    Whats with the crappy names on cards?

    how about the nvidia "look this is a 700 dollar video card that only the snooty sons of rich people can afford, and i am stuck here with my crappy 5900 playing BF2 on all low settings" Oh, wait.... they already made that one!
  15. W

    Newegg is cracked and is this a good oc'ing mobo?

    I got my last order from in 2 days via UPS... thats from newark, NJ to edmonton, AB. i think that is pretty damn good!
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    should i download firmware 2.0?

    my psp is currently at 1.5 firmware, and though i do want to take advantage of the new 2.0 features, i still want to keep things open for tweaking. Any suggestions?
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    What an odd looking mouse....

    I did not make that picture, sc00ter did... :eek:
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    How do I remove Arctic Silver?

    also you can use the corner of a ziploc/plastic bag to apply the compound (as stated in the INSTRUCTIONS, it works perfectly) :eek:
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    What an odd looking mouse....

    ROFL :p
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    Xbox 360 Packaging

    wow, i never even looked at it that way... :eek:
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    What an odd looking mouse....

    Any thoughts? :eek:
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    Dungeon Siege II...

    aye, thanks man :eek:
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    Dungeon Siege II...

    just to clear things up, the multiplayer aspect of the game is MMORPG like in diablo? :confused:
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    Playstation 2 Hard Drive Woes :( HELP!

    why would you keep your ps2 on a tv? mine is ground level, on an altar! :cool:
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    Final fantasy XI online question

    i got this game a long time ago and didnt get around to installing it.. all i have is the cd's now. does this game require a cd key or anything of the like? Thanks
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    Razer Copperhead

    it better not be blue...... i busted my arse trying to get my plasma LE, copperhead is gonna ruin something special.
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    try changing around the configs: Open Firefox 1.0 and in the address bar type: about:config 1. Find browser.tabs.showSingleWindowModePrefs and double click on it so it = true 2. Find network.http.pipelining and double click on it so it = true 3. Find network.http.pipelining.maxrequests...
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    scrambled thumbnails

    almost every one of the thumbnails in my pictures folder is scrambled around with another pic! the file name and the actual picture are correct, but the thumbnail is that of another picture in my folder can anybody help?
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    BF2 Mods you're looking forward to?

    i would rather just see regular BF2 without any bugs!
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    ok... my score went from went from 2050 to 1953720652 then to 0... and now it is at 0
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    ahhh damn photobucket wont upload my pic. sorry m8tes
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    went to bfhq about 5 mins ago wtf?? ahh sry will resize soon
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    ZALMAN CNPS7000B-ALCU 92mm

    if you use everest home edition (which everyone should) there is a cpu fan RPM meter there. also if it is supported, you could check rpms in your cmos (mine is under pc health status)
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    Ok, this is the big question!!

    the old doom games still kinda creep me out :p
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    desktop overclocking utils?

    i just built an old celeron system (773mhz) out of scrap parts that i want to OC the crap out of, perferably until something blows up.... anyway my bios doesnt support ocing and i am too lazy to try and do anything about it so can anyone reccomend an ocing util? (running on windows xp)
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    I'm new to this.

    too much to cover in single post! just look around in the faqs and guides (usually sticky) on this site helped me with the absolute basics and then some as for computing...
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    Window or No Window?

    if you are no good at wiring/cabling, i suggest non window or you could go ghetto and take a picture of the inside of a nice case, blow it up to your case size and paste behind window. :eek:
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    Camping-Yes or No

    i like split screen gaming with fps. if you camp, your buddy knows where you are!
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    Just got my saitek eclipse.....

    no, they are not like a laptop, they do not really make that big of a click.