What will replace WoW?


some of you are sick :p

(Glad I don't like these types of games) :)
It honestly depends on what type of game the current wow players are looking for. If its more raiding and things of that nature, not sure if there is really anything on the horizon that can compete with wow. But if its more pvp, and guild based combat, then Warhammer and Age Of Conan will put a good dent in the wow population.

As for what will kill wow? The only thing that can kill wow, is blizzard, and by that I mean, doing the things that forced alot of people to leave pre-xpack, which is lack of updates, bug fixes, balance changes, and the overall lack of things to do non-grind related.

The mythic guys actually know what they are doing when it comes to PvP.
Funny to see this.

I canceled my account a few days before The Burning Crusade came out. I was averaging anywhere from 10-13 hours a day (Not every single day, but when there was nothing other than WoW, I was spending this much time). I achieved Rank 14 on my paladin and became, what was, the only Grand Marshal Paladin on the realm. Now obviously it has none. :) Being in a raiding guild which was progressing in Naxxramas, farming was something I was doing constantly.

I was attending college during all of this and unfortunately WoW got the better of my life. Thankfully I came out good and am happy in what I am doing at the moment. (This sounds traumatizing but I don't really mean it to sound terrible. ;))

So what will replace WoW? Hopefully nothing. Hopefully it will die out and people will go back to "casual gaming". I learned a lot about life from that game, both in a sense of interacting with multiple people, and how it just eats alive of who you really are.

Although, I think a MySpace MMO could overthrow WoW.
STEP 1: Delete all your toons
STEP 2: Buy an XBOX 360
STEP 3: Buy. Gears of War, RainbowSix Vegas, Crackdown, etc.

It's that easy. I played 6-7 hours a day on weekdays and 12+ on weekends. I tried everything else and that worked for me so.

The Xbox 360 allows you to quit whenever, the problem with WoW is waiting for people to get to the instance, breaks, afks, etc. You dont have to wait for that on live. Plus you can play with college buddies at the same time.

This is probably the best way to quit the WoW or any addiction for that matter...you can see most people, including yourself, realize that friends and family can fill the void. The problem is the psychological addiction where everything else just seems to bore you and you can't wait to get back into the 'other world.'

What helps me is to, anytime I get the urge of addiction, is to realize the pettiness of MMORPG. If you actually think about it, and focus on the fact that none of that shit is real. Those golden boots you camped a weekend for, the quest you spent weeks on...it's all temporary. Completely not real. (Think about if you knew you were going to die in a few hours...would you jump on WoW? I suspect not)

Xbox Live on the otherhand, works on a different social aspect. Like others have mentioned there is a more spontaneous element to it, more like real life. You can play with real life friends who are more active and outgoing. After awhile, you might be inclined to say, "Hey after playing some GoW you want to go down to "insert favorite bar name" or head downtown later.

the outline is this.
1. Get xbox 360/xbox live
2. Find some real life friends, have them come over to play. This builds social connection.
3. Your addiction is more of a hobby. You play because you want to, not because you have to.
Some people take their so called "addictions" too seriously. If you have a lot of spare time, do whatever is fun to you. If your cutting classes to play, then yeah, you might have a problem. But if you are doing fine in class & / or holding a steady job, & still play WoW in your down time, then I dont see a problem with that. Just remember though, monitor tan's arn't sexy!
MMOs can eb very unhealthy, when WoW first came out I was playing like 10 horus a day, sometimes more. My work suffered severaly until 6mo after launch I decided I ahd to quit.

I strongly would encourage you to do something else with your time.
As another psoter stated, the waiting for people to show up and admin details is what kills you timewise, even if youa reonly raiding for 3-4 hours straight it takes that long to get it all together.

Mind you, I was an extreme case, being head of a large 180 man raiding guild, it ate so much of my time dealing with stupid issues. I finally got sick fo grinding the same mobs and dungeons over and over, 90% of the time in "support of my gmates" so they could be able to raid.

