How are these temps


Aug 15, 2004
Ok I am moved into my dorm and am maybe a bit concerned about my ocmputer temps since it is wedged between a big warddrobe(sp?) and my computer desk.

Heres my temps as reported by Everest Home Edition(nothing overclocked, ram slightly overvolted cause it hates me)

Thanks(comp details in sig)
everest is way off for temps, at least in my system.. usually 5-7 degrees C over displayed temp
Hm..those do seem a little high to me. I'd try moving it out into the open and see if the temps drop at all.
I really cannt the way stuff is hooked up if I try to move it either way the cords wont each.

So if I try to move it right the monitor cord is to short and if I move it left the ethernet cord is to short. Would tossing a 80mm fan on the side do any good theres about and inch gap between my desk and the twoer on that side.
Idle those temps are warm but nothing I would lose sleep over, especially since it is in the dorms. I'm assuming you take your comp home on long breaks and/or for summer. Also, just another user here, everest, speedfan and my bios are all almost identical, although I know many others out there have had a great range of variance between the three.
i've downloaded the newest speedfan (released afew days ago)...
and its only displaying my Hard Disks temperature...

why is it not displaying my CPU and GPU?!?!?!
Speedfan requires that you configure and identify each componenet on your own. If you can't do it on your own, use the option that allows you to see others configs on the net. You should be able to find someone with your mobo who has figured speedfan accordingly.