Newegg is cracked and is this a good oc'ing mobo?


Aug 10, 2003
Newegg is cracked....
I ordered a new Neo4 Ultra-D DFI last week. I was supposed to get it Friday, I did not. I called today and told them there was a problem and that UPS said they did not get the package. So, Newegg said they will ship out the board today. So...later on in the day UPS drops off the mobo. Newegg has no clue they shipped it to me. The chick said there was a screwup and UPS only got the payment info not the package so the will ship one out, but that is not correct. UPS did get the package and did deliver it. Tracking info still shows it as payment info only.. :wtf:

Now...Is this a good mobo tooc with? I have seen some info saying the sli board was not good, but if you did not use sli it was great...DFI LANPARTY UT nF4 Ultra-D. Any info on this board about oc'ing?

I just cant find a lot of info about the SLi part being sucky, just a few posts. I am curious if I need a bios update and things.
so youre getting 2 mobos for the price of one? wanna sell one cheap??? :p

but in all seriousness, if you do, pm me
Why not FedEx? I hate UPS for package delivery. :mad:

Anyways, I noticed NewEgg has been a little sluggish lately....but still deliver good on their promises and service. Reason I say this is cause my package took a day to process. Normally it NEVER does. But yeah. I still got it. :)

I myself have a DFI Ultra-D. EXCELLENT board when setup properly. Be prepared to fvck with it for awhile before it's working good though. And be ready to update the bios out of the box with winflash. I use 623-3 official and all is well, though I did use a beta before that.
Well, I am not sure. It does look that way.UPS still shows it now deliverd and Newegg has a new one shipping out..I even checked my account there and it shows it as a go, and the other order (that I now have) as cancled. wEiRd :eek:
2Fresh said:
Well, I am not sure. It does look that way.UPS still shows it now deliverd and Newegg has a new one shipping out..I even checked my account there and it shows it as a go, and the other order (that I now have) as cancled. wEiRd :eek:
do make sure you return it........cause obviously if you keep it, Kyle and Newegg are kinda tight, and he does have your IP addy afterall ;)

I did not paln on keeping it. I just thought it was sad how Newegg seems to be going down the toilet lately. :( I want to make sure I am not chared 2x and things. I plan on contacting them in the morning to see if they know what is going on. Maybe they...well, I have no idea. But I am an honest person. SHeesh..I was at Wallyworld the other day and put some lip stuff in my pocket, before we checked out. I had used it in the store and just stuck in in my pocket out of of habit I guess. Anyway, I get out to my car and realized it and turned right back around and went in and paid for it. :)
Wow, awesome info..I missed that one. Tthaks bro.:) Looks like this could be a smokin board!
ShuttleLuv said:
Why not FedEx? I hate UPS for package delivery. :mad:

I got my last order from in 2 days via UPS... thats from newark, NJ to edmonton, AB. i think that is pretty damn good!
your all wrong, more places need to start offering DHL. I've used it twice already and they have outperformed FedEx and UPS. Fedex is next down the line. They offer alot more types of services for cheaper rates. The only thing I don't like about em is that they don't leave a package with no signiture. I've even filled out the little slip thingy for them, and the warehouse is a 30 minute drive across town.
An MSI Neo4 Ultra-D SLI?!?! Where can I get one! Sign me up! MSI meets DFI...must be the best motherboard ever! So seriously, which board do you have the MSI Neo4 or the DFI Ultra-D?
oo[s///my bad....DFI :D

I have MSI on the bran cuz I am selling my MSI Neo2 Plat and just sold a MSI Neo4.
To answer the first question, DFI NF4 boards are at the top of all the OCing charts, no one has all the OCing optiond that the DFI NF4 boards have.

As for shipping..............sore subject with me, UPS comes everyday on time but likes to play football with the packages sometimes. FedEx doesn't and will not come out to where I live everyday, they only drive out this way 3 days a week and it one of them is a holiday, it's only 2 days a week. As for DHL, they don't come out here at all, they drop it off at the post office in St Louis when they get it and the mailman brings it out, totally sh!t service if you as me.
DFI = win

I got pretty screwed by fedex...

I ordered an LCD last tuesday, with rush processing and 2 day delivery, hoping I'd recieve it by friday. Newegg did ship it that day, but the monitor still hasn't arrived. The tracking hasn't been updated at all, it just says it "Arrived at FedEx location"

And on wednesday last week I ordered a hard drive, 2 day shipping. It shipped thursday and came on monday >< And like... I live around 40 miles away from where it shipped from :(
Bio-Hazard said:
To answer the first question, DFI NF4 boards are at the top of all the OCing charts, no one has all the OCing optiond that the DFI NF4 boards have.

As for shipping..............sore subject with me, UPS comes everyday on time but likes to play football with the packages sometimes. FedEx doesn't and will not come out to where I live everyday, they only drive out this way 3 days a week and it one of them is a holiday, it's only 2 days a week. As for DHL, they don't come out here at all, they drop it off at the post office in St Louis when they get it and the mailman brings it out, totally sh!t service if you as me.
I have the exact same thing where I live
UPS ontime, but they destroy the package
Feded 2-3 times a week
DHL I have to have things delivered to work
Newegg has treated me great for years, got an order now and of course got the stuff faster then it said I would. Never ever have I had a problem. And make sure to return that board :)
This is the 1st time I have ever exp any type of problem with them. I always get my items very fast, and usually faster then the time it should have taken. This is not even a problem on my end...jsut odd to see them get so messed up the ship the same item 2x. Jsut think if this would have been like a 2k order or something. Someone would be out a job I bet.