Laptop turns off, won't turn back on...


Limp Gawd
Jan 19, 2004
Not sure what it is, thought it was overheating so I bought a nice fan base, still happening during "semi" intense moments, watching a movie? playing hl2:ep1?

intelcore2duo t7200 2ghz
2gigs ram
Nvidia geforce go 7600

also might still be heat, try cleaning out air vents with a can of air, might be dusty.
lol no I can't test it with a multimeter, but I will try cleaning out the vents. Thanks

Is a multimeter semi common to have? Just curious. =)
back when psus were uncommon over 400w, testing stability of them wasnt that uncommon, as a lot had drooping rails causing instability. now a days the quality control is much better.
this will probably absolutely no help but i had a similar problem with an msi laptop except it never turned back on...i sent it to them and they returned the same notebook repaired. i wish they wouldve let me know what happened to it.