Ok, this is the big question!!


[H]F Junkie
Dec 29, 2000
I need absolutely the best AND scariest game out there to play this weekend while my wife is visiting relatives..

Any advice?
Since you didnt specify a platform I am gona say the Silent Hill series for PS2, nothing like being in absolute dark hearing lil mutant children around you but you cannt risk turning on your flashlight :eek:
Doom3 if you get the atmosphere right. 5.1 surround with all the lights off and curtains closed.
Hmm...there is a choice to be made.

System Shock 2 is pretty damn scary, as is Doom3. Thief: Deadly Shadows contains possibly the most frightening single level ever designed (Shalebridge Cradle). I still wince when I talk about it. :D

Clive Barker's Undying will do it for you, too.
Cadaver said:
Hmm...there is a choice to be made.

System Shock 2 is pretty damn scary, as is Doom3. Thief: Deadly Shadows contains possibly the most frightening single level ever designed (Shalebridge Cradle). I still wince when I talk about it. :D

Clive Barker's Undying will do it for you, too.
Go for Undying imo.
Definately Doom3 or Theif3.

But as TranquilRed said, you have to have the atmosphere right. I think the game's sound is 80% of what makes it scary, so crank up your surround speakers and turn off the lights. :D
If you can still find it, play as the Marine in Aliens vs Predator 2. I nearly pissed myself when I came to the scary parts with aliens jumping out from everywhere. :eek:
I need to get back into Thief, I loved the second one (I think it was 2nd). I didn't get far in Doom3 before I had to make room for other games, but it was pretty scary. Aliens vs. Predator as a marine wins though. I never finished the first one.
Hmm, sorta depends on what you find terrifying.

Doom 3 will "spook" you in a few places, namely the triggered events (example: early in the game, optional bathroom you can enter). You'll also be a little jittered by the first few enemy appearances. After that, it just gets.. tedious. You're so annoyed with having to fight the enemy that it ceases to be fear.

Aliens vs. Predators, I can only comment on the first one. Graphics are a bit outdated, but let's get one thing clear: There's only two ways to go about this game as a Marine... crapping your pants in fear or I'm-A-Farking-Psycho-Damn-The-Acid-Blood-DIIEEEEE! mode. A vast majority of people fall into the first category, but get tired of cowering in fear and dying and eventually snap. Either way is funtastic.

System Shock 2 isn't that scary to me, even with the few mods I could find to update the graphics. Sure, the "zombies" say spooky things.. but once you realize you can take one step back, watch it miss, and then smack it in the face with a crowbar, things get simpler. Then again, I didn't get farther than 25% in I'd say, so it might get weird later.

Clive Barker's Undying... sweet monkey jeebus. This is the way I'd go for a general combo of freaked out/jittery/shocked. There's a few lulls here and there, but for overall fear factor while still being perfectly playable.. although you'll really, really start to hate the redhead after a while. Freakin' intangible ghosts ::mumble::
Yeah, I forgot about Aliens Versus Predator. That is pretty damn scary as the Marine. Toilet Duck, you should give SS2 another go. You're right about the hybrid zombies, but later on it gets pretty damn freaky. It is the superb sound design that gives it it's edge. ;)
System Shock 2, by far the scariest game I have ever played. The graphics are a little dated now, but the fear factor is still there.

Using Internet Explorer. Turn off the lights. Turn the volume up slightly. Then go here:


for a little taste of System Shock 2.
Heh. Max Payne. It kinda freaked me out when Max went into his "transient dream" state. The one with the blood trail and the baby's wailing was especially freaky. Oh, also, believe it or not, I freaked out over one part in Final Fantasy VII.
Chalk up another one for AvP. I only finished the first one, not AvP 2, but either one'll have you shitting yourself, if you play as a marine. Be honest, everyone: who among you didn't jump right outta your chair the first time a facehugger got you?
Schalldämpfer said:
Oh, also, believe it or not, I freaked out over one part in Final Fantasy VII.

If I had to guess, it'd be that scene in Nibelheim where you look into the pods or whatever and see the mutated human scream at you?

Anyway, to the OP -

I think Silent Hill 3 came out on PC. Scary game.

System Shock 2 and Undying are pretty scary too. I hear that AvP will scare you shitless when you're the Marine.
Schalldämpfer said:
Heh. Max Payne. It kinda freaked me out when Max went into his "transient dream" state. The one with the blood trail and the baby's wailing was especially freaky. Oh, also, believe it or not, I freaked out over one part in Final Fantasy VII.
I did the same thing in max payne. 1am no lights sound up what a scarey thing hearing that baby cry and following the trail o blood.
System Shock I or II. Not only are they scary, but they are among the best PC Games of all time.
Most DEF Aliens VS Predator series..... OMG I damn near shit by pants playing this game, and I had to quit at least 2 times before I went all wussy and used codes :( I am ashamed now and still seeking help :(
+1 for Doom 3. I have never been so scared and shocked, that bubblegum fell out of my mouth.
Undying is amazingly scary for a game. It gives you that "weird feeling in the back of your neck" kinda fear.
Resident Evil
if they have it for PC
i remember playin for Sony and N64 god that game could scare the crap out of ya
DOOM 3 (if you need FPS scary)

SILENT HILL 4 (if you have the time and patience)
Does anyone know if AVP2 will allow you to veiw the game in widescreen 16:10 AR? I am getting interested in playing the game because I would like an older game to play on my laptop.

Doom3, if you want to jump out ya seat. Silent Hill games will make you creep out.
Doom 3 with 5.1 sound full blast in pure darkness. Like everyone else said the atmosphere is really good scarey one. :)
i couldn't play doom3 w/out lights for more than 45 mins or so cuz of my nerves, its kind of embarrasing really, its got my vote, but only if you've got good surround.
Yet another for AVP2 - Marine. It's so damn good, I'm thinking of having another go at it with the hardest difficulty setting, after finishing the Alien that is.

Doom3 was also scary, but the anticipation was better than the result. About halfway through the game, the cheapo scares and chugging performance was getting really old, and I resorted to finishing it using cheats... just to satisfy my curiosity of what the ol goatface looked like. Much prefer the bastages in Doom1&2.
magnusvir said:
If you can still find it, play as the Marine in Aliens vs Predator 2. I nearly pissed myself when I came to the scary parts with aliens jumping out from everywhere. :eek:

Nothing does suspense like that game. Its amazing how long you go without seeing an Alien. However after the first time, you'll want a break from them.

That motion tracker is what does it though. You hear the beeps telling you something is moving twords you, but you have no idea what it is until its right on you. Sometimes its an insect. Other times its a person, or an Alien. :eek:
Sir-Fragalot said:
Nothing does suspense like that game. Its amazing how long you go without seeing an Alien. However after the first time, you'll want a break from them.

That motion tracker is what does it though. You hear the beeps telling you something is moving twords you, but you have no idea what it is until its right on you. Sometimes its an insect. Other times its a person, or an Alien. :eek:
Never played much AvP2 but the marine campaign in original had me shitting bricks. I remember the first game came with a coupon for a free pair of underwear :p
I bought a Diamond MX300(sound card) and Cambridge Soundworks surround speakers for that game.
ultimate scarey game - STRONGHOLD!

only messing :D ...doom 3 wasnt scarey, it was god damn boring! all the same...quiet spooky sounds then suddenly AAHHHH A MONSTER THING!!! ...hhmm didnt expect that!!

Max payne's scarey scenes were great fun, specially when he goes on about the phone being a bannana and such :confused: