What an odd looking mouse....

try it before you bash it, doesnt look bad. ill wait till its at best buy and i can actually feel it
][V][AGIC said:
try it before you bash it, doesnt look bad. ill wait till its at best buy and i can actually feel it

Whether you think it looks ok or not (and, frankly, your image drops two points automatically by saying you do think it looks good) the fact is, there is absolutely nothing even ever so slightly ergonomic about that thing (unless you're using it in the bath tub, then you'll find that it's the best mouse you could ever use there. Well, I think they use 5V, so maybe it won't kill you.) Even the normal MS or Razer or whatever designs are actually designed to somewhat fit in one's hand (though nothing can compete with logitech's current design, but, I would presume they patented the living daylights out of that one.) Well, actually, if you DO have clamps for hands, you'll find that logitech is the worst thing ever and that these things will work wonders for you. Silly me over here with this four fingered thing and that annoying opposable thumb all in the way...

On the cow hoof thing, look at those angles a little more carefully. It doesn't sit flat. I'm not an expert on hooves, but, I'm pretty sure that they're flat on the bottom. They don't have a rounded aquadynamic bit on the bottom typically. Also, I think that first big picture on this topic doesn't show it at it's normal angle. From what they showed, I think it actually tilts forward from that.
As much as you'd like to claim that you are stating facts, all of what you said is opinion, and that puts you in no better position than the person you quoted. ;)

Oh, and we have internet reputations here? Didn't know that :rolleyes:
Well, I'm basing it on the assumption that the pictures of the mouse are not every single one of them (including those on big official sites like cnet) fakes. If they are fake, I stand corrected, maybe it IS ergonomic. If they are not, that thing is not shaped well at all.
Has anyone even touched the mouse? it's not all that bad. Fugly, but not horrible feeling.
Nazo said:
WHAT THE FREAK?!?! Look at their images... It doesn't sit flat? How on earth.. Look at that last image, it's like a freaking boat. Who designs a mouse like a boat? Maybe they got really confused and thought they were marketing it to people with water cooling. d-:
It is flat on the bottom. The back is curved up so it looks like it isn't flat if you look at it from the back.