FO3 Armor thread :D


Dec 12, 2006
So far my absolute favourite is Ranger's Armor.

39 PR, +1 luck, +5 AP and +10 Small arms.

I have a set of fully restored power armor and only using the helmet :(

Powerarmor itself should've been made stronger. :mad:
Where did you get that Ranger's Armor?

My favorite is Tesla Armor, it looks so cool.
Agree. The Power Armor is pretty underpowered, and the fact that you can only get it right at the end is retarded. Just like Oblivion's quest armour. But at least there you could keep playing :rolleyes:
I skipped the Ranger Armor and chose Eugene (the minigun) instead. I had already found the prototype medic power armor, and it's a bit better. Plus it pumps you full of drugs when you're hurt and yells "LLLLET EM EAT LEAD!!!" whenever somebody is coming up on you.

That is one thing I that could have been improved for all items. In general they are a little boring.

Right now I'm using the ranger armor as well. haven't found that medic armor sounds good tho :)
I skipped the Ranger Armor and chose Eugene (the minigun) instead. I had already found the prototype medic power armor, and it's a bit better. Plus it pumps you full of drugs when you're hurt and yells "LLLLET EM EAT LEAD!!!" whenever somebody is coming up on you.


Where the heck was that? EDIT: Just looked it up, since I'm through the game already. Too bad I missed that.

I stayed with the armored vault suit forever. Then went to Riley's Rangers armor. Then Tesla. Seems to be a common enough path.
I don't use Big Guns so I went with the rangers armor. The only big guns I use are the Fat Man and Rocket launcher, and only when I am fighting something big like Deathclaws or Behemoths.
rangers armor..

i still haven't found a good helmet yet.. but i used hte vault armor until i got the ranger armor (and then i learned how to repair lol)
I was with the the armored vault suit for a long time before I went to the rangers
I don't use Big Guns so I went with the rangers armor. The only big guns I use are the Fat Man and Rocket launcher, and only when I am fighting something big like Deathclaws or Behemoths.

It's best to pick the Ranger's Armor as your reward because right afterwards you can pick-pocket the Eugene from that butch chick that's usually carrying it (I forget her name). That way you end up with both items.
The whole time I went through the game I never got a Fat Man. Found one mini-nuke but never the launcher. :(
The whole time I went through the game I never got a Fat Man. Found one mini-nuke but never the launcher. :(

Did you go through the main quest? You get to (have to) use a Fatman *SPOILER* during the GNR quest to kill a Behemoth. You pick it up from a fallen BOS soldier. *SPOILER*
Did you go through the main quest? You get to (have to) use a Fatman *SPOILER* during the GNR quest to kill a Behemoth. You pick it up from a fallen BOS soldier. *SPOILER*

I didn't. ;) I horded those things. Never shot one. Ended up with 20 or so by end game.
I didn't. ;) I horded those things. Never shot one. Ended up with 20 or so by end game.

Me too. I always freakin do that, I horde the best weapons and ammo in anticipation of some badass boss character that never materializes, and I end up never using them.
Me too. I always freakin do that, I horde the best weapons and ammo in anticipation of some badass boss character that never materializes, and I end up never using them.

I used the shit out of fatboy.. :)

Anytime there was more then 2 guys together, i'd shot inbetween them.
I will probably use it once I get harder enemies. I have a real nice plasma rifle from a certain character that you search for, and it takes them down pretty quick.
I'm sporting combat armor right now. I went through this order

Vault Security Armor + Helmet > Armored Vault Suit + Vault Security Helment > Leather Armor + Motorcycle Helment > Combat Armor + Helmet

I will probably use it once I get harder enemies. I have a real nice plasma rifle from a certain character that you search for, and it takes them down pretty quick.

The plasma rifle you're talking about... is all you ever really need. To end game.
I think the most powerful monsters I fought were the super mutant brutes. Never had to fight a behemoth and I finished the games main quest...
I think the most powerful monsters I fought were the super mutant brutes. Never had to fight a behemoth and I finished the games main quest...

You see, now that is one big steamy pile of bovine excrement. You have to fight a Behemoth during the main quest.
Agree. The Power Armor is pretty underpowered, and the fact that you can only get it right at the end is retarded. Just like Oblivion's quest armour. But at least there you could keep playing :rolleyes:

I was walking around at 4am, and saw three guys wearing Power Armor and I dragged some Robot Sentry to them and it murdered them. I picked up some Laser Weapons, and Power Armor off their dead bodies.

but than again, I can't even wear it yet.
I didn't fight the behemoth during the main quest, although I accidently ran into evergreen mills during the main quest and ran away from him, hoping I would get a quest for there later. if thats not the behemoth yall are talking about where do I get whatever quest I skipped?

