Whats with the crappy names on cards?

TheTMan said:
I don't know what you are trying to get at,... but yes, where I live, many people call all carbonated soft drinks "coke".

yea, here too. Same thing applies for Kleenex, Fridge, Pampers, any others?
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meatfestival said:
I really do not give a flying fuck what the components in my computer are called.

so you would be fine in using a nvidia geforce daiper Xtra?
Brent_Justice said:
they should name their video cards after video cards

they could have the NVIDIA 3DFX Voodoo 5 GeForce 7800 GTX Ultra and the ATI S3 Matrox X850 XT-PE-GT-Pro

lol.. Good one Brent.

I'm seriously down for a new name for these cards/cpus too. I know it's a marketing thing, however, I think Intel could get away with it easily. Most of their CPU sales are from OEMs anyway. I'm sure AMD would quickly follow.
Hmm... how bout a ATI radeon 1 ATI radeon 2 ATI radeon 3 ATI radeon 4 ATI radeon 5 ATI radeon 6 ATI radeon 7 ATI radeon 8
and a Nvidia geforce 1 nvidia geforce 2 nvidia geforce 3 nvidia geforce 4 nvidia geforce 5 nvidia geforce 6 nvidia geforce 7...

too plain eh?
how about the nvidia "look this is a 700 dollar video card that only the snooty sons of rich people can afford, and i am stuck here with my crappy 5900 playing BF2 on all low settings"

Oh, wait.... they already made that one!