What an odd looking mouse....


May 23, 2005

Any thoughts?

Leave it to Sony to design something that's

Outlandishly expensive
Not practical
Yucky looking
Yikes! :eek: That is *the* ugliest mouse I have ever seen. I hope to God Sony's don't start shipping with those..
Looks like a cow hoof
:D Hit the nail square on the head with that one! Or maybe someone hit the mouse on the head.........and flattened it out.

I wouldnt use it.
ROFL!!!! (uhm, to both)

What in the world is wrong with sony anyway? Seriously, geez, what idiot even IMAGINED doing such a thing? It doesn't take a lot of intelligence to know what a bad idea that is.
Well, who's to say that Sony actually designed/built this mouse? This could be "fan art" or somebody's joke or something.

We need linkage!
Awful. Looks like something you see coffee house people using because its trendy :p
Sadly, I'm willing to bet the individual who designed that mouse is making more than I or most of us do.
Ratboy said:
Sadly, I'm willing to bet the individual who designed that mouse is making more than I or most of us do.
I hate you for that statement.

Because you're probably right. )-:

God, I could design a better mouse in my sleep. Unfortunately, at this point I'd be hard pressed to come up with something that wouldn't risk copyright infringement with Logitech. I've never seen a design more suited to actually fit in one's hand than what I currently have.

I'll say one thing. You will never hear in the headlines "Sony sueing x company for copyright infrigement of their new mouse design" in reference to that god-awful thing. You MIGHT, however, hear "all two hundred and thirty one of their customers sueing sony for inflicting carpel tunnel syndrom on them with new mouse design."
Blah425 said:
Someone had too much time on their hands. Well that wouldnt' take that much time but still.

Well, I am homeschooled..so I have a lot of time on my hands. Thought it was pretty amusing anyway. Still think the mouse is god-awful though.
Ratboy said:
Sadly, I'm willing to bet the individual who designed that mouse is making more than I or most of us do.
Yes thats is why this world sucks sometimes!
Thanatos. said:
Looks like a cow hoof
More doesn't have to be said about this 'mouse', as far as I'm concerned :D

I wonder whether anyone on this forum has actually used such a mouse?
Come on, that's the most obvious fake I think I've ever seen... You can tell it's just the first picture thrown into the second. For one thing, you left some of the white around the edges...

Anyway, we now have confirmation that it's a real thing. Google that model number that we now have and you find a lot of reviews from official sites like CNet.

EDIT: Still want multiple angles? http://reviews.cnet.com/Sony_VAIO_VGP_UMS50/4505-3148_7-31338203.html Seems they have a few.

WHAT THE FREAK?!?! Look at their images... It doesn't sit flat? How on earth.. Look at that last image, it's like a freaking boat. Who designs a mouse like a boat? Maybe they got really confused and thought they were marketing it to people with water cooling. d-:
They have one at BestBuy on a Sony display. I touched it and got a hankerin' for some alfalfa.
Blah425 said:
^^ It was a joke I wasn't trying to make it look like its really mine.
Don't worry, I'm sure most of us understood it was a joke ^_-

That said, there's no way I'll give up my Logitech Trackball for this hideous... hoof.
S1nF1xx said:
Leave it to Sony to design something that's

Outlandishly expensive
Not practical
Yucky looking
couldnt have said it better myself.

wtf is sony thinking? do they seriously expect people to rush to the stores and buy this crap? :p