I used ranger armor + reds bandana (+1 per) and tinted shades. (so pimp) used ol'painless as a weapon until plasma and abundant chinese assault rifles later on.

the shady hat you get from moira for the mirelurk quest is ill +1 per +5 sneak. although that hockey mask seems like the nicest.
You must've played a different game because there was one big fucking Behemoth at GNR during that quest and I'm pretty sure I had to fight that fucker, unless I was a pussy and ran away of course :rolleyes: I'm also pretty sure the BOS told "Someone pick up that Fat Man and kill it"... I wonder who it was directed at, yes the player :rolleyes:

But I guess some people just run away from fights :eek:
You must've played a different game because there was one big fucking Behemoth at GNR during that quest and I'm pretty sure I had to fight that fucker, unless I was a pussy and ran away of course :rolleyes: I'm also pretty sure the BOS told "Someone pick up that Fat Man and kill it"... I wonder who it was directed at, yes the player :rolleyes:

But I guess some people just run away from fights :eek:

You can skip that quest by going to Rivet City and talking to the scientists. . . Like say, you'd do for one of Moira's quests.
You must've played a different game because there was one big fucking Behemoth at GNR during that quest and I'm pretty sure I had to fight that fucker, unless I was a pussy and ran away of course :rolleyes: I'm also pretty sure the BOS told "Someone pick up that Fat Man and kill it"... I wonder who it was directed at, yes the player :rolleyes:

But I guess some people just run away from fights :eek:

I didn't see the corpse when they told me to get the fat man, so i spent a min or two looking for it, by the time i had found it the behemoth was dead. You did not HAVE to kill it yourself.
I was just wandering the wastes exploring different areas and stumbled upon the vault my dad was being held in so I accidentally skipped all of the GNR part of the story line so it is very possible to never get a fat man.

As for armor I used the combat suit until I learned to use power armor at the end. To me the Enclave power armor was > Tesla armor, but I didn't gear to wear it that long either way.
I was just wandering the wastes exploring different areas and stumbled upon the vault my dad was being held in so I accidentally skipped all of the GNR part of the story line so it is very possible to never get a fat man.

Wait...what!? Thats the part where you get the Fat Boy?! I'm already past that and I didnt get one! I killed that thing with the mini-gun I had, then looted all the bodies in that area and never saw the Fat Boy. Now I feel cheated! :(

I gotta find out where to get that Ranger Armor though, I'm still running around in Combat Armor. :confused:
Wait...what!? Thats the part where you get the Fat Boy?! I'm already past that and I didnt get one! I killed that thing with the mini-gun I had, then looted all the bodies in that area and never saw the Fat Boy. Now I feel cheated! :(

I gotta find out where to get that Ranger Armor though, I'm still running around in Combat Armor. :confused:

Check the brotherhood body slumped over the edge of the fountain outside of gnr.
I'm sporting around Recon Armor (+5 Sneak) and a stupid hat which gives +5 Sneak and +1 Perception. I would figure the Recon head gear would give +5 Sneak, but it doesn't. I got some Powered Armor back when I was around Level 8 or 9, but haven't trained yet so they are still taking up sapce in my locker. Currently I am Level 17.

Most powerful monster I took on by myself is a Deathclaw using a combination of Hunter's Rifle / Combat Shotgun, or Hunter's Rifle / Chinese Assault Rifle. Still haven't worked up the courage to take on a Behemoth on my own with simple conventional weapons.
I guess I know the first thing I'm doing when I get home from work. Gotta hit the GNR studio then find the underworld and get the Ranger Armor. I guess I havent done enough exploring.
lol my final level was 9. Thats right, I made it through the entire game without going past level 10
The game's set-up like Oblivion where monsters level up like you least from what I can tell.
I know that I'm @ level 20 and I get different bonuses that make certain things stronger, but things like mirelurks still take just as many shots as they did at level 3 when I'm using a weapon I haven't put many points into.
I'd guess that if you skipped straight to going to the main plot areas you could likely win the game at level 6 or 7 if you avoided combat.
You never have to kill a Behemoth. GNR can be completely skipped, and the other one is completely secluded from any plotlines.