Window or No Window?


Jun 24, 2005
Im Looking to get a CM Centurion 5 should i get one with or without the window? Would the extra holes on the side of the nonWindow help airflow, or is the mesh front more than enough?
I would go with a window cuz I think they look cool. I dont know about airflow differences between the two though
Go with the window, add some CCFL lights and blammo..... instant computer BLING.
I hate windows, for computer cases. Windowed cases are more common at the lans I go to, than regular plain no-windowed cases.

No window cases gives you more room for painting... :D
I personally prefer no window.

My case has no window, but it has a blue CC

No windos let people wonder what is inside - as well you can cut out your own window, of yoour own design :D
windows are cool and all, but I'm to lazy to get my dremel out and put one in. I'd say get a case without one and put one in youself. I just hate it how people get these premodded cases to look cool. At least I'm too lazy to be cool :p
I like the window in my thermaltake case. Not sure if I would get a case with quite so large of a window again. Next time I'll cut my own out.
i like to show off what my hard earned money bought me and thats why i prefer a window. plus if you got a lot of fans or are watercooling it would be a good idea to have something that allows you to peep in whenever you want to.
I would say no window.

go > show. Also I'm very anti computer rice. So lights and windows and flashy things seem excessively gaudy to me.
Well, 3 months ago I would have said no window. Right now, I'm working on sleeving all my cables and did a few case mods (done properly, ofcourse) to my Lian Li PC-60 for better cable management. I'm gonna get a window, and a white cold cathode. No colors, not funky LEDs, nothing. I think it will look pretty classy. I cant stand computers that look extreme, and I'm avoiding that completely and going for the "nice" look.
j-rock said:
I would say no window.

go > show. Also I'm very anti computer rice. So lights and windows and flashy things seem excessively gaudy to me.

computer rice.... since when did ricing anything become computer lingo
Well if you have any special computer parts or any upcoming computer parts/accessories that you're gonna put in then you'd want a window to show it off. But if you're computer is just gonna be pure performance and you don't really care about showing off anything in it then go without the window.

bk12321 said:
computer rice.... since when did ricing anything become computer lingo

Since people started including all show and no go components.
well i say go window. Personally my pc is fairly plain, no window and just a few red case fans to light up the exhaust ports. a few months ago i would have been purist, however i now make my money building custom cases so all that flash puts food on my table so go for it :)
As far as I'm concerned all computers are rice because we all know where most of the parts are made ;) I like windows, they just look cool when done right
for me, no window is better because it helps to hide my lazy wiring job. and lights= useless to me because my comp sits under me, beside my desk and its not like im gona spend hours staring at my comp's lighting.
if you are no good at wiring/cabling, i suggest non window

or you could go ghetto and take a picture of the inside of a nice case, blow it up to your case size and paste behind window.

Thanatos. said:
Im Looking to get a CM Centurion 5 should i get one with or without the window? Would the extra holes on the side of the nonWindow help airflow, or is the mesh front more than enough?

get case without w window and cut your own design in it if you want to later on. Much better if you do your own window design if you want to later than just a pre cut normal window.

Everyone has one of them but if you cut your own design then its unique and more personal :)
but cutting your own can be a bitch, especially if you dont have access to the tools
Windows and lights inside just look retarted. Like a honda civic with all that rice crap people put on it.

If you do get a windows and put lights inside get the clown nose and hair to go with it.
almostinsane1 said:
Windows and lights inside just look retarted. Like a honda civic with all that rice crap people put on it.

If you do get a windows and put lights inside get the clown nose and hair to go with it.

Thank you!!!! We need more like minded people in this world.
almostinsane1 said:
Windows and lights inside just look retarted. Like a honda civic with all that rice crap people put on it.

If you do get a windows and put lights inside get the clown nose and hair to go with it.

If you're not careful with statements like that we might just be seeing "Project:Evil Glowy Clown-Mod of DOOM!!!" in the worklogs section pretty soon.


I dunnoh, I say if you've got half a gallon of water in your system, you might want to know it's all there pretty frequently :)

And what car doesn't come with interior/dome lights and windows? :p
A clear side panel so you can make sure no water is leaking serves a purpose. Purple, green, blue, yellow lights on fans and cathode tubes that are blacklights so my tubing glows is just plain stupid. Add to that case windows with aliens etched into them, just makes me laugh at the people that buy it. But I guess theres a market.
I would go with no windows, and just take of the sides of the case.. :)
MikeDeuce said:
I dunnoh, I say if you've got half a gallon of water in your system, you might want to know it's all there pretty frequently :)

And what car doesn't come with interior/dome lights and windows? :p

werd to the mothaship :cool:
Good thread.

Almost three years ago, I bought my first case with a window. The LEDs looked really cool for a while but got old. My biggest gripe was if I had to leave it on at night, I had LEDs shinning right in my eyes. I used to put a shirt over the damn thing but just the shirt made the system too hot.

I am now looking at getting a new case and of course I was debating this question myself. I really do not care for a window but it makes me think that my computer is old school without one. I am leaning on buying a window but I am not sure if I will put lights in it. Maybe just in the front so there is no way they will be shinning on me.
Well after careful consideration i will go with one with a window (no tools or experience to make my own) i never planned on riceing it but might do a plain white cc nothing UV or any LED stuff though. Thanks for all the input.
I prefer no windows as well. Mainly cause if I have a window, i'm tempted to continue to modify my wiring until its perfect. If it isn't, the slightest thing will annoy me =\.

If I had the option, I would have gotten an Antec Super Lanboy without a window =(.