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  1. G

    Disappointed in AC: Revelations

    This is disheartening. =/ The main reason I want to play this is to see the plot points laid out in brotherhood come to an end.
  2. G

    Probably one of the best trailer's I've seen in awhile.

    They've got multiple good ad campaigns. I like this commercial a lot, also really liked the Sony Businessman guy who quit recently. All very funny as far as commercials go.
  3. G

    Space Blasters [I'm looking for alpha testers]

    Love the concept and the music, but having the various "blocks" fade in from the background makes it hard to see them (especially with the purple trail behind the ship) and also allows them to essentially spawn on top of you.
  4. G

    Skate 2 Demo

    bump for seriousness. Just played the demo and I'm so disappointed. =/ The original skate was masterfully done, enough so that I played the demo over and over again before Skate's release and then after when I lost my copy of the game. Everything feels much less realistic, much more...
  5. G

    FO3 Armor thread :D

    I didn't fight the behemoth during the main quest, although I accidently ran into evergreen mills during the main quest and ran away from him, hoping I would get a quest for there later. if thats not the behemoth yall are talking about where do I get whatever quest I skipped? I used ranger...
  6. G

    Your Fallout 3 Impressions

    36 hours in I finished the main story and I've found my interest waning, yet I know theres at least 100 more hours of legit content that I want to play all of. I kinda wanna go through again and be more evil, I played the majority of the game "good" so I didn't do any contract killings. Did...
  7. G

    Strange screen discoloration

    Hmm, it was just described to me as "it looks like all the colors are inverting." It gets a very grainy look to it, and for instance in CS:S dark shadowy areas are pixely and green. stupid pc edit: it could be the drivers as I haven't updated them in a minute. However I have tried...
  8. G

    Strange screen discoloration

    My screen is being very strange. It will randomly for random periods of time, change to a weird pixelated discolored screen that looks really trippy when looking at solid colors, but with anything else just annoying and strange. Any ideas?
  9. G

    Laptop turns off, won't turn back on...

    lol no I can't test it with a multimeter, but I will try cleaning out the vents. Thanks Is a multimeter semi common to have? Just curious. =)
  10. G

    I am liking Bioshock so far, to my surprise

    Really? I thought that just made it more enthralling, I haave never been used like that before in a game. That was the only thing that surprised me about Bioshock, beautiful game though.
  11. G

    Laptop turns off, won't turn back on...

    Not sure what it is, thought it was overheating so I bought a nice fan base, still happening during "semi" intense moments, watching a movie? playing hl2:ep1? intelcore2duo t7200 2ghz 2gigs ram Nvidia geforce go 7600 thanks
  12. G

    just got a ps2...

    Watched Shadow of Colussus be beaten, not as intense as actually playing. Beat the GTA games on PC, ditto hitman, guitar hero on 360. How was Digital Devil Saga it looks ridiculously nuts. What about really really good platformers? likeee Rygar? I haven't played it, but I seem to remember...
  13. G

    just got a ps2...

    I thought about the first devil may cry, but now after playing the 3rd, how enjoyable will the first be? It's got to have less depth. I was also very surprised to think devil may cry 3 is damn hard I'm stuck on the centipede monster thing atm.
  14. G

    just got a ps2...

    I've beaten the first god of war, has god of war 2 been marked down at all yet?
  15. G

    just got a ps2...

    Now based on my initial must have game purchases: Mark of Kri Devil May Cry 3 We <3 Katamari what other games have I forgotten about that are ridiculously sweet? While typing this I just thought of one, Shinobi. Any and all help is appreciated, thanks.
  16. G

    I'm NEW to the 360 world...

    skate. is the best skating game since thrasher for ps1.
  17. G

    Rule the Seas

    Ahh, in that case...lame =/ Don't want to pay 20 bucks for a legit weapon, anyone here WTS Skiver? DJTM? for ingame cash/ points
  18. G

    POST your Xbox360 Red LIghts of Death story

    It started the day after Halo 3 came out. After playing all night we try to play the next day and...bam RROD. We send it in get it back 4 weeks later, and get 20 minutes of skate. in before...more RROD. I just got gamefly and assassin's creed is inc. =/ so lame. Although on the...
  19. G

    Rule the Seas

    Taking the defense of the shield spear is so ridiculous, that was the best thing I could have going str/def but now its just another lame weapon.
  20. G

    Rule the Seas

    Whats up with the bank cap? Is it according to your level?
  21. G

    Orange box causing problems on comp?

    bump, is it obviously overheating and I just suck? or is it some other thing no one has any idea about?
  22. G

    Orange box causing problems on comp?

