Playstation 2 Hard Drive Woes :( HELP!

Jul 11, 2005
I'm not sure if this can be discussed here, but I don't know where else to put it so here's my problem.

My bother plays FFXI on the PS2 and recently the PS2 fell off the TV and stopped working :( and the HDD doesn't work anymore either. I know they don't sell PS2 HDDs anymore either, so I am trying to somehow put a regular IDE computer hard drive on my PS2. I googled and I can't find much about this. I read that I need some kind of software like HDDLoader or something, but is there anyway I can hook up a regular IDE hard drive to my Playstation 2 without buying software? Is there any free software out there? Any tutorials or How-Tos will be greatly appreciated!

Thank you.
HelloIDistance said:
Thanks, so the only way I can get this to work is if I buy the software for loading a HDD? And this should work with FFXI right?
From what I can gather, that'll all depend on how new/old your network adapter is.

You'll definitely be able to install FFXI on an 80GB or so drive (don't go any higher than 120), but you won't know if you can get back online until after you've installed the HDD. Keep in mind that whatever drive you choose must be formatted so that it recognizes the PlayStation File System, as is noted in this guide.
why would you keep your ps2 on a tv?

mine is ground level, on an altar! :cool: