Commandos Strike Force SUCKS


Oct 7, 2005
If you enjoyed the first 3 commandos, don't get near this total crap

It's too hard, very linear, first person, and console-corrupted garbage gameplay.
Hyperblau said:
but i suppose you would be complaining if it was too easy wouldnt you.

Actually it is. It's either too easy, or impossibly hard.

My reactions are "damn, that's too easy" or "where the hell did that come from?"
kohan69 said:
If you enjoyed the first 3 commandos, don't get near this total crap

It's too hard, very linear, first person, and console-corrupted garbage gameplay.

I thought the 3rd one was too much of a departure. Now they've slapped the name on a crappy FPS? Eff That.
Yeah, the third one was way too action-oriented for my liking.

I was really hoping this one would be a FPS interpretation of the first two... but it looks more like a MoH / CoD clone... :mad:
Wait!!! They made a Commandos game FPS? That's awesome. I've never liked the Commandos games because it was 3rd person. I'm gonna have to pick this game up now.
Moose777 said:
Wait!!! They made a Commandos game FPS? That's awesome. I've never liked the Commandos games because it was 3rd person. I'm gonna have to pick this game up now.

This whole thread was created to say how terrible the new "console corrupted piece of garbage" is and now you plan to go buy it?!??!
I tried the demo, it seems they removed every single good thing about the first games and left us with some boring fps. The levels were tiny, I even couldn’t move or search the bodies. It also looks like there is no coop which was the best feature of the first 2. I guess the full game is not an improvement then.