    Just got orange box, and after about 10 minutes in portal, computer goes black, and wont turn back on, 10 minutes later I can turn it back on. I try TF2 now and maybe 5 minutes in, comp goes black and wont turn back on. It's a laptop, and it got rather hot during both games, but not any...
  23. G

    Rule the Seas

    lol the 900+ bunny, Hit Pay 50 Arm, that got banned was my buddy in rl, he had gone inactive on the character and was making like 3000 pts a week without touching it. he was also nightshade~ who has since been sold.
  24. G

    Rule the Seas

    Gustaphus now Panda, would like a chain =).
  25. G

    XB 360 general hardware failure: halo 3 related?

    So my roommate and I go and get halo 3 at 12:15am, and we play for probably 8 hours then another 4 hour session the next day. The next time we tried to play, the 360 beeped and froze, it continued to do this everytime we tried to play halo. So we tried skate. and it worked perfectly, we play...
  26. G

    Any Lans in Colorado?

    Where are ya'll located, I'm in Boulder. =)
  27. G

    Rule the Seas

    I shall be applying in 3 days once I'm allowed to. The name is Gustaphus in game, look forward to joinin yall =)
  28. G

    What will replace WoW?

    Vanguard will take WoWs place in time.
  29. G

    free MMOG ?

    besides anarchy online, maybe if you're a fan of 3rd person shooting and sword play
  30. G

    need help with LED wiring

  31. G

    MMOs are Good for you.

    Why so much hate on the WoW? You obviously enjoyed something in the game quite a bit to play it that long. I know I played the first 8 months very hardcore and it was an amazingly fun time.
  32. G

    Commandos Strike Force SUCKS

    This whole thread was created to say how terrible the new "console corrupted piece of garbage" is and now you plan to go buy it?!??!
  33. G

    G15 Keyboard problem.

    I got the keyboard back in January, and about 4 weeks ago, when I turned on my computer, it said that it didnt read a keyboard. I unplugged it and tried it in all of the usb ports along with the "keyboard" one, nothing helped. I switched it out for about a week, plugged it in, and it was...
  34. G

    Have you ever seen someone go crazy?

    that was ridiculously staged, there was a blatant 5 second pause at the end where if he had been describing what he was doing, he would have said "Look at me, I am turning off the video camera."
  35. G

    Finaaalllly beat Half Life 2.....ending question *spoilers

    OK to start off, the only reason It's taken me so long is because WoW came out 2 days after HL2, hence not allowing me to play HL2 ever, until now since I've quit WoW. Ok so what does Gordon Freeman do? He is hired by Gman to bring down giant organizations that are delving too deep into the...
  36. G

    Weird Fable bug.

    is the new fable worth buying? i beat the xbox version on good mode, i wanna know if i should try the new version on bad mode or is it not worth it? cuz like in the first version there was like 1 set of armor per awesome level is it any different?
  37. G

    Carmack designates XBOX360 as his "primary dev platform"

    i dunno about xbox 360 buttt xbox doesnt even support resolutions that allow for the hdtv to even do anything.
  38. G

    Post Pics of ur chars for WoW :D

    m0nty would you happen to be the same Monty 60 UD Priest on Bleeding Hollow? if sooo this is Galgamar 60 Priest VV =)
  39. G

    Gold Duping in WoW

    This has gotten so ridiculous on my server (Bleeding Hollow) it crashes like 5 times a day and the instances are hardly ever working right anymore.