I'm new to this.

Jul 12, 2005
First off, here is my computer information:

Okay. I just built this computer. My first computer to build.

First off, my friend tells me that my dual channel RAM is dual channel, but it's not running dual channel. How can I make it run at dual channel? He said something about my RAM clock numbers are not doing their full potential or something.

Second, my processor multiplier is set at 10x. I had a friend send me his CPUZ file, and he has an old P4 Northwood and it's set to 22x. Is 10x slow for my AMD 64? I have this heatsink and some Arctic Silver 5 on my processor, so I think I should be able to overclock at least a little bit (I don't have it overclocked at all right now).

Anyway, my friend told me to come ask at HardForum because "they are nice and always like to help out"; so here I am. What can/should I do to make my computer faster than it is (all default)? He told me to be sure to get some good clock numbers for my RAM and ask how to change it or something.

Thank you if you can help me. Like I said, I'm really new to this (as you can tell). Also, if there are any other programs that I should run to show more information about my computer, I would be glad to run the program.
too much to cover in single post!

just look around in the faqs and guides (usually sticky) on this site

www.howstuffworks.com helped me with the absolute basics and then some as for computing...
can we get a detailed list of components? such as brands and models?

dannydrifffft said:
First off, my friend tells me that my dual channel RAM is dual channel, but it's not running dual channel. How can I make it run at dual channel? He said something about my RAM clock numbers are not doing their full potential or something.
your RAM sticks need to be in slots 1 & 3 to run in dual channel. most of the time it automatically goes to dual channel, but sometimes you may have to enable it in the BIOS.

dannydrifffft said:
Second, my processor multiplier is set at 10x. I had a friend send me his CPUZ file, and he has an old P4 Northwood and it's set to 22x. Is 10x slow for my AMD 64? I have this heatsink and some Arctic Silver 5 on my processor, so I think I should be able to overclock at least a little bit (I don't have it overclocked at all right now).
10x is what its supposed to be at. most A64s are at 10x or 11x, w/ the 3000+'s at 9x.
nice heatsink. :) in order for the AS5 to work at its optimum potential, it needs approx 200 hours of 'work time.' the thermal transfer will be at its best after 200 hours of working.

dannydrifffft said:
Anyway, my friend told me to come ask at HardForum because "they are nice and always like to help out"; so here I am. What can/should I do to make my computer faster than it is (all default)? He told me to be sure to get some good clock numbers for my RAM and ask how to change it or something.
well welcome. :D nice of you to join the [H]ard. in order to OC you need good cooling (CPU is covered. RAM doesnt need active cooling. your northbridge (NB) chipset should be actively cooled w/ a fan), good OCing RAM (no value/generic crap), and a good OCing CPU. you typically pay a fair bit more out of the pocket, but the quality and OCing ability is far worth the price. the venice is very nice, also.

dannydrifffft said:
Thank you if you can help me. Like I said, I'm really new to this (as you can tell). Also, if there are any other programs that I should run to show more information about my computer, I would be glad to run the program.
Your welcome :)
First thing I noticed, was your ram is running @ 166...maybe this is what you r friend is talking about.....so change the dram settings to 200 in bios to run @ stock speeds.
Next, have a peek here for a great oc guide (thank Eclipse for that).
And as for your multi, thats where it should be for your cpu.
Just read through that link and have a go at oc'ing that chip..it should at least get to 2.4, quite probably alot more. Don't be afraid to change some settins, the worse that could happen is you might have to clear your cmos :p
Overclocking memory won't increase performance very much, however 166@ "4" latency settings isn't very good. Do you have any idea what your memory is? What is it rated at?

Depending on how old the CPU is (what week it was made), you should be able to hit ~2.4-2.7ghz on air cooling.