Damn, I killed that stupid Worm thing in the PLaguelands (the big one) like 180 times. It got to the point I figured out how to solo it (mage) just to make it all go faster, so my gmates could get their dumb quest in.

Go outside

Pickup mountain biking, it gets you out of doors alot.

Meet people in your neighborhood, do stuff other than play video games.
Read topic, I quit WoW due to my not being able to quit at certain times and have it kill my college work, anyone know anything that's going to replace it

if not, the addiction is getting back to me...

Ultima Online : Kingdom reborn will come out, and it will be amazing, and everyone will be a noob there having to deal with people who have 110 month old accounts laughing at them :)

Heh. One can only hope
Nothing needed to replace wow for me. I just quit. I just got so damn bored with the game.

The next big MMO for me will be Warhammer.
i got bored as well, game isn't fun anymore. between all the farming and grinding it feels more like work now. also taking a break until Warhammer Online, unless Age of Conan delivers on the combat system and the pvp is as good.
I personally hate WoW. Its ok to play games, its not ok to be addicted to games.... When someone chooses to play WoW all day long, all night long, sleep, wake up and game all day again, over and over, there is a problem here.

Its as if these people forget about the world their living in and the only thing that matters to them is WoW... its really sad to be honest.

I have friends that are 23+ years in age, who don't work, don't have any plans on working, don't want to improve their living style, have their parents still pay for everything (car, rent, bills, food, healthcare, etc..) and have forgotten about the outside world.

The times my friends do take a so called breather from the game and do have me over to hang out, they look like cave men.... Long hair, not shaved, no tan, and this so called "break time" is them still with WoW on the screen, they just arn't playing actively.

I had one friend come over not to long ago who brought over his friends who were visiting from Mississippi... these guys said they basically just play WoW all the time, and its their life... they had realized how much time they were wasting and said they were taking a vacation from WoW and came to Texas to visit and get away from WoW. Its nice to see people grow bored of WoW and start to venture out and do other things....
Nothing will truly replace it. wow fills that certain void in your life. I pray that world of starcraft never arrives.

WoW is popular due to EASY gameplay, period. It doesn't have super fantasic content, and the graphics are certainly "last-gen" The problem is.. this game is the first MMO a lot of people have played.. and it is like that for your first time with any MMO. Play a few more titles, and eventually you will see how much WoW lacks.

Hes right nothing can replace the void, its way too epic of a game.

Blizzard loves people like you. Epic game huh? Okay :rolleyes:

I was in college at the time, and ended up taking a quarter off to just play. 16 hours a day times 7 days a week equals 112 hours a week. So considering I pulled numerous 20+ hour marathons, I'm sure I topped 130 hours in a week at some point. In the time where I was still enrolled in class, I went to maybe 25% of the classes and studied during "meditate" time.

Not sure what you found to do in this game for 16+ hours a day, but glad you see the light. Honestly, looking back on it now.. do you ever think "What the hell was I doing?"

These games are for sheep that will let a co crap all over them and say way to go BUZZARD and thanks for helping me to start a new chr.....YOU ARE GOD no they know a stupid sheep idiot and will do anything to keep you paying...they are NOT GOD To answer your question....Friends, Family and Fun....sitting and playing one of these quickly becomes work

WTF are you saying? :confused:

W.A.R. will take the non-casuals away in droves imo.

