POST your Xbox360 Red LIghts of Death story

That's gotta be someone's return fraud, no way your luck is that shitty lol

I agree with Baker, when the hell is it "not bad" to have a console die after a year of use. My PS2 was still running strong when it got replaced by the PS3, same situation with my PS1. Shame on MS for making people think hardware should have a short lifespan just because they fucked up. You guys have all been brainwashed! That being said, I just bought a 360 for Mass Effect but I will be very angry when it bricks.
Number 1: It died.
Number 2: It died
Number 3: It died
Number 4 = Brand new... not died. But is having disc read errors occasionally though.
Number 1: It died.
Number 2: It died
Number 3: It died
Number 4 = Brand new... not died. But is having disc read errors occasionally though.

You get anything packaged with #4? They throw in a game or something, at hat or something?
lol no. I actually just went and bought a brand new one (even going through the boxes until I found one that wasn't 5 months old) because I was bored of sitting without an XBox for 5 weeks at time whilst they sent me a repaired one (How hard can it be... really) So basically bought the new one and then sold the warranty replacement when it finally turned up, only lost £30 as it goes.

Got to love the service though, We don't even get the shipping box in the UK. You have to go and find a UPS drop off centre to even get the free shipping.
What about keeping the box and everything that the xbox 360 comes with and returning it to walmart, even if it is after a year. I know it is return fraud, but all these consoles are getting back to Microsoft anyways. Usually the retailer gets refunded.

I am just saying it would decrease the turn around time and you wouldnt have to deal with the bullshit of refrubished systems breaking anyways.
well my story was completely over with a happy ending :D

Send in my old console Tuesday November 20, they got it on 21st, shipped it 22nd, recieved 23rd. Got a new powerbrick (purchased broken console without one. ) on the 24th, got VGA cables last night, and played GH3 until 1am... heheh :D

Old Console was manufactured February 13th 2006 so almost a launch unit, new one is Oct 19 2006, one day newer than my friends (which hasnt red ringed since he got it in june of this year... :p so im hopeful...

Grand Total to break into the next gen console world? 120 Canadian, 5 bucks more than a new PS2 basically :D
It started the day after Halo 3 came out.

After playing all night we try to play the next day and...bam RROD. We send it in get it back 4 weeks later, and get 20 minutes of skate. in before...more RROD.

I just got gamefly and assassin's creed is inc. =/ so lame. Although on the semi-brightside I heard if you have to send it back a second time, you can ask for a game and they will oblige.
Launch unit fared beautifully until October of this year. Sent it in, got a replacement unit in a timely fashion, it RROD'd 4 days later. Sent it in, got to MS in 3 days, that very same day they shipped out a new one. I got it today, and manufacture date is this month.

Let's see how it goes...