Rule the Seas

Well its down now so they may be doing the roll back. It's funny that all this money came into the game and awakes went up to 50mill. lol

Way to mug reaper :) what time did this happen? How much money did he have out? And do you remember what his user name was??

I wish I had known about it... :(
He must have had trillions out to allow you to mug him that much... good job though! Maybe they'll let you keep the money :p
They are doing the roll back :(

"[FONT=Tahoma,Arial]We're doing a partial roll-back of some in game data. Please be patient and the game will be back up shortly!"[/FONT]
What happened to the hit pay 50 guy? He was level 900+ and gave a tonne of xp. Looks like he has been banned.

Where are the easy levels going to come from now? Might have to actually do some work (although, in all honesty, not really a realistic option).
Holly shit maybe it was him???? He was staying in the higher ports the last few days anyway I thought he gave the game up.
I'm logged on, and I still see 26 billion in the vault bank... did it not roll back?
Heh. I should've waited to quit. I could've embezzled a couple billion to cover my 50/50 debt and 4500 point tragedy.
They may have to check every gang vault to see who had what before the hack. So this may only be temporary. I think the rolled back everything to yesterday but then started giving money back to the gang vaults. idk why.Maybe we should launder the money in other things and see if we can make it impossible for them to take it away.
The guy's name was hacker clause, he had 318 billion out plus gave about another 80 billion to several users.

It happened at 4:30am server time.

I mugged a little over 28 billion from him, the highest anyone got was 36 billion (OMGDellDude).

Hit-Pay-50-Arm was banned. He was reportedly also nightshade and was trading points between accounts.

We'll give it a few days to see if the money is still in there...if it is, then I'll give out a couple chains.

I think that covers everything.
Were rich bitches. Who wants to fucking party?

Edit - I also got my 70mill back from captain zappa :)
Hey, is it our (gang) fault that we have the money? Was the mugger fraudulent when he got the billions? If the answer to these questions is 'no', then we should have no shame in using the funds as they exist now to the gangs advantage.
Will they return interest earned since yesterday? That with slots is about $100m for me. Would nice to have that back if they have pulled my account back a day.

Prize - I think the guy was on the dodgey end of the dodgey scale with $318b out and a name containing the word hacker. One would need to spend about USD$5000 real dollars to get that much in game cash (based on the items / awakes etc for sale).
When I mugged Searcher for almost $3b, I bought a Chain. No rollback, and his records showed I only mugged like $700m. :D
Thanks for the chain. Good deal on that huge mug

Blow and hookers for every one.
There was no hacker, and there was never any money ;).

Anyone else need a chain? I've given out 3 so far. (Although Fezzy still needs to purchase his with the money!)
Whoevers next on the list? Maybe you should go down the gang list for whoever doesn't have one. I'm 26 :(
I don't need a chain but I could use money for hookers and blow. :D

You should treat yourself to a serious training session reaper. ;)
Reaper - As a part of the roll back, did you lose the points and items that you purchased with the non-existent cash?
They did a roll back, but decided against it and put everything back to normal. They then removed the money that was mugged, but, for some reason, we got almost everything back in our gang vault. I have not lost any items, points, etc. at all. Just about 60 million from my personal account which I'm not all that worried about.

So far I've given out 3 chains today, stashed some items in case they remove anything from our gang vault again, and plan on giving out another chain or two once the right people come online.

This is, by far, the most fun I've ever had on this game. :D
Yarr hook me up with a chain matey!

Also...whats the best way to level up....seems to me this crime crap isn't working for me, like 3/5 fails on the ones that take 10+ for me.....i have better luck with prison busts....but hardly ever see those now.

Also my name on there is Tsutrack09 in case anyone was wondering.
Attacking people much higher in level than you is the fastest, but you have to have the stats in order to do it. There used to be bunnies (low-stat high level players asking for points to be attacked), but any that were worth anything are almost all gone.
lol the 900+ bunny, Hit Pay 50 Arm, that got banned was my buddy in rl, he had gone inactive on the character and was making like 3000 pts a week without touching it.

he was also nightshade~ who has since been sold.
That roll back sucked. I was sitting at the bank cap + the interest earned for one day, so around $1.75b. They took my interest earned + around about another $50m. My bank has not been down at $1.64b for a long time so I am trying to figure out from which back up they did the roll back from. It is kinda messed up that they just hap haphazardly go about taking peoples money. Bastards
If anyone is selling awakes, I am in the market for a decent pile of them. Let me know
That roll back sucked. I was sitting at the bank cap + the interest earned for one day, so around $1.75b. They took my interest earned + around about another $50m. My bank has not been down at $1.64b for a long time so I am trying to figure out from which back up they did the roll back from. It is kinda messed up that they just hap haphazardly go about taking peoples money. Bastards

Email one of the GM's telling them how much money you were missing. They've been refunding accounts.
Email one of the GM's telling them how much money you were missing. They've been refunding accounts.

Thanks. I dropped a message to one of them last night (randomly selected from the Admin list) and will see how the refund process goes. My missing $130m would be nice.
Got the cash that they randomly took back ($50m) but no interest earned (about $67m). Guess that makes sense if they were trying to move the state of the game back one day. However, we get to keep points for that period. Take money, but not points and items, weird.
It would make a significant amount of sense if the admins actually communicated what was happening. But...that would be ridiculous wouldn't it.