How do I remove Arctic Silver?


Dec 24, 2004
Hey guys I am rma'ing my motherboard so I have to take out my cpu and xp-120. I will be puting on a new heatsink so my question is do I need to remove the arctic silver or can I leave it on the cpu for a week or two until I put the cpu back into the motherboard and put the heatsink on. If I need to remove the arctic silver how do I do that? Thanks for any help/suggestions.
I took off the xp-120 and the cpu has only about less than half of the cpu surface area covered with arctic silver, did I not put enough arctic silver on it or is that right. Anyways, I will now try to remove the arctic silver: isopropyl alcohol with a coffee filter, right?
Alcohol and a coffee filter should work just fine. As for only half the surface being covered...that might have been a problem. Next time you apply it, use something credit card like to put a very thin layer all over the processor...never had a problem with that method yet.
also you can use the corner of a ziploc/plastic bag to apply the compound (as stated in the INSTRUCTIONS, it works perfectly)

Yeah, you can't go wrong with the alcohol and everything, just be careful not to spread it onto any components or anythng since arctic silver is conductive.

I would go ahead and remove it if I were you, I suspect it's going to loose it's effectiveness sitting out in the open like that, and, uh, while you're at it, disconned the PSU in case you could ever bump the power button (not easy, but, not worth the risk if you ask me) as that'd be fatal. d-: You've probably already done this, just saying it.