Well, hate to break it to you here, but.. Warhammer is WoW in a new wrapper. (Darker setting) and RvR (Realm vs Realm combat)
Don't forget that EA bought Mythic *shudders* :rolleyes:
i'm going through another round of my taking a break from wow currently. i think this is the 3rd or 4th one. i still have the subscription just eh... not playing...
This game was an huge time-sink and I'm a little depressed at the amount of time I actually spent playing it. That said, it was a love/hate relationship and it wouldn't take much to get me playing again. I don't think anything can ever truly replace WoW, and for the love of God I prey that nothing will.
This game was an huge time-sink and I'm a little depressed at the amount of time I actually spent playing it. That said, it was a love/hate relationship and it wouldn't take much to get me playing again. I don't think anything can ever truly replace WoW, and for the love of God I prey that nothing will.
yea you got a point there. I never got as bad as one of the previous poster's friends did (and i certainly dont live with my parents and not work), but there were definitely some nights when i chose not to go out and be with real people so i could "raid". luckily blizzard screwed up the expansion so it wasn't that hard to quit. At 60 you could play 2-3 nights a week for a couple of hours with your guild and still get cool stuff, and then go pvp for a couple hours on the weekends. now, its ridiculous, between getting a 6000g mount and grinding rep, and running heroics and getting attuned to shit, and gulping hundreds of pots, you can really forget that you have a life. I'm really glad that blizz did this because i'm no sucker and it basically gave me a reason to quit.
my real life with the exception of my girl essentially blows, and this is coming from someone who is beyond the emo teen years... so i'll stick to an mmo for my social time

i played wow, made it to 60 and quit without raiding

went back to eq1 and eq2, adore them dearly and play them daily

also have and play vanguard but it needs to have more time to blossom.

i wouldn't go back to wow....ever
yea you got a point there. I never got as bad as one of the previous poster's friends did (and i certainly dont live with my parents and not work), but there were definitely some nights when i chose not to go out and be with real people so i could "raid". luckily blizzard screwed up the expansion so it wasn't that hard to quit. At 60 you could play 2-3 nights a week for a couple of hours with your guild and still get cool stuff, and then go pvp for a couple hours on the weekends. now, its ridiculous, between getting a 6000g mount and grinding rep, and running heroics and getting attuned to shit, and gulping hundreds of pots, you can really forget that you have a life. I'm really glad that blizz did this because i'm no sucker and it basically gave me a reason to quit.

Woah, I quit a little before the expansion came out but if they added even more money and potion grinding than I am frigging glad that I quit. If it wasn't for those specific activities I think I'd probably still be playing. As a raiding priest, grinding ANYTHING was an absolute nightmare. It was made doubly frustrating by the fact that rogues, hunters, warriors, mages, and locks could grind out tons of cash in a fraction of the time.
He meant the "real life" account. I hear it's much pricier than WoW, you have to buy all kinds of meals and drinks and things like more gas, etc.

(sticks with WoW :p :eek: )

I had recently drudged back up my social life after a binge of WOW for a few months. RealLife accounts are much more expensive...:eek:
I had recently drudged back up my social life after a binge of WOW for a few months. RealLife accounts are much more expensive...:eek:

*shudder* Yeah... I moved to a Vanguard account to wait for Age of Conan :). As far as Warhammer, it's made by Mythic who has made their game, Dark Age of Camelot, about as easy as WoW now and dumbed it down nearly as much lately. So, I'm not looking forward to that at all, especially with them being owned by EA now as well. I played DAOC for 5+ years, and it was good while it lasted, but there's no reason I would hope for anything good from them at this point. Age of Conan does look interesting, though... WoW turned out to be too easy, Vanguard probably won't have any real RvR/PvP from the sounds of it, so AoC looks like the "long-run" game for me hopefully :D!
Woah, I quit a little before the expansion came out but if they added even more money and potion grinding than I am frigging glad that I quit. If it wasn't for those specific activities I think I'd probably still be playing. As a raiding priest, grinding ANYTHING was an absolute nightmare. It was made doubly frustrating by the fact that rogues, hunters, warriors, mages, and locks could grind out tons of cash in a fraction of the time.

I got my priest to 70 about two weeks after the expansion came out, and once the dust settled and everyone started raiding again, my priest has been sitting on the shelf. One of the biggest problems with WoW is that people who are specced for healing and tanking are at a distinct disadvantage when comes to farming. A warlock may kill three or four times as fast as a holy priest and not die as often while doing it.

When I got my first flying mount, I made the money in two days as shadow spec, but I've yet to have more than 200g on my priest at any time since I went back holy. My warlock is a whopping level 44 but has 75g on him. Blizzard needs to do something to lessen consumable/farming requirements or healers and tanks will quit